The Rambling Gypsy

From Canceled Plans to River Jams: In a Jam Down By The River

The Rambling Gypsy Season 3 Episode 4

Picture this: a music festival born from the ashes of canceled plans, now a thriving annual event. This is a real music festival - kinda. 😎

Music: “Blessed” by NAEMS

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Production: SIREN Studio

The Rambling Gypsy podcast is a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of real Texans doing real sh*t. We're pulling back the curtains on our daily lives - and you're invited to laugh and learn along with us.


Speaker 1:

I put a blessing on it to real. That's the metaphoric. We just put the I in iconic buzzin' like I'm electronic hey everybody, I'm Tiffany Foy.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Ramblin' Gypsy podcast. Today we are back in my she-shed and we have a very special guest. This is Lance that we are going to um no.

Speaker 3:

No, Dustin, Dustin, Dustin. Where'd I get?

Speaker 2:

Lance from I don't know. I thought you said.

Speaker 3:

I thought you said it was lance you know, since I cut all my hair off, I look like a lance. Well hey everybody meet. Dustin and lance, yeah you know I like to get everybody a good name.

Speaker 2:

I'm in my lance area. I swore that you texted me that earlier when I said we have two people showing up and alissa can't make it. Oh I don't know, it's been a long morning.

Speaker 3:

You said Dustin. Earlier, though, I think, did I. I think, or maybe you said Dustin.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I had a 30-minute bloody nose to start off my day, amongst everything else. So, anyways, now, alyssa, this is Dustin, right, and I'm Tiffany, in case y'all don't know, and in case I don't know or I forgot, so you are doing, you're musically inclined and doing some music things up and down River Road, which is where we are in New Braunfels. Yeah, tell us about it yeah, how it got started the festival.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we've been doing this, is it?

Speaker 2:

It's called In a Jam Down by the River. Yeah, maybe I can get that straight and not fuck that up.

Speaker 3:

No, it's all good. Why is the name Hintz? You know, it's like kind of a callback to the Chris Farley bit and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Because the first year was kind of a joke. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And yeah, we all just got together because we had nothing else going on, kind of thing. And then, yeah, they're like, well, that was fun, let's do it again, do it again, and now it's a full on thing with a very long name and a very longcom, you know, but uh, so was it just a group of friends of y'all's just decided y'all go camping one weekend?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, we, um, you know we weren't taking a stance or anything like that, just preface. But it was like 2020, towards the end of it, and uh, you know, everything got canceled and pushed out and me and all my musician friends and stuff that we'd all been rehearsing and playing together anyway, and friends like that. And then we had friends who were non-musician, who had taken off work for a festival. Then it got pushed to October and then it got canceled completely. So they were like, well, we have time off, and then on REM, it's like we don't have any gigs, like you know. So it was just a couple of us or whatever. It got together more or less like a camping weekend and we put on a show and then the next year like, hey, you want to do it again and where are you guys all from?

Speaker 3:

kind of all over texas all over. Yeah, just some kind of in like the songwriter community or whatever. Yeah, just in the broader all over texas, right, um, and we really just came down here for the river and just for the setting in october.

Speaker 1:

It's just so beautiful it is kind of empty down here and the weather's starting to change, right? Yeah, starting to change, right, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, like now that we've done it here a few years, we've been bringing in more local people and stuff like that. We've got the Reed Brothers coming out this year. The Rough Stock have been with us a couple years, people like that, you know, and now that we're kind of part of the community, it's like let's people all the way from coming in from Louisiana, alabama, all the way from North Texas, west Texas, east Texas and abroad, nice. Oh, and we have a gal from the UK come this year Really.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, did you hear that? Yeah, shout out to our girl over here. Yeah, yep, yep, that's nice, that's awesome, that's awesome.

Speaker 3:

A little bit of everything.

Speaker 2:

How long have y'all been doing this?

Speaker 3:

Fifth year.

Speaker 2:

Fifth year and it's been a mountain breeze every time. Yeah, nice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they've worked with us. Oh, it's such a good dude. Yeah, yeah, he kind of sets up and lets you guys accommodate and makes it an easy flow and it's a nice big area, yeah, with the thing that they're easy to work with, and then the showers and the grounds, and we got cabins, we got RV spaces and we can. Your ticket just includes tent camping or car camping, whatever you're going to end up doing, you know, um, that's made it pretty seamless, or whatever.

Speaker 3:

You're not having to worry about all the logistics of like bringing in, you know, bathrooms, bringing in showers and even food they always have, you know whoever's running vendors, or yeah we bring in some vendors too, but they always have the concession there, you know, Um. So it's just been nice and pretty seamless.

Speaker 2:

Have y'all always had it a weekend festival, or did it just start off being one day and then turned into? Oh?

Speaker 3:

hello? Um, no, it's always been, uh, I think since the get go. We did it Thursday through Saturday, but it was, um, you know, it was just smaller, it was like a couple of acts each night.

Speaker 3:

Now we're at the point where it's basically like noon to midnight every day, so from Thursday to Friday, or Thursday to Saturday and then Sunday. This year we're going to do music from like noon to 3, 4 pm. Oh nice, because there's always people hanging around anyway, yeah, and they're just kind of like nobody wants to go home yet. Right, it's like we'll have a few people just play during the daylight hours, right there?

Speaker 2:

Yeah so.

Speaker 3:

We're good. So pretty much from the moment you get there Thursday at four o'clock till four o'clock Sunday, there's just music all night long and all day long.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty cool. A lot of a lot of people that have figured out We've had it for 10 years now and it's a lot of people will come in the Wednesday before and stay till Monday because they figured that Sunday is just the rush to get back home, the rush to get out, and it's kind of the day to have a little bit of R&R and relax and hang over that extra Monday. So that's in. Hangover is kind of a key word there. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah, but is kind of a keyword there yeah but, yeah, but it kind of gives, gives them. So that's pretty cool that you guys added added music to that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cause I think like on Sundays you know, the traffic on 35 has gotten so horrendous, especially on a Sunday going home everybody from wherever they're at San.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Austin, wherever Um.

Speaker 2:

so yeah, people just want to hang out and they usually buy an extra night with mountain breeze and they'll even stay in camp another night, which is just on their accord, you know, during the day just getting some music. So about how many bands y'all?

Speaker 3:

have. Uh, I think this year it's like almost you can guess.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I guess no no, it's almost 50. I mean, I just called you whatever. I could have called you a lot of worse things, but we're just yeah we're new. We're new, new in our friendship. I like I like.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I like maybe that'll be my.

Speaker 2:

I did that, but then yes, I can, that'd be my, that'll be my uh alter ego for for the festival. What time we want to kick off the lance show? We're about eight o'clock nine. I have a friend, um, um, well it's. It's actually not a friend. I mean, she is my friend. She's like my daughter's, my daughter's best friend, my daughter-in-law's best friend, and she has a tattoo inside of her lip that says tina, there's yeah shit yeah, tina, and I was like what in the blue hill, why, yeah?

Speaker 2:

and it's, after a certain yeah, she turns into tina, and so she went and yeah so I mean you said you got a tattoo artist. If you turn into lance later on a festival, I expect to see you getting a lance tattoo somewhere.

Speaker 3:

Well, I already. I've got a, I've got a nickname, but I've got that same group, that actually all the friends that took the time off. Yeah, we all go to festivals together before we started this one nice and we have, like our alter ego, drunken names.

Speaker 2:

Mine was always banshee because I would we just act like that I think lance is better fitting now because I haven't been the banshee in a long time. More like a collar type before you get to the banshee right, right yeah, banshee's not good.

Speaker 3:

Banshee's like running around with clothes off and stuff yeah, that would be me running me, like you know, it's on a pretty sight when I'm doing it. It's just like it's just terrible.

Speaker 1:

Just let him go.

Speaker 3:

Running through somebody's apartment complex just banging on doors just for the fun of it.

Speaker 2:

This is going to be a good festival, you guys. Let's talk about the dates.

Speaker 3:

When the banshee comes out it's before Lance. Yeah, right, yeah, we always call her Stacy. She'd get a little crazy.

Speaker 2:

Everybody knows about Stacy just because, yeah, it's kind of like the Richards hung out for a while and then you got the Karens and then, there's the Stacys and now there's the Lances and yeah.

Speaker 3:

And I forget what they. They gave her a new name. She laid off the liquor and started the new CBD stuff these days. So now she's calm.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's a calmer.

Speaker 1:

Now they get.

Speaker 3:

Stacy. Yeah, but they gave her a good name. I can't remember what it was. So come in. Yeah, it's going to be a good time. Yeah, exactly, um, yeah, and we do the. We do the river stage too. So, like at night, like after midnight, everybody kind of dwindles down in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it goes back to the acoustic acts and stuff. It's a different vibe down there on the water when we have two stages at our place and it's a.

Speaker 2:

It's a different vibe when guys play up top versus down below, just the acoustics different, the ambience is different and yeah, it's really cool I'm sure y'all get the same effect, like from the water and the cliff side down there, and it just there's no delay or reverb on it, it's just coming back, yeah yeah, I have to kind of help everybody do sound and set up speakers and stuff down there, because I know how it's going to spin and go and if you've never heard it or witnessed it or whatever, it's a, it's a really cool vibe, yeah, yeah yeah, or it could totally throw you off as a sound.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, completely completely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we had a big group come out I think it was early summer on and and um, they brought a whole sound group and and I kept telling them and that guy was just like this woman's really about to piss me off- and then once they were about two songs in. He kind of looked at me like, yeah, okay, you've got it. You get it. Yeah, but it is, it's a totally different, totally different vibe down there right, yeah, so how many? Stages, you gonna, you guys gonna have so it comes up to like four.

Speaker 3:

We have like in the daytime there's a bar stage inside the bar there at mountain breeze so everybody could be in the ac, get their food kind of hang out with like a listening room kind of vibe, you know, and then the that's cool.

Speaker 2:

Which are gonna do that? I know exactly what you're talking about.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just everybody goes in there and it's like you're still kind of recovering from the night before you can come in and get you a drink and get you some food and just sit down and hang out in the A scene, because they got that now For a long time they didn't, they didn't, yep, but yeah. So then, around three or four every day, it moves down to the main stage area, which we have.

Speaker 3:

Two stages Basically kitty corner each other, so we can just constantly be loading one, playing the other one, you know nice and then around 10, 30 or 11 at night is when everybody the the band stop and we go down and we do like three or four like premier acoustic kind of sets or whatever and and uh, yeah, so everybody, same thing, kind of a loose listening room, right. Like you get down there, it's not, we're not, no one's gonna tell you to shush, you know, but yeah, you just get it because everyone else is quiet and everybody's coming off their buzz, you know, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah or whatever it is, yeah or whatever Just, and everybody just really chills out and they're baying down by the river. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then and then, yeah, this acoustic, the campfire, and we still sing songs and play, but the party starts kind of it's still a party, but you know it kind of kicks back up, or you go to sleep, one of the two.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, it's, it's kind of. It's kind of wild if you've not experienced in in a smaller festival, so to speak, but not really a smaller festival, but it does give them the like you're saying the listening room vibe it kind of gives you the the best of both worlds where you can kind of you get the the big festival vibe within it.

Speaker 3:

It gives people that are staying and camping time to have an intimate setting with you guys and get to know more about y'all and certainly, and that kind of stuff yeah, and even with like the headliners, I'm sure one day we'll have to do it, but like, like we're still small enough that like we don't have barrier fences, we don't. You know I understand the importance of like VIP for like selling tickets and stuff, but we've, we've tried to like keep away from that and I want to cause it's just all even playing field. And yeah, like like last year, grady Spencer from the work is standing like right there right there.

Speaker 3:

Anybody can. Anybody can come up to him and talk to him whether an artist or a fan like I said, if we get bigger, I guess we'll have to do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, probably gonna have to do that, but for now um, yeah, or like all these up-and-coming singer-songwriters that like, yeah, yeah, you might make best friends with, uh, you know somebody who just got started 10 years from now gonna be huge, yeah, but you can do that right here and there, right. And then there's all the folks that are like, they just like to pick and play, but, you know, don't even don't do it for a career or whatever. They can come and enjoy themselves too and get in all the circles and play. Um or other artists. We always tell everybody when they submit to play. It's like, you know, we can only fit so many people, but come down and just hang out, like, yeah, we've made our tickets super affordable. Um, you know, as far as we can like, right, and it's like you can come down and just get to meet all these folks, get to play, get to hang out and a lot of time playing around the campfire.

Speaker 2:

Then you end up on the stage the next year yeah, so what are the ticket prices or what are the options we can kind of tell everybody so like uh, we'd have to pull it up to get exact, but if I remember right, like a day pass is was good for any day.

Speaker 3:

You know most people do it for saturday, but it's 70. That's all day. For your camping as well, the weekend pass is, I think, $1.50, right now $150, but includes tent camping and then, like some of the upgrades for that would be an RV spot, it's like another $150. A cabin, which are almost sold out. There's only like two or three left, gotcha. They kind of range from likes to the 500s, depending on what you're getting Right, and it's all for the weekend.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

We're not capable to sell them for like the day or whatever.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So yeah, you know, but if you're just like an OG festival, yeah Kind of going person, like I've always been 150 bucks gets you the entire weekend and your tent camping.

Speaker 1:

That's a hell of a deal.

Speaker 2:

You got real showers, real showers real bathrooms, yeah you know, and it's buo b, so we're not forcing people to, and I'd like to mention, um, if they do, if there is no more cabins, gypsy river, sure, literally yeah a minute, maybe down the road, and yeah, we've got y'all got shuttles too.

Speaker 3:

Huh, we do, we absolutely do, we have we will.

Speaker 2:

We will run them back and forth. We've got four bungalows that are fully air conditioned um, they're, yeah, literally glamping tents. You know where you can do that. We've got four bungalows that are fully air-conditioned um, they're, yeah, literally glamping tents. You know where you can do that. We've got cottages and we've got a big river house that sleeps 11 comfortably. We've had up to 21 in there, yeah so yeah, now that we uh, like we talked- last time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I can put a link there on our uh at this point in the game. I wouldn't worry about selling on myself, but I'll just link it, yeah, when we do sell out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just in case they do you know, I know a lot of people ac is important in texas, especially this time of year, right, and you don't know what it's going to do. But yeah, some of the guys from a couple of the other festivals up and down, it's become a really cool thing in october. Up and down river road here lately has been some really cool festivals and so it's yeah it's good because we're all we're not, we're not very far from each other. So no, not at all.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, we definitely. Can you know? We talked a few months ago, we were still trying to fill everything, but now it's like filling up? We definitely and that's my goal. Um, you know, I've told paul that and then I think, yeah, we did talk about it and that's super exciting because, yeah, get, get this thing as helping musicians and doing what we've done on the music side, my husband and I and then you guys.

Speaker 2:

It's a really cool little vibe that I think would be really, really cool. Yeah, and the bigger the better, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Where we get to the point where all the campgrounds are kind of filled and you know there'll be one center place where the music is happening. But that'd be really cool. That would be epic, at least a few within the, a few campgrounds within the a few campgrounds right around mountain breeze and stuff and we get to that point where yeah, it's like October's this that weekend is the whole river road.

Speaker 3:

looks like summertime, but they're all coming to the festival we get some huge headliners and stuff that would be epic, yeah, but still feature. Our whole kind of like ethos is featuring the up and coming and like songwriters too, cause a lot of time like songwriters don't get invited to festivals because they're amazing and everybody loves them, but, like you know, festivals don't want to risk that for like their big crowd, right, uh, so they bring in the big bands and stuff where we've always, we're going to always keep that going where it's like songwriters some of the bands, national touring acts that are coming in and stuff.

Speaker 3:

But yeah yeah, we want the people that you know you find under a rock and, yes, are going to be big one day.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty epic. How did you start in the music business? How did you start in the music scene? I guess like everybody in high school, just trying to be cool, or something because I wasn't good at sports and stuff, so not running in the family.

Speaker 3:

My granddad was kind of a championship-level fiddle player but had a wife and family and all that before the those opportunities could have come to him. But in, yeah, belton, texas, like down in the grove, he was very well known for his fiddle playing and stuff. And then my two sisters like play guitar and two of my three sisters play guitar and sing and stuff like that, but yeah, uh never really did much commercial like that. One of my sisters kind of got back into it in her older years and played with a few bands, also kind of built in austin kind of scene, and then uh, but yeah, I mean for the most part, you know my dad's a truck driver, my mom's a seamstress and I just had to figure it out on my own. I just knew I liked to write and sing songs.

Speaker 3:

So nice, still figuring that still figuring it out the singing part out yeah, I think I write a pretty good song, most. Of the time but uh but yeah, just been, uh, just kind of diy and stay away so it's all coming together a little bit now, that's cool.

Speaker 2:

I've talked to a lot of musicians. I don't think I've heard anybody say a diy. Yeah, as a musician, that's.

Speaker 3:

That's kind of a cool little statement piece well, I just mean in the sense that, like I you know, yeah, there was nobody to really know. We'll say hey, connect me to this person or that person.

Speaker 1:

I've just kind of slowly trudged along and figured it out piece by piece.

Speaker 3:

That's kind of another reason we started the festival. It's like we'll just do our own thing. I always hear people in the scene that are and we all cry about different things, but it's like how do I get in with that group, or how do I? Get with that label or on that festival and by the time you've heard about a scene or a group, it's too late.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And not only is it too late, but it's really easy for us to like, I don't know, kind of put an evil mark. Oh, they don supported each other.

Speaker 3:

They all put on shows and had each other on a, had festivals, whatever. And now you're just seeing it at the top and you think you can't get in. It's like, well, we're going to do our own thing, we're going to, we all play together, we all do shows together, we do this festival together. And it's like, and yeah, and one day the festival will sell out and we're all sellouts, you know.

Speaker 2:

How have you guys found, like you were saying, the musicians that are under the rock, or how have you guys, how have y'all brought these guys in?

Speaker 3:

So, just like being well, this particular poster, most of these guys aren't. These are our headliners this year but, but yeah, but everybody else, um, and not everybody else is under a rock either, but doing music, you know. So I'm out and I still, I'm still active myself. Got an album coming out in february and stuff, and just did a few releases here recently and whatnot but just being out playing open mics and playing all these little under the rock kind of gigs, dive bars and such yeah, and you just meet people that you're like they're so amazing, and then you look at their following, you look at all their stuff, you look at where they're playing.

Speaker 3:

You're like that ain't right you know yeah so going for broke here to try to give people I care about, and myself you know, I play it too. So it's not like it's.

Speaker 3:

It's not all selfless you know yeah but um, but yeah, just these people deserve somewhere to play and to be seen, you know, and and to just feel like the, the feeling of a festival playing a big stage and having good sound and like and getting open for, like the desolones scott blue you know these are headliners this year, it's just like I think it's a, it's an opportunity that a lot of folks still are working towards getting you know. So we just want to be that, that bridge, you know, I guess bridge.

Speaker 2:

I think it's pretty cool. I think it's pretty cool. It's it's very similar to to what we have done, you know, helping, helping musicians along the way, and it's kind of they've called me the music mama for a long time, but it's kind of like being the proud mama moment where I get, you know, watch them grow, watch them climb and watch their wings spread and fly and go and do, and it's really it's such a good feeling.

Speaker 2:

So, I know you guys kind of I mean even you y'all yourselves you know everybody starts somewhere. You got to start at the bottom and crawl all the way up to the top and sometimes you don't make it, sometimes you fall, Sometimes you fuck up and call people the wrong names and shit and whatever, but you know I, I'm gonna come in hot with a nice name tag for you this weekend, I mean this weekend particularly, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So if you only knew, I, I literally have a nickname for everyone and it may not come right out of the gate. It may take a month, it may take two months, it may take five minutes, it may take, it may just happen by accident, who knows. But yeah, it's kind of like my whole vibe, yeah. I have a gypsy scenario where I just make up my own words and so it's just part of my retard-ness, or whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, you know, call me anything you want, I mean most of my nicknames have been. Idiot asshole.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dumb, fuck yeah. So I've been called a lot of those myself.

Speaker 3:

So any nickname is fine, yeah, but yeah, it should be a good year. Um, it should be a good year down there and uh, and yeah, you were telling me last time, you know you're talking about like supporting people too is yeah is, uh, it's fulfilling there, but then it's like you know, it pays dividends too. Or you told me about some uh young kid that's a guitar player now and you ran into him, like in vegas or something yes, um we were, so he um that's gotta be so cool.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh it was crazy.

Speaker 2:

So um 11 or 12 at the time, maybe they're fine, he's, you can't. And um, yeah, I came down with a friend of ours, erock, and he was staying um staying at the resort for about a month or so and his and his son's friend and the kids ended up hanging out with me the whole time and and he was out here playing his guitar and I mean he literally was like a little little guy right yeah, walking 11, 12, maybe walking jukebox.

Speaker 2:

there wasn't anything that you could not throw at that kid, that he could not play, and we put out a little beer bucket for him and within a few hours he had like $300.

Speaker 1:

Made more money than anybody else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, any musician that plays for a living had even thought about making. Yeah, it was insane. And then, yeah, we were down, yeah, maybe Nashville, maybe Vegas at a show, and I don't even know how we got in the conversation my best friend's the drummer it was josh ward it was who was playing and, um, he said, man, you got to come check out the steel guitar player. And he walked up and I said, holy shit, and he goes. Do you remember me? I was like how could I ever freaking forget you? My gosh, yeah, he's on the road playing steel guitar and just slaying it and it is just amazing.

Speaker 2:

I mean literally, I was just in tears. I was like look at this child and how did this ever happen? And yeah, they ran into each other and I think brooks introduced him to josh and was like yeah, he's 19 and he was like you got to hear this kid play and I was like y'all should have heard him in 11.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like what the hell? I mean yeah, of course, at 19 he's a freaking musical genius. I mean he's just insane. And yeah, he's just kicking ass and taking names and on the road with josh and just doing amazing. But yeah he's so. Yeah, very, that was a very proud, proud really cool moment, I think and yeah, it's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's been a lot of really cool songs, like you're talking about songwriting, and down by the river and up here at our place in our little circle that we have up top, there's been a lot of musicians that have come and sat around up here and wee hours in the morning and watch the sun come up and have written some pretty amazing tunes, but it's pretty, it's a pretty cool thing to witness.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, if you guys don't know about this, um, this event right here, this would be a good time to see some really amazing talent and things come to fruition. And I one of the things that I've really noticed, or air it a lot of people don't get to witness in our little music scene, in new bravos. It's not little, it's actually rather ginormous, but these guys, can you know, a guitar player cannot be able to play, or a drummer or whatever somebody in in in the group and they'll call up another one and they can literally just jump on stage and just jump right in, just like they've never even. I mean, it's mind-boggling to me, literally, and you can just watch them and they're watching the guitar, or the bassist is watching the drummer and the drummer's watching the bass, and it's like the next thing you know. They're just like what. I mean, you don't even know each other's names and y'all are just up here just slaying it like it's.

Speaker 2:

It's really cool, vibe. It's really cool. To see how things like that can happen and how you guys can just the artistry and the talents and can come together and just make shit happen is just mind-boggling oh yeah, it's, it's really really cool there's.

Speaker 3:

There's quite a bit of that um, with the jam is like it's a lot of these songwriters that we're picking up and and uh, and I'll push them to be like hey, like I think I want because I've seen them do like a full band show here there, but they don't have an established band yet. They just kind of had some people come in like hey I want you to do like full band at this festival. You know like you're yeah it's, it's time for you, you know yeah I don't have this person other than give me a minute.

Speaker 3:

Let's start sending out texts all the different people are playing and they say you know, like you know, there'll be one, one drummer that's playing like three different people. That day, yeah be a guitar player popping in with a few different bass player and then like send out a gear. Like everybody brings all their gear down and yeah yeah, you'll have some guys show up you know, maybe just got started with with his little bass amp or something they're like no, no, get that out of here.

Speaker 1:

Like pull a big amp right like play on this, yeah and so it's really it's.

Speaker 3:

It's a community like we are a festival, I guess, by definition, but it's really like the community it is you know and and like and it's such a unique one.

Speaker 2:

It's such a cool family and such a cool vibe and it's neat to be a part of that and watch, watch how it comes, comes together. You mentioned the reed brothers and those are two, two kids. I've watched from the beginning yeah go and yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're pretty cool, I'm, I'm.

Speaker 2:

I'm still yet to meet them in person yet, but I've been digging on their music and stuff, the sibling harmonies are a real thing in those two and I don't know who's all coming with them, but I, I'm, I will know them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, it's going to be a good vibe, so yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's what. Uh, yeah, the uh Alyssa that y'all met, y'all just put it on her and uh, reed Coles, they, yeah, they kind of this year. I was like, and Sean Ryan, he's at a San Marcus or whatever, and I was like, hey, y'all give me like a list of people you know like, because I'm, I'm always in and out of here like more, more of my. My stomping grounds have been like central and north and west, you know, and then like out of state, but, um, I've always been like down in austin and whatnot, but the scene down there has always changed so much, yes, but down here now, yeah, it's like I want to be involved in here, I want to get some elder, but and I'm starting to learn a- few things, but but yeah, just that they were like the reed brothers showed up on two of their three lists, I was like okay that's a good one.

Speaker 3:

I looked him up I'm like, oh yeah, they're legit, yeah, I was like we'll just, we'll just headline them, yeah so they're headlining thursday.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that's really smart that you brought um for a thursday crowd, that you brought one of our local sets from here. That is extreme there. Everybody in town knows the reed brothers and whoever they're going to have up there with them, full band whether it's I mean, if I could name a list a mile long, but they're, they'll draw, they'll draw a solid crowd and we'll make sure we'll share it and blast it and let everybody know that that the boys are in town, so and they were playing a good local gig and down out here, so it'll be good the same night we've got high water gamble and ghost dance band.

Speaker 3:

They're both like in the same kind of vibes and they've been with us for a long time. Nice, um, they're out of oklahoma and then down here in texas, so I think'd be a good. It starts to be kind of a little more like a little more rock kind of feel, feel, vibe, yeah, yeah. It'll be good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've got a little group that I set up a long time ago Um golly, maybe back in 2014 and it's called starving artist.

Speaker 1:

And it was yeah, it was just a yeah, it was just a we.

Speaker 2:

we created Um and it was to to take. I mean, that was a long time ago, it was almost 10 years ago, and we put it together to reach out to musicians and let them know. Hey, you know, we just bought our place on the river and, you know, we in the music scene and we want to take you guys that are under the rock or the young scene and we want to take you guys that are under the rock or the young high school kids or the whatever's and and um and introduce them to people.

Speaker 2:

And I, like I've told so many musicians that do come and play at our place you have to remember y'all could play at our places on river road every single weekend and you'd have a different crowd every single weekend and so when you guys go, they go back home to Houston or Corpus or Dallas or wherever they come from, East Texas, west Texas, and they hear and see you guys.

Speaker 2:

They're going to be like, hey, I heard these guys at Gypsy River one weekend, blah, blah, blah. So they can, you know they'll follow you out. But it's, you know, a lot of people don't think about that, when you could literally be a house band on the river and have a different crowd every single weekend. But it's, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's kind of the same thing. Like Austin and Fort Worth, you can play that residency. I'm not really a Stockyards band, but a lot of the guys that do that yes. I've been down there before and they go all right, everybody yell. If you're from Fort Worth, it's like woo Yell. If you're from Texas, woo, it's like all right, who's traveled in?

Speaker 1:

And the whole crowd, the whole place goes insane.

Speaker 3:

So you're getting like a nationwide crowd. Yeah, same thing with you guys. Everybody comes down here to flow, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yep, talk about being a starving artist and being a. And just starting from the ground up, you know, I did Fall Fest at my resort for five years, I believe, and I discontinued it. At the time that I started it it was there was nothing in town. I had some friends, renee and Steve Trevino and they came into town and at the time Garrett was like six months old and she was like where do I take him for six months old? And she was like there's, where do I take him for a pumpkin patch? And I was like you know what? We used to have them on every corner and we didn't. And so I literally threw together in two weeks this huge pumpkin patch and that was my inspiration behind that. And then now they're on every corner and I can't compete with them, and so and and um, so I don't, but even we would park people at mountain breeze several years and yeah, we all doing it like five years ago, still roughly.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's when I started it. Cause, cause, yeah, I remember nothing about this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I remember during there. Yeah, yeah, during during our festival.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I remember the up there Cause before soggy came in that was an empty field and those trailers were coming in and out with the hay bales?

Speaker 1:

and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was us.

Speaker 3:

People were waiting there to get on the ride. Yeah, that would have been like I think that was our year one or two. Yeah, Right. So, we were still just kind of like all right, what the?

Speaker 2:

hell, we're just asking our friends to doing nothing. Yeah, it wasn't until 2022. We brought in the damn quails.

Speaker 1:

And then like so last year. I'm trying to like he's a good friend of mine.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's good people, such a good dude. My idea is, like every other year do like a songwriter retreat one year. Right and a Jam Down the River, song retreat, and then the next year be a festival.

Speaker 2:

So we be a fly on the wall with like scheduled catering and like canoe.

Speaker 3:

So it's more like for us songwriters to enjoy ourselves. Yeah, and then saturday do a big show, you know?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I know there's a couple of them that, like rio and a bunch of the boys, go to reed brothers, and what have you that they go to?

Speaker 3:

um, yeah the reasoning for it would just be like to kind of instill an excuse for all of us to get together and then yeah, and also doing it in that structure and be set up where we could hopefully get it all sponsored, or it's like all right, you know this is instead of a payout deal, it's like pay in and you know we've done all the math and it's like hundred dollars a person, but you're gonna have a cabin, you're gonna get fed two times a day.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna go on these trips and we'll have media. There there'll be video cameras, you know, just kind of like a whole weekend of just enjoying each other and like having promo and then do a show at the end.

Speaker 2:

I think that would be a really cool vibe down here, especially with the ever just many musicians and and that are all here and that want to be here, and yeah, you know, with all your animals around here.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I could literally go nuts with this whole thing.

Speaker 2:

I could really, yeah, especially if you guys did you know the singer, songwriter, or just to incorporate extra little things that that nobody, that nobody has. You know, I've always, um, been the strange bird, been the different, been the different one, and and um, if I have too much time to think, I can't do it. But if you throw something like this at me two weeks prior to and say, hey, you want to shit a festival, I'll be like let's shit a festival, let's freaking do this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm kind of the same way. Yeah, I mean I've been forced to plan all this stuff ahead of time, but yeah, right, when I have the whole year to fest run, it almost like it drives me nuts I can't, I can't do it.

Speaker 2:

I I was talking to Renee Trevino and they, um, her husband's a big comedian and she's got her her shows and stuff that she does and and she's so a planner Like it's gotta be, and I'm thinking I would lose my ever loving mind. There is no way I would go insane. I would like. I just can't. I'm currently doing that, yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I literally would, I would, I would just be no, I there's just no. But yeah, Two weeks prior to. Yeah, I won't sleep for two weeks and I'll get it, but it'll be.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I'm kind of a procrastinating cram kind of person. So with this, unfortunately there's like pieces and you know you run business- there's certain pieces that just have to get that you have to do so it's like everything's on schedule, everything's going right.

Speaker 1:

But like that's what I push off to that person that yeah to my nick, I push nick.

Speaker 2:

This is the one that we need to know in 2025. Yes, on june the 12th at four o'clock, we need to have this set up and she'll.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what I was just talking to her about yeah, I've got a. I've got a new a and r agent I just hired and she was like you need like an assistant and I'm like I do, I can't afford one. Yeah, I was like I'm like now you make this record go and we might start making some money, then I'll get an assistant yeah yeah but like, but yeah, I feel, I feel that, like that would be, I'd be, that's what the festival, the list, and then, like I've slowly, right set that up, you know, and but still it's like I, you know they're, they're more than willing to help me and do a lot of stuff, but it's also like I feel guilty.

Speaker 3:

It's like I want to, and with the artists too, like I want to pay everybody. I want to, I want to have a business that's like profitable and like it's going, which maybe that's my own, like you know, just a me thing that I can't stand anybody helping me or whatever, but they're happy to do it, I'm happy to have all their help, you know.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, that'd be nice to get to that point where it's like festival has a whole crew running it and I just show up, just show up and then everything's done, everything's everything's handled.

Speaker 2:

That would be epic, but I'm going to just let you know that that will never happen. If you're anything like me, you just know well I'll be involved.

Speaker 3:

I want to be involved, but yeah, I'll be the one I'm the one that walks up and goes. Thanks for your help but okay, now we can begin right, but still they carried it in there and put it down and then you get to come in and adjust it yeah, yes, that's.

Speaker 2:

I have a really hard time with um coming in and and taking over things and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. A lot of people appreciate it. A lot of times I don't realize I'm doing it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I can be the same way I was, like last year we had.

Speaker 2:

Don't be surprised if I just jump in and help at your gig, I'll take it. Fixing the rugs on the stage, making sure your cords are where they need to go. I have trips and falls.

Speaker 3:

I literally just got to that point.

Speaker 2:

I fall all the time.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, yeah, last year we had uh um Dan Green Greenlee, he's a, he's a volunteers at all kinds of festivals like old settlers, kerrville and stuff Like he's just in that world and he, uh he. He saw our post about uh volunteering cause he wanted to see John Fulbright.

Speaker 1:

So he's like all right, I'll be there.

Speaker 3:

And he shows up and uh, and yeah, last year I was only able to get like a few volunteers and stuff and then a few friend volunteers with that, but so we had like our official meeting every morning and went over everything and then everything that I said I was not going to do and that they were going to do, then I'm over there doing it with them and there was this. There was this tent thing that we bought and it's the first time they're like a big, big pipes and like, yeah, you know, it's pretty big, it's like 16 by 16, pretty big tent, and I'm over there like messing with it. I'm like, oh, you put this here, this here, and and I was so happy to like have him.

Speaker 3:

Cause I mean he's I mean he's an old gentleman like he's been doing this a long time and he like yelled at me and he was like he's like you go do, he's like you need to have other stuff too. He's like we got this. He's like yeah, I've seen this a million times. He's like and, and and. He's like he's like all these people here want you to tell them what to do, and I'm like that doesn't feel right. And he's like they, they, they don't like it that there's no direction Right.

Speaker 2:

It's getting paid and it feels different and it's like but what it took him like, he kind of shook me up last year. I was like, okay, do this, you do that. And they were all super happy to be like because they my kids are that way, the ones that have worked with me for a very long time. Polo runs my resort down there and he grew up with my middle son and that kid is one he will put my ass in check. That I mean I need, because if not he's like, would you just stop? I know I've been doing, I've been putting up this fucking canopy for the last. Every time we do anything I've got, yeah, and can do it with his hands tied, but he's, he's been with me so long that he knows enough to where. Yeah, I might shed one tear, I don't know, maybe two, but yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I enjoyed it, but sometimes it takes somebody to just go put your ass in check. There's definitely a percentage of it that's like micromanaging, but then there's a bigger percentage. I just feel so guilty. Yeah, I just can't. I'm like, oh, I need to help you do it, or I need to do that. That's me. Or hey, I can't watch you mop the floor here. Let me, Let me help you with that.

Speaker 2:

That's neat. Meg's seen me do things. She's like I cannot believe you're doing this right now and I'm like, oh yeah, I mean, there's nothing, I won't jump in there and do yeah.

Speaker 3:

So that's what it turns out that way. But yeah, I was very happy to have Dan. I mean his help physically.

Speaker 2:

But then, like on the I guess the whatever on that side of things too, just be like almost like the admin side.

Speaker 3:

He's like go run, go run your festival yeah, I was like, oh, you're right, okay, cool. And then went and did all my stuff and yeah, and then he would come find me. He's like all right, we're done here. Like what's next cool, so he's coming back this year so I'm very happy about that.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait to meet him we got a decent size volunteer crew this year.

Speaker 3:

So that's awesome so yeah, I'm ready to be like, see this stuff, it needs to go up here and all this stuff and we and I was. Another thing that I learned last year with those volunteers was, you know, I kind of needed to be there, cause I didn't know how it was set up or where to put it so last year I took pictures of everything and now it's like okay, so here's the stage is how we normally set it up, like here's roughly where we set it up and you know this go and then they can reference that and just do it on their own yeah

Speaker 2:

or I can stand there and orchestrate too, but or you can do both yeah, yeah or you can just let dan handle it. You can sit down and have cold beer. Yeah, pretty sure dan's got it under control. I have.

Speaker 3:

I have made a promise to myself, like last year was supposed to be the year, but this year alissa. So she's gonna. She's always helped out, but like this year she's acting gm and like then I got sean ryan stage. You know, stage management between the two of them it's like all right, my, my goal is to like I'm going to be a little.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be a little drunky poo over there myself. Step back a little bit, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Nice, yeah, and just like you guys know what to do and I'll be right there. It's not a huge festival. It's not like I'm going to be hidden, you know.

Speaker 2:

I'll in the resort side. Like I said, we've had it for 10 years and it's taken me. We have a lot of regulars that come. They book a year. We've now let them to where they're booking two years in advance. It's taken me a long time on Saturday nights because we have live music every weekend at my place and to sit back and leave on a Saturday night and not be there to control the riffraff or to maintain the bar or to make sure that the sound is good or to make sure. And these kids have been with me for a long time, so it's still it's. I've gotten much better at it, a lot better at it, but it's still there.

Speaker 2:

It's still there where I'm thinking, Nope, I'm not going to do it. And then I turn around and there I am.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but right behind the bar or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, I do and I love it. Y'all need more ice Y'all need to load up your bar back in I am.

Speaker 1:

I do it.

Speaker 2:

I do it all I love it and I do, and I love our clientele and I love our customers and and yeah, if I'm not there when they get there, I get it, and that's and that's why I keep doing it, because they're like where are you at, why aren't you here, where are you? We've been waiting for you since Friday and blah, blah, blah and yeah, with with us doing the podcast now and and so many other things, there's just I.

Speaker 2:

I will literally just be there on Saturdays and it it's really cool because so many of them have my cell and sometimes that's good. Sometimes you're like what in the actual hell?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but yeah, that's what we put out, all this correspondence with, like the artists and they're. The thing is, they're all my like, you know, except for like the headliners, which hopefully become my friends too, but like it's, it's like most of the people I know on a super personal basis. So it's like I think they're finally, they're finally catching on. But, uh, because I've had to explain to them, you know, it's like they show up and instead of hitting up the stage manager or hitting up the gm, as we've instructed, they personally they texted me like hey, I just got here, where do I go? What do I do? I'm like I got 50 of y'all sending me the same text, and then I got friends that are coming.

Speaker 1:

I got families coming the campgrounds texting me hey, and like you just want to figure it out your phone in the freaking river, yeah we have people show up at the resort all the time and they'll pull up and go.

Speaker 2:

Can you tell tiffany I'm here and they know now, like if they even say that yeah yeah, just to charge them extra. Yeah, don't tell them to go down somewhere else. I don't want to hear it, I don't. And and they know they. Yeah, no, she said I could. No, she didn't. No, we know her way better than that. She did not say that.

Speaker 3:

She did not. I'm fortunate. I'm fortunate, but I haven't gotten into that yet.

Speaker 2:

but yeah, oh it's coming, no it happens in different ways.

Speaker 3:

You know where, you know people and I don't know. I I'm not ill-willed towards anything like that, but you know it's. I was running a business like oh, can you help me here?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's hard. It's hard to put your foot down, it's hard to say no. It's like I want you all to be here for free, but which? Goes back to that Like and we're doing all right, it's, it's, definitely it's, it's growing. I got a nice bubble gum machine.

Speaker 3:

It might come unglued.

Speaker 2:

Maybe Lance might, maybe Banshee might, but I don't know. No, we won't do that. We won't do that.

Speaker 3:

I'm just kidding, see, I'm going to have to come up with a name for you. I think I should order some of them. It's on the little high. My name is whatever.

Speaker 1:

Put them at the front gate as they come in and check in, yeah, first time in yeah, that's kind of a cool vibe.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that I've ever been to a festival where they just name you right when you get your here's your wristband and here's your weekend name.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, here's who you are. Now you can take it off on Sunday, before you leave. Yeah, yeah, before you hit the office on Monday, at least the OGs like burning bands, like the whole idea was to take your stuff out there and like burn whatever you wanted to leave behind. Oh yeah, and we kind of do that same kind of ethos of like you get a new name when you come out here.

Speaker 1:

You can be a totally different person Leave the name when you're out, and then you can go back to your real life.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that'd be a good, a good concept.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome. You're absolutely, absolutely welcome. I love when my fuck-ups just turn into something creative, which is kind of like the story of my life. Oh, did you run over that? I think I just hang that on the wall, beautiful, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a little paint on it something, yeah that's, like you know, shaky graves that's where he got his name from uh, hanging out at old settlers festival, I believe, is where he tells he's in his story, says a festival, but I'm pretty sure it was old settlers because he was one of those ogs out there, yeah, but yeah, apparently you know him and his friends were, all you know, inebriated high whatever just giving each other funny names and his was shaky graves, and now it's like everybody knows yeah, what started is some goofy around a campfire.

Speaker 3:

I know, and I think I have that right. Don't fact check me, though. It's better. My story is way better I like it.

Speaker 2:

I think, if it's not, they should just run with it, let's go with it.

Speaker 3:

Stick that on reddit, or whatever it is, yeah it's a conspiracy, we'll just start, let's run with it, but I think I think that's the backstory behind it. But and yeah, festivals in general, like it's just, I've spent a lot of you know now running this one.

Speaker 3:

I don't go to as many because it's a lot of focus on this but but yeah, I used to and still get get out to quite a few, but like I love it. You know there's nothing better than like a good festival and I camp in your friends and you get dirty and stinky. Then you go home and wash all your sins away and it's kind of like a reset it is.

Speaker 2:

So now that we're doing one, it's pretty happy to I like the going one year and going the next year and kind of I like to watch, watch them grow and the improvements and the changes, and you know I like to watch things evolve like that. So I think that's pretty cool.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah. Or maybe it gets really big and we'll have the next Coachella on River Road. Hey, you know I'm down for that, yeah, as long as we have the bathroom situation and that under control, I'm good for that. Seriously, once you get into the big numbers, you know you get into the 20, 30,000, 60,000 people at a festival. It's serious business.

Speaker 2:

My very first concert I went to was Jimmy Buffett and I almost went to jail along with several others. But the bathroom situation was so bad that people were putting up blankets, because it was one of those where you take and peeing behind them. And so they came and literally pulled down and I was the one peeing behind the blanket.

Speaker 1:

But I mean, of course I was yeah, but you came on glued.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I was like they were like knock it off, but I mean good Lord.

Speaker 3:

What are we supposed to do? What are you?

Speaker 2:

supposed to do. And, and I mean those are things that you think if you're going to have a festival with 60 000 people, or however many it was, you know um, you're gonna have to think that there's a couple, two, three turlets are not going to be.

Speaker 3:

That's not going to manage the situation I mean well that walk around, start pissing themselves like yeah, they got whole companies that are just in crowd control and stuff and like you get that big, you've got to, you got to have plans and stuff or you better expect chaos yeah, that's what we've better expect the quilted bathrooms, right yeah so, if chaos does break out, we still have the facilities for it, we have the employees for it, we have whatever we need.

Speaker 3:

You know, right opposed to just like cool, we're gonna make hundreds of thousands of dollars, but that was one concept that, when zero fest started that that was their concept was to.

Speaker 2:

They had the space for a certain amount of tickets and they said from day one they would only yeah they would cap it out at this, because they never wanted to be that well too.

Speaker 2:

It's a totally different vibe. I mean, it starts off, you know, at the amphitheater, but then and now they've got different stages in the place and so, yeah, they've, they've it's. It has gotten very big but they have changed it up a wee bit and you're gonna, you're gonna see some musicians and you're gonna miss most but it. But you've set up your lineup, how you want to go and do what most do.

Speaker 3:

It's the experience, like I mean, that's what we're ultimately.

Speaker 2:

I mean for us, us artists, it's like a lot of money to go see you guys and go do this and you want them to see experience. That's what you're I mean well, I'm glad you came.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Dustin and Lance, yeah, and then we're going to see Banshee. So and if y'all need to.

Speaker 3:

Hopefully no Banshee. You don't want to see Banshee.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Saturday at 4 o'clock in the morning, okay, so.

Speaker 2:

Saturday 4 am Still got to get a ticket to get in.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah. So in a jam down by the river, Mountain Breeze, new Braunfels, texas, on River Road, we will be like sharing, following posting all the things. Links Reed Brothers, local guys in New Braunfels. You guys come and see them on Thursday nights. It's definitely worth the money. It is worth it. Yeah, there's cabins available at mountain breeze tent camping, rv spots. We also, if they are booked, you're, you're welcome to come to our place, gypsy river resort. We'll also put a link on there. We've got cabins, we've got bungalows, we've got a river house, we have RV spots, we have tent spots, showers, all the things. Yeah, yeah. So send them your way.

Speaker 3:

It is I think we have like two left.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they'll probably be. I'll link you on the site, we'll send them down your way. Yeah, and we'll shuttle you guys back and forth.

Speaker 3:

We're literally within walking distance, it's not hard, but yeah, yeah, cause they can walk the river too, right, yeah, they don't even have to get out on the road.

Speaker 2:

Well, if they go through the river and there's a bunch of private property, I thought there was that road that connected everybody. No, you don't want to do that.

Speaker 3:

We'll shovel, we'll shovel.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I'll take you in the golf cart myself.

Speaker 2:

There you go, there you go, and I'll have my Jenny out there. We'll be running around. So we've got plenty of golf carts too, so but, yeah, it's going to be a good time.

Speaker 3:

Thanks for coming.

Speaker 2:

And we are definitely doing the behind. My name is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I'll get some stickers made up yeah, and I'll come up with the name for you. I'm gonna be good, it's gonna be good.

Speaker 2:

I like surprises. It's gonna be a good time. Yeah, october 17th through the 20th 2024 this in a couple weeks mountain breeze, new brunfels, texas, on the gawad. Yeah, it's gonna be a good time. Thanks for coming, thank you see y'all there.