The Rambling Gypsy
Welcome to The Rambling Gypsy Podcast, where Tiffany Foy and friends invite you to join them on their porch for a candid conversation about the quirks and adventures that make up their lives. From Tiffany's eclectic collection of animals to the chaos and joys of raising boys, there's nothing held back as they share their unfiltered perspectives.
With a refreshing honesty and a refusal to sugarcoat anything, this podcast delves into the various oddities and peculiarities that come in life's way. From hilarious anecdotes to thought-provoking discussions, they explore the everyday moments that shape their experiences.
Fortunate to be porching it, Tiffany and friends create an inviting atmosphere where authenticity thrives. They unapologetically embrace their unique journey, inviting listeners to do the same. This podcast is not for everyone, but it is for some; those who appreciate unfiltered, real-life conversations that don't shy away from the messy and imperfect aspects of living.
Join us as we gather around the virtual porch and immerse ourselves in the stories, insights, and laughter that The Rambling Gypsy Podcast brings. Whether you're a fellow animal lover or a parent navigating the rollercoaster of boyhood, this podcast will entertain, inspire, and remind you that it's okay to embrace life's imperfections.
So grab a seat, put on your headphones, and get ready for a delightful journey of laughter, reflection, and unscripted joy. Welcome to The Rambling Gypsy Podcast, where we invite you to be part of our vibrant and unfiltered world.
The Rambling Gypsy
From Munchies to Mindfulness: Summer Shandy is Back
Summer Shandy is back in the She-Shed to talk with Tiff about the many ups and downs of life, and the importance of mental health. 🫶 Get ready to go deep on the value of purging clutter, therapy's role in well-being, and the different ways individuals cope with stress.
• Discussing the overwhelming nature of clutter and mental states
• Sharing personal stories about organizing and purging items
• Exploring the importance of therapy and medications for mental health
• Highlighting the connection between substance use and coping mechanisms
• Light-hearted anecdotes about everyday struggles with food and organization
• Emphasizing the value of humor and community in navigating life’s challenges
Find Scotty: https://www.scottygalaxy.com/
Music: “Blessed” by NAEMS
Merch (coming soon): https://www.ramblinggypsy.boutique
Talk With Tiff here: https://www.tiffanyfoy.com/talk-with-tiff
Find Tiff:
Website: https://tiffanyfoy.com
Instagram: / gypsymammatiff
Facebook: / gypsymammatiff
TikTok: / gypsymammatiff
Production: SIREN Studio
The Rambling Gypsy podcast is a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of real Texans doing real sh*t. We're pulling back the curtains on our daily lives - and you're invited to laugh and learn along with us.
I put a blessing on it Too real, that's not metaphoric. We just put the I in iconic Buzzing like I'm electronic. Ah yeah, I put a blessing on it. See me dripping in it 24-7 on it. I'm just being honest. Ah, Holy water dripping, dripping from my neck to my crap song too, stepping on it like and action, we are rolling. All right, this is how organized we are.
Speaker 2:Do you want to dance?
Speaker 1:Go Word of the day. We'll make it up, we'll figure it out.
Speaker 2:I got it, but when I do? We got to write it on there because we have to take a picture of it.
Speaker 1:You're going to give us our like formal invitation, like, hey, welcome blah blah.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, welcome to the Rainbow Gypsy Podcast. My name is Tiffany Foy and today has been a fluctuation. I have Summer Shandy.
Speaker 1:You guys met him, scotty.
Speaker 2:Galaxy. Hello the guy, welcome the man with many names, right, right, many names, many names, many um.
Speaker 1:A couple of hats.
Speaker 2:A couple, maybe one, two, a few jobs, you know.
Speaker 1:Maybe you know a record or two, a musical record.
Speaker 2:Let's talk about your draws. Right, you've got the man with many draws. I can't, yeah, yeah. Well, I do have to tell you I was I'm purging this past week doing a little organization Purging. Yeah, you know what you call it like throwing shit away all right oh, I thought you were saying like Persian.
Speaker 1:Like a cat, no, like a person.
Speaker 2:I was throwing shit away was what I was trying to say and I got me these little drawer organizers Say that five times Drawer organizers and I was organizing my chonies and I did not realize how many pair of freaking Scotty Galaxy draws I've got in my drawers.
Speaker 1:Well, you know there's been a couple of iterations throughout the years, but you know, as I said last week, it is an honor you know, to occupy such space that my bum says Scotty Galaxy, In terms of per capita, you know the varieties of panties or Jonas Jonas. Yeah, I have to say that you know, I know I feel good about that. Folks, we have a lot of those for sale, so hit me up anytime.
Speaker 2:Link on the bottom of our podcast which, um, if you didn't, no but yeah, that's, that's fucking awesome.
Speaker 2:Yeah, um, yeah, um, so yeah it's amazing how you, when you organize things because I just made a comment to nick the other day and I was like you know what I it's that time I don't know if it's kind of like um, and I did tell her, if I ever buy another pair of socks, you have permission to either choke me, hang me, shoot me or whatever it is, because, yeah, it was just kind of it was time it was time to get my shit together, and so I was thinking I needed to.
Speaker 2:I need some new chies, you know. I mean everybody likes a new fresh pair. Yeah, see what, see what's on the market today, or whatever right.
Speaker 1:You know what a new springboard if? You will for real new adventure.
Speaker 2:Well, I have a lot. All you need to do is clean out your drawers and you won't be surprised. Well, you can find. But yeah, I actually have four pair.
Speaker 1:How.
Speaker 2:Of the galaxy drawers, holy cow man, we may have four pair of the Galaxy Draws Holy cow man.
Speaker 1:We may have made 20 of those in total. 20 of them may be sold. I feel like I should get a star art. What is that when you're the number one fan club and it?
Speaker 2:says, hey, you're doing good. Well, you've always been that.
Speaker 1:Even yeah, whenever I first started whatevershirt she said she was my number one fan.
Speaker 2:She said that's what she said. She said to me what she said to me was.
Speaker 1:I will always be your number one fan and uh, yeah so I appreciate that, thank you cheers, yeah, cheers stretch and hydrate with our straight vodka, straight vodka. Yeah, these jokes don't come for free people. No, you know, they got to get summoned from somewhere.
Speaker 2:So what have you been doing? This week let's talk about our transition and what we got going on. You want to.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, life has been pretty good, really good actually, yeah. And I've jumped on to help you guys out here at the rambling the rambling, rambling gypsy podcast.
Speaker 2:That's a hard G on there folks, you got to get it right yeah naturally yeah, just cuz it just comes back and you know they don't even teach kids cursive these days. They don't even teach them how to write. They won't know about the sass of writing.
Speaker 1:They don't write. There could be some fucking emotion and some shit in writing.
Speaker 2:It would be nice. Like you know Some twirls on the end. What's up little what's up?
Speaker 1:Doesn't have the same as like hello no. Like old JavaScript and shit or whatever. Seriously, I don't know, that doesn't make sense.
Speaker 2:When I signed my name and I have no idea where this even came from, but I put a dot at the end.
Speaker 1:Dot.
Speaker 2:A period.
Speaker 1:At the end of what?
Speaker 2:My signature.
Speaker 1:Huh.
Speaker 2:I do not know why I don't, and you know, I mean I have a lot of baggage, I have a lot of husbands and I mean not at the same time, stop Don't be fucking racist and judgmental or whatever.
Speaker 1:But yeah, it's like a verb, like Tiffany for, and they usually end it and I just stop it right there with a yeah, nice.
Speaker 2:So when the kids forged my signature, they all know that everybody's gonna call if that little period is not on the end, because they know it's just not real right, right and like now you know you did not sign that. That's actually pretty brilliant I think so.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know just the subtleties. You know especially like when it comes to like the kids and whatnot. You know where you're like hold up teacher.
Speaker 2:yeah, you're like. Well you, you fucking said that you forgot the period we could do all this. Your kid was like not responsible. Let me see the signature.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's missing the period.
Speaker 2:It's missing the period. Garrison, come here, busted.
Speaker 1:Yeah, probably, I don't know. Yeah, that's. I think that that's a really freaking brilliant idea.
Speaker 2:Do you ever forge your parents signature?
Speaker 1:Yeah, if you didn't?
Speaker 2:you're lying and you can't lie on the podcast.
Speaker 1:On the podcast, oh man.
Speaker 2:And the word of the day is podcast.
Speaker 1:I'd be in a world of shit. You know what I mean. But yeah, maybe, perhaps A time or two. Only because I was just trying to practice my script.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know, uh-huh, the Java, the J-man ship, the Java script, fucking what.
Speaker 1:Just trying to practice the swoops and I was like hey mom, does this kind of look like the swirls and the swoops? Ms Lanius wants to know if this kind of does look like that just gonna go to yeah, yeah, but um, you know um, I don't know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I feel like you, probably probably forged one or two.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, absolutely three, maybe four. I don't want to say that I'm a habitual forger but I can't even remember the amount of times I have forged.
Speaker 2:Yeah, if that makes sense well, and anyways, what we're going to start talking about right now listen so, yeah, government documents, we're good, get away from me, yeah um.
Speaker 1:What is the government?
Speaker 2:yeah, no, we're not, man, we're not going there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm not going to talk about that, right, uh, so at any rate, um, yeah, what we were talking about. Yeah, so what I'm doing these days since I came in, you know you asked if I could come help and do a little production with the podcast, so I'm throwing my hand in there a little bit and just helping you to let the team, let the pieces of the team do what they're, what they're what they're strongest at.
Speaker 2:Well, it's really it's.
Speaker 1:I appreciate that you don't have to say that, but I appreciate it. But yes, but thank you for saying it my therapist would be proud of me accepting that right now. So, dominique, if you're watching, you fucking see that shit.
Speaker 2:It's very true, literally, it's so good, it's so good. But you have been listening and I've said that for a long time that I mean we've talked about this even a year ago, when, when this was coming kind of to fruition or whatever, and it's good to know that you're in therapy. I mean, I've been in therapy since I came out of the vagina, right?
Speaker 2:yeah, the real thing. Some, some it works. Some of you have to have two or three, some you have four. I mean, I got a, you know I think two, three, four like them.
Speaker 1:Signatures they're good. I just feel like I can't ever learn enough. How many times have you disassociated? That depends on the amount of therapist you have like. I got like four or five personalities a few times yeah, and but, dominique, that one was for you you're a good one, dom, you're good um, but no, yeah, uh, I think that I think that therapy is good. I like being on the team and you know, I don't know it's fun to hang out with homies and do fun, creative shit.
Speaker 2:Your spirit and your aura and your personality is so good. Yeah, it's so good.
Speaker 1:That's why you want to buy a pair of the Scotty.
Speaker 2:Galaxy undies. We also have t-shirts.
Speaker 1:That aura was at one point transferred from me and my lady galaxy onto the fabrics.
Speaker 2:Why have I never called her lady?
Speaker 1:galaxy, it is beyond me.
Speaker 2:Me too, lens, and her name is already L right, it's the perfect lg holy pickles um anyways uh yeah, you know honestly that's perfect, I didn't I had never called her that until right then.
Speaker 1:But um knowing name change in the phone, knowing your fondness of, of names and everything has a name yes, um, but yeah, um, yeah, I'm excited to see you know where all this goes and all that stuff and it's you know it's been been fun getting into a rhythm and all that shit yeah, and your skills are fabulous, yeah and she lets me smoke weed.
Speaker 2:So yeah, I'm good, but it keeps everything, so there's ever a job opening all you weed smokers out there.
Speaker 1:keep that in mind, you don't got to stress like fuck man.
Speaker 2:I can't apply anywhere. No, you can apply for Tiffany. It's so good, it's so fun, and no, I'm all about it. We have multiple businesses or whatever Right, and there's. You know, maybe you have a vice, maybe you don't.
Speaker 1:And if you don't, you're lying. Miami also had one. It's in the closet get it out tell everybody you got one everybody's gonna say it one time Miami Vice was like the hottest fucking show. I mean, there were some hot fucking people on that hot show, right? I mean, come on, can we talk about the engine and the boat? Are you kidding me?
Speaker 2:yeah, linen drawers, it's so good.
Speaker 1:I was going to say I know what I'm going for Halloween, but I know what I'm going for tomorrow, as Okay, yeah, all right.
Speaker 2:All right, this is going to be good, no.
Speaker 1:I mean, you know it would take some preparation, but I wish.
Speaker 2:I'm good at those kind of things.
Speaker 1:I don't even know what I'm talking about you.
Speaker 2:Got some Don.
Speaker 1:Johnson gear Fuck yeah.
Speaker 2:Nice v-neck.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it was either like gray or brown.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that's a pretty easy one to rock. Yeah, maybe a nice little anklet, right, just a little, just a little, a little wine juice hanging out, or whatever those White wine spritzer.
Speaker 1:Just a little fucking ching ching with a little umbrella. Yeah, you know, sometimes you gotta get the umbrella drink, they do you know for sure? I don't know.
Speaker 2:At least I tried to that's where I was going with this on the whole weed thing and the whole up for hire or weed hire or whatever. There's a lot of friends um acquaintances or however you say that word right and whatever and um that it is. I take my. I have medication that I have to take from my therapist that and my kids call it the snap your neck pills and you, you can call it whatever you want but again I have been um ridiculed for taking meds because right, that's a, that is what it is.
Speaker 2:If it works for you, great yeah you shouldn't. And I literally had a mental breakdown one time just talking to my doctor, because at this particular time, a significant other was like you know, you need to take your meds and so I'm thinking, okay, do I? Or? And then it was like you're the reason the you're the way that you are, because you're on these meds and you don't need these medications. So it's like a this and it gets.
Speaker 2:They get in, it gets in your head and it fucks you up. And so I went into my doctor and I was like so this is what yeah, you know this is what happened. And he said well, you first thing you need to do is go home and say you do not have the right to tell me when I need to take my medication, or if I need to take my medication, or you're not supposed to be on your medication, or whatever.
Speaker 2:And so a a situation came about and that was my first reply was you don't get to say that I'm sorry, but you're not the one with the, the deal on the wall or whatever, and this took a long time. I went through many therapists and, um, we did a whole study and and it was, and it took years to figure out my chemical imbalance or whatever the case may be, and it fucking works, works. It is what it is. I don't need to tell anyone, or I can't tell anyone.
Speaker 1:And so that would be sad. That's your own prerogative.
Speaker 2:Yeah, for sure, we have friends that have weed works for them? They're not, and I am 100, all about it. And if that is what keeps you normal, or whatever, what is normal that's it, is there such thing as?
Speaker 1:normal. There there is it and there really isn't.
Speaker 2:Yeah but your norm right there's functioning alcoholics, there's functioning potheads, there's functioning all the things, or there's people that don't function right on any of it right, yeah, for sure, that being said, which was where I was going with this is. I have several people in my very tight circle that are that the weed is definitely what keeps them.
Speaker 1:Became their sanity kind of equalizer.
Speaker 2:So we call that a safety meeting.
Speaker 1:Right, yeah, oh yeah, no, that's where I'm going. Yeah for sure, so yeah yeah, for sure.
Speaker 2:So yeah and so, um, when, my when I would be losing my shit right at the resort or wherever it is, and I'm about to choke an innocent, not damn sure when an innocent bystander.
Speaker 2:I ain't just gonna walk up and just choke them over I mean no, but it would definitely be like the whole it was my light switch to to change my, my attitude and and there's been times where I would look at the kids or the staff or the whoever it is and go. You know what you need to? Go, take a safety meeting right and they'd walk down the street, walk to wherever, come back 10 minutes later and it's like this is what I'll say is, as a coach, it's good to know your players be like.
Speaker 2:No, seriously, we need a three point right now you go smoke some weed you need to take a lap, which is my other thing, I know when I need to take a lap and think about my choices or put myself in time out.
Speaker 1:Right, the thing with pretty much you know. I guess, really, I guess the main thing I will say from what you were saying is that people really need to you know, know, know that for their own health it's also better that they mind their own business but, the honest to goodness fact of anything is is you can only control you as an individual and something that works for somebody may not work for somebody else, exactly right and until you have an experience within those same parameters, then you know your judgment of that positive or negative, right is really just, you know empty and you know or negative is really just you know empty and you know invalid, right there off the bat.
Speaker 1:The same goes for people judging people for smoking weed, right, you know. I think that people do different things for different reasons. I like smoking, the act of smoking. One of my favorite people she's passed away now, but was my uh nanny she smoked cigarettes and like the smell of a freshly lit cigarette was just this, like badass fucking sensory memory, right, um, that would take me back and so, um, side note too, I didn't realize it or understand it then, but when I did start smoking at like 17 or 18, it was kind of the beginning of really where you know for sure, as the layers of life are the stacking of depression, I started turning to different substances and stuff like that, right, and things started compounding. Yeah, you know for sure.
Speaker 1:But as I've now tried to remove these layers off of this lens to, you know, I guess undistort my view, right, so to speak. One of the final things that I really kept around is weed, yeah, and I don't know. You know, I think that one day I mean, I'm a lover of weed, but maybe one day it might be something to that I have to let go out is to realize that everything you know, other than the essentials like being hydrated and and stretching and nourishing, and you know, yeah, and doing, you know, aerobic activity and things like that, aside from that you know you don't need, we don't need other things to keep us going right, and by doing that we're at that point then just adding a layer that wouldn't either compound, and then it becomes like this hose thing to work.
Speaker 1:I got, I got the leak yeah here and then the leak comes over there and then pop, pop, pop yeah. I don't know, you know it, life I is is unavoidably like that, though, and you can't, you can't stop all of the leaks, but you know, I've thought that you know, maybe one day, even before I take my ayahuasca trip, before I meet the elders up there, and they say like quit all the drugs, bro, why'd you even take this?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm like I know that, you know, um, that's, you know, the key to me like being 100%, like happy, right, you know, solid mentally and and imbalance and whatnot. For me, it's hard to understand the difference between but I may not and I'm I'm I'm expecting of that. I love the, the cat that I am right now. I do too, even though I'm a dog person.
Speaker 2:I do too Well same.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's hard for me to understand the difference between prescription and non-prescription. In that aspect, I get the it's really just a judgment. A judgment because there's the category and the crack and the this, you know all that nonsense, but for me, and and everybody's entitled to their own opinion weed is not and should not ever be in that category.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:I don't, I don't understand that.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:I can tell you at the resort and you've been there a million times over and I have watched and witnessed and seen I could write a book. And just when you think you have figured it out, the next weekend rolls around and you're thinking Holy shit I never saw that one coming. And my God every single weekend is a new clusterfuck right no but never one time.
Speaker 2:In in my family owns the largest place on river road. They've had it for 51 years. Um has a scuffle, a whatever you want to call these things. That happened there was caused by weed.
Speaker 1:Right Now, I know right, you know who the happiest fucking people are at the river. Right.
Speaker 2:Are the ones that are sitting in there and they're like hey, Gypsy, you mind if I?
Speaker 1:I'm like light that shit up and blow it in site number seven Go blow that in that one's face because he's about to some fucking barbecues like he's being an absolute dick.
Speaker 2:In fact, I can figure, he's the first one I'm gonna throw out all right, walking over there, no doubt yeah and just calm his ass down. Right freaking work right never once yeah has there ever been an altercation of any kind caused by the marriage? You want us? No.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Alcohol, stupidity, the good Lord.
Speaker 1:It's, yeah, more times than you can count. Right, you're right. I don't even know. Has the universe even have a fucking final count on that For sure, and it's an infinite number. Nonsense For sure. Yeah.
Speaker 2:But I mean, if you think about it, there's never, ever been an altercation of any sort, or an argument, or a dispute, or a sass, or whatever it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That was caused by? Did you smoke that whole joint? Right Did you take two gummies instead of three. Right Did you, you ate the whole fucking pan of brownies. You dumbass right.
Speaker 1:Never once has that ever happened. Right, well, I love, you know, I love what's going on now?
Speaker 2:right, you're so sweet and so happy man I got about. You're like little care bears bouncing around on your cloud. We get like that 45 minute warning.
Speaker 1:We're like fuck dude, I've got 45 minutes to be awake. I gotta get out of stop somewhere and get some munchies and get home and eat on the way so I can fucking be asleep by 45 minutes.
Speaker 2:I've got to grab a snack before the snack runs out of that snack before I get to dinner Right?
Speaker 1:yeah, it's like that Russian doll thing. I wonder why that is Pop, pop, pop, pop pop.
Speaker 2:Why does weed make you hungry? You?
Speaker 1:know, perhaps a better make some people hungry and some people not. That I don't really know. Um, you know, I I consider myself a smart person, but I've never delved into you know what.
Speaker 2:Uh what the intricacies were of like why does weed do this?
Speaker 1:Sometimes I'm like shit dude. You know it's like the Bible.
Speaker 2:I'm like, oh, whatever, dude, the family size Doritos, yeah, it's just there. What is? The God of weed you know, get you high. I don't know, he just does? He fucking pops up, he's like here you go, here's a little stone for you.
Speaker 1:You look so happy.
Speaker 2:I just want to know why does it make you hungry? Look man um somebody's got to know. Come on, all your musicians jump in here, get in.
Speaker 1:I don't know, like I'll say this too that like right, um. So I'm high right now. I'm talking, I'm laughing, perhaps I'm exuding a lot of energy and maybe the feeling of hungriness is just my body knowing that I burnt off this energy right now, cracking these motherfuckers up, and then it's like you need to eat because you worked your ass off. You can't smoke weed and laugh at the same time and then not be hungry.
Speaker 2:You send me a non-fucking-munchier and I'll fucking show you they're a liar. You'd think it's kind of like after a night out of partying and drinking. Why are we all at fucking Whataburger at 2 am.
Speaker 1:Right, it ain't because of the fancy ketchup, because I think they might have tweaked the recipe on it, if you ask, randy.
Speaker 2:Rogers, it's because of the ketchup.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, do you know the story with?
Speaker 1:wade him texting him it's hilarious.
Speaker 2:And he, uh randy, pulls up and he says something about I need like 500 packs of ketchup or whatever it is, and he sends wade this picture and it's literally and the guy was like I can't. He was like, no, really, I'll pay for the ketchup. And so he sent me this picture of normally and this was before you could go to the local yokel and pick you up in the ketchup aisle.
Speaker 1:Prior to pre-bottling Pre-water burger condiments. I mean, which I appreciate it, but also I don't know that the flavor does not hit the fucking same as the little individual. Let's kill the world not happy for the ozone layer packages. Those are the best tasting ones, right, and perhaps it's the regret that adds that extra flavor You've got to tear the corner, and then you've got to lick the edge where you got to properly properly properly give it a lick.
Speaker 1:Man, my son, is getting so frustrated because you know since I guess what a couple of years ago they sold to a business out of Chicago.
Speaker 2:They did.
Speaker 1:So it's no longer Texan owned, right.
Speaker 2:And we all lost our mind knowing that news.
Speaker 1:You know my son's been on the lookout for you know everything, every sign that'd be like see, see, this is what they're doing, man. Yeah, these out-of-staters are changing our in-state change the recipe well, last night it was the fucking ketchup man. He's like god, god, because it like the packets are a little more flimsy on their square box.
Speaker 2:You cannot get the proper.
Speaker 1:They've probably taken out a real fraction of the plastic that makes up that container. But it makes it hard for you.
Speaker 2:To not tear as midway and he was so frustrated.
Speaker 1:He was like see.
Speaker 2:Did you see Trucking?
Speaker 1:Chicago. That's what happens. They fucked up the ketchup. They're fucking it up, but he didn't say that. He said messing it up. Man, I was like you know, I don't know I said river. You know, you gotta finesse it a little bit more. I understand, though dude the frustration but man, the world keeps turning, you know yeah, at one point um the layers of the world looked differently and then, the wind blew and things shifted.
Speaker 2:It's like they say that ketchup's the same thing, man. The onion peels, the peels of the onion. What's it called? Right Peels of the onion? What the hell that?
Speaker 1:sounds like an A&E series like next week on Peels of the Onion, we'll go into the meat packing industry and find out what's going on.
Speaker 2:We're going to Chicago to interview the Butterburger people in Ascum next week on Peels of the Onion, we'll be at a farmer's market in New Hampshire, that's the most redneck version of days of our lives next week on peels we'll be thrifting in the middle three. You may cry on layer number four very, very pungent episodes ahead, folks.
Speaker 1:Um, that reminded me of something. I had this a joke with a friend of mine a while back, when it was like you know, because I'm so fucking immature at times, but it was like, uh, saying the word sheet instead of shit, and I was like you know, man I gotta spin off on this one like the jokes kept flowing and at one point we were like man, you know this? Uh, my grandma has got this show called Talking Sheet on the AM Saturday mornings.
Speaker 1:But that fucking Gladys down the road her rival has got Sheet talking on the other AM.
Speaker 2:My daughter-in-law decided a couple years ago that her New Year's resolution was going to be to stop saying the word fuck. That is my all-time favorite word and'm thinking this is never gonna work.
Speaker 1:What was the alternate?
Speaker 2:think. Luke yeah with it, yes, and so now, yeah, and now we every, we all use it. What the food? But then when you thank you, our pond, do people that come from across the pond, you know players and whatever, that's what they say, the pointed shoe guys, they, yeah, they say what the fuk?
Speaker 1:perhaps that's the word of the day even trying to say the f-o-o-k. That's how they really say it I'm trying to tell them ain't nobody fooking around? No it wasn't no food. You know what I'm saying. I do this shit every day. It ain't no food yeah, exactly. So yeah, oh my god, if you can, if you, you can kook. Yeah, you know, if you got time to lean, you got time to clean. That's what one of my sous chefs back in the day.
Speaker 2:First of all, you have fook and sheet Fook sheet. If you can fook in the sheet, fook sheet lean clean.
Speaker 1:Right, that's my friend Fook sheet lean clean, lean clean.
Speaker 2:Woo, I just blew the. I just blew the out of my, never mind whatever happened to.
Speaker 1:Those were the four steps to make it into heaven at any rate. I don't want to cut the conversation off, but because you had some, what did you say? Shit-su-ation, fuck. Yeah fuck-topia or fuck-tardia, fuck-tardius.
Speaker 2:Sounds like my neighbor Right who lives over there.
Speaker 1:Oh fuck-tardius across the fence over here. Kind of grouchy from time to time.
Speaker 2:You fuck tardius across the fence over here from time to time. You won't ever let me play my music.
Speaker 1:No, yeah, man, they're just speaking it real quick, I had a fucking cop come to my door I need all the deets kids were in the in the living room I got a fucking speaker, 10 inch part of my pa system first one side.
Speaker 1:This is a portion, a part, yeah, a part well, I got it busting out this bass man and I get through like probably five or six songs. I'm getting blazed as fuck. In the middle of summer my daughter all of a sudden like she comes running out there and she's like, oh dad, somebody's knocking on the door, like really frantically, and I'm like what? And then I come in and my son's like it's the cops. Dad, there's a cop out there, there's a light, and I'm like what? And then I open up the door and he was like, excuse me, sir, is that your music playing back there?
Speaker 2:And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a good one.
Speaker 1:You like this one. I was like he was like I'm telling you, I can hear it from a couple of streets over here. I was in the cul-de-sac, I could hear it clear and I could hear the bass and I was like, man, it sounds pretty fucking good, right like so it's not a bad right.
Speaker 2:It's my ghost tower.
Speaker 1:If I hear it again, I might have to give you a ticket. But man, my kids were so scared but I was like I was happy that the cop was like it was crystal clear I could hear words and I was like I thought the fucking sound quality on this buy too.
Speaker 1:It was a very good purchase, solid purchase, and I was like yeah dude, I had it, didn't even have it cranked up all the way and I was like the bass was nice, the highs were good, yeah, so thank you, mr officer yours, I think it was officer valdez. Don't know your badge number, but appreciate you, doug was it on the warning? Thanks for the he gave me a warning, but to me it was like a gold star.
Speaker 2:It's like three. It's like on my way to getting to choose a prize at the end of the day, on the right, because I got a few of those.
Speaker 1:Es un complemente. Yeah, At any rate yes, I got to go do some fucking non-profit shit Okay. That's good, but you know, I'll cut this down.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And then we'll put it out there to the world.
Speaker 2:We're going to Okay, boss Okay. Now can I have a restroom?
Speaker 1:Hey boss, you can have a safety day in the life at rambling gypsy dude is fucking whip cracking and, like you know, it's not I don't know.
Speaker 2:We laugh, we have starving, it's fine starving me of my thoughts.
Speaker 1:What are all right, we'll see y'all. Uh, I don't know when I'll see y'all, but somebody will see y'all.
Speaker 2:She'll see you. I'll be here. You'll see her next week, yeah.
Speaker 1:Thanks for hanging and I'll be behind the camera, probably talking shit.
Speaker 2:It's a good time. Everybody has their assigned seating.
Speaker 1:A return to their assigned seating Right. I love you. I love you too, I work are the non-ones. At least you didn't say it was the sheets. I can give a sheet, I can give a sheet. What the fuck? The last joke on this my friend like six foot five, his girl's like five six.
Speaker 2:That's adorable.
Speaker 1:He was the one I was popping the jokes, the sheet jokes, with yeah, he's like yo man Did you have to look up. He's like you know, larissa and I, when we're sleeping at night.
Speaker 2:The top sheet. The bottom sheet.
Speaker 1:When we're sleeping at night. You know we sleep in a normal size bed and so we've got normal size bedding, but she'll roll over at night and it goes with her and I'm like come here, you little shit. We'll talk to you all next week.
Speaker 2:I'll see y'all have fun.
Speaker 1:Peace.
Speaker 2:That was so good. Come here, you little shit. Come here, you little shit. I wish I knew where my shirt was. Good shit.