The Rambling Gypsy

Come Party with the Vets - Uno Rios HotRod & Rockabilly Rumble

The Rambling Gypsy Season 3 Episode 3

Come party with the Vets! The 2024 Uno Rios Motorcycle Rally, Music Festival, and HotRod & Rockabilly Rumble takes over the Mountain Breeze Campground from Thursday, October 10th to Sunday, October 13th, 2024. 🏍️


We will have live music, vendors, a classic car show, bike games, plenty of camping, and much more all set alongside the beautiful Guadalupe River. Come and take part in one of the best parties South Texas has to offer with some of the best people you will find. 😎

Music: “Blessed” by NAEMS

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Production: SIREN Studio

The Rambling Gypsy podcast is a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of real Texans doing real sh*t. We're pulling back the curtains on our daily lives - and you're invited to laugh and learn along with us.


Speaker 1:

Right, we need a good time. Are you there, Jesus? We go.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, I'm Tiffany Foy. Welcome to the Ramblin' Gypsy Podcast. And today on the show I've got two buddies of mine. This is Mags, this is Ditto. These guys are putting on a really epic motorcycle rally. It's called Uno Rios and this is year what? Eight, eight, eight years. Eight and strong. Eight and strong that's good. You could say eight and weak. Eight and strong is good. We like strong. Yeah, it is held at Mountain Breeze on River Road. You guys heard me mention River Road in New Braunfels, Texas, many a times, just right down the street from our resort that we have Gypsy River Resort. Let's talk a little bit about you. Who?

Speaker 1:

is Mags First name's Cody. Yes, that's correct, my name's Mags.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Moved out of Texas about 10 years ago, met the club down in Galveston Lone Star Rally and fell in love with the club since and been going strong.

Speaker 2:

And the club is. The Vietnam Vents Legacy there you go, there you go and Ditto.

Speaker 3:

My first name is Jamie. I'm a Kentucky boy originally but, I, like to believe. I'm a Texan. Now, there you go. I moved here in 2005, and I've been in the club about 15 years. Love most of it.

Speaker 2:

Most of it Most of it. Is that just that 1%? Is it 2? That little bit, maybe 3.5?

Speaker 3:

You know it depends on the day you ask yeah, most days it's good. You, most days it's good.

Speaker 1:

You don't love your job every day, not every day.

Speaker 2:

No one does I mean well, nick does. Nick does I mean Meg's?

Speaker 1:

right here. Yeah, look at her, but the rally's fun.

Speaker 2:

They know I'm going to throw something yeah.

Speaker 1:

The rally is a pain throughout the entire year, except for that weekend, except for the weekend that happens.

Speaker 2:

And then the day after, right into it for the next year? Nope.

Speaker 1:

We usually wait. We'll have a um. Some some of the chapters will have like their chapter, like after party sense. Some chapters are working a lot or there's a work and we don't have time to enjoy the business. It's like everyone else does Right.

Speaker 1:

Working. So usually like a couple of weeks, once you get rested, relaxed, then we'll kind of have like a barbecue at someone's house, yeah, then we'll have like the after action report, which is when I sit down with bosses and other bosses and kind of go over what worked, what didn't work, what could improve on, what take away, and then it's just Halloween, thanksgiving, christmas and then, January we have our first meeting.

Speaker 2:

And then it starts in January, christmas, and then January. We have our first meeting and then starts January. So let's kind of explain to people in the general public that don't understand how the chapters work, like how can, what can you guys, how can you explain that? I mean, how does do you met?

Speaker 1:

so chapters we have. Galveston. We have a book. In Galveston, we have a book. You have different chapters in each book.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and this book is called. That is the worst explanation.

Speaker 3:

I know that was a joke.

Speaker 1:

I'll actually let him explain that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And let's go ahead. Ditto, you want to tell us how you just sit here and do this.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yep, you know it's broken down just like any organizational structure that you have. You have a layered where you have state leadership and then different AOs around the state. Depending on the size of that AO will have a chapter, and then those chapters usually consist on average we run about 10 or 15 strong in that chapter and they make the decisions for that AO and of course then they report up to the state, the state reports up to the region and then we have a national leadership as well. So there is a hierarchy in our club it's an.

Speaker 2:

AO Area of operation.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, there, you go Not time sorry.

Speaker 2:

But it's the state there goes, that time again that you yell in your real junior.

Speaker 3:

It's 1900. What again that you y'all in your middle junior, it's 1900 what? What we have is the standard, uh, high rp organization structure, just like any other motorcycle club. Uh, around here we all kind of operate the same varying degrees, but uh, for the most part uh, it works so this club, I mean they're they're, like you said, national.

Speaker 2:

So every state has y'all's club.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yes, and so do y'all have big national shindigs, big national meetings, like at this particular festival rally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, actually this year for Uno Rios. It was just voted in thanks to Ditto and all the brothers out there that voted on it. Actually, this is the first year that came as a national rally, nice, so it started out like the first year was just a club only and invitees only. And then year two we opened up to the public and it's just grown since.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And this year for our club. It's our first year as national wow.

Speaker 2:

So what is what makes y'all what took so long to make it a national rally?

Speaker 1:

uh, well, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but we have to. We have to show support like uh, it's self-sustaining, we have to like. So we had to do. I had to provide to ditto was um, grab factual facts, statistics and the numbers and how much we spent. How much the revenue was the ins and outs of everything.

Speaker 1:

And then because we have to prove it, because a state or a national is not going to just approve a rally if it's just at a bar just hanging out, if they're going to be invested into it and making a national rally, we have to show support, a documentation of support, that the rally is self-sustaining and badass.

Speaker 2:

I have a question, and y'all do all this with no women involved.

Speaker 1:

Yes and no.

Speaker 2:

I need answers right now.

Speaker 1:

First off, you're here right now.

Speaker 2:

Because I cannot wipe my own ass without. Nick, and so I mean you guys are here right now. Yeah, yeah, so that answers your question. But I mean, y'all are voting and you're doing things and you're proving your point. You have calculations and you have spreadsheets and shit. Yes, that, who is doing that?

Speaker 1:

We do so. Yes, so to answer your question. Yes, it's not an easy question to answer.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is no shit.

Speaker 3:

That's why I went like and ditto, it's your turn again To answer your question to answer your question, most, most of the decisions, if not all the decisions, are made by the club. We don't have any women in the club, so to answer your question, yes, we do it ourselves. We do get a lot of support from the local community. You guys, for example our wives, jump in there and help. There's lots of people behind the scenes that help us. They know what it is.

Speaker 3:

But to answer the question, yes the club makes most, if not 99.5%, of the decisions that result in the execution of the route.

Speaker 2:

Got you? How long does it take for y'all in one meeting to make a decision?

Speaker 1:

Never, hey, hold on Without arguing. Yeah, some decisions are easy. I mean, we have our meeting, so let me start out in January.

Speaker 2:

First thing I'm thinking of right now is when anyone says what do you want for dinner? That is never an easy decision. Yes, it is no.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is I already came to the conclusion. I figured that whole dilemma.

Speaker 3:

So you go to your wife, right?

Speaker 1:

Hey, guess what's for dinner. Taco Bell, guess what. That's what's for dinner. Whatever she guesses, she just answers that's what she wants for dinner.

Speaker 2:

Because you know how many of them just come up with something and say you know what? Taco Bell, first of all, none. Second of all, you do, and yeah, at 1 am we all do yeah, but I mean yeah, no. I would just like to be a behind the scenes and live with a whole bunch of.

Speaker 3:

Some decisions are harder than others. Yes, some of them are pretty quick A lot of, because the rally's eight years old. There's a lot of stuff that just happens. Every year is the same. The mall's rolling and we don't really change a lot. It's not broke. Don't fix it right. As we grow and we try to get bigger and we try to get better, there's a lot of good ideas that get thrown into the mix. Right, and everybody's got an opinion on that idea. Oh yeah, so we have to kind of juggle how we, how we work those opinions. Do you ever?

Speaker 2:

just have that one that you just said. You know, maybe we should not invite him to that meeting anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but still like all the decisions I got some clients and customers like that, Like I don't know that Even the decision it's not like even as the chairman and him as the state president, there's a decision, there's a whole committee, a whole board.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So there's some things like that. Yours was based off like I can make marketing and advertising decisions on the fly right, you can make certain decisions on the fly, but everything else is throughout a committee and it's like I do not have the power to spend uno rios funds. However, I think it's not about me right, it's not about him. It's about the whole rally and the successfulness of the rally so yeah some decisions are easy to make.

Speaker 1:

Some are not. Yeah, and just because one person Wants one thing, there's going to be Ten other people that don't. And five other people that do, for example, the car show. You can talk about that the first year.

Speaker 2:

How many people are in the final decision making. Like is there? I mean you have. Like I mean, obviously you have a secretary, a treasurer. Do you have all of that or you don't?

Speaker 3:

you have to. Who's counting your beans? Yes, yes, you know, and A lot of it he talked about the committee. We have, and that's about seven or eight people. That's kind of given them responsibility by the state. We say, hey, we trust you guys to sit down and make decisions, and if you guys think this decision is much bigger than the committee, then we'll shoot it out to the entire state and every brother will have to throw their opinion in. But really we empower the committee to make the majority of the decisions.

Speaker 3:

So, we're talking eight, nine or ten people or so, counting the logistics. We have a secretary, we have a committee chairman. We have different roles and responsibilities and really we just trust I, as a state PD, I trust that committee to make decisions. Nice, they'll come to me and say here's what we're thinking and I will say yes or no.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I don't like that.

Speaker 3:

We'll talk about different options.

Speaker 2:

But we trust them.

Speaker 3:

Nice, that's a lot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, too many hands in the cookie jar makes it more difficult.

Speaker 3:

We're not lying.

Speaker 1:

That's why we started with that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, how often do you have, or do you have, or do you at all even have people that are on the committee, that are and just say you know what, I cannot handle this. This is way too much pressure Do you have? I mean, is that a thing?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or are you guys?

Speaker 2:

I mean somebody's, just like I can't.

Speaker 1:

I can't. This is way out. How many quitters is what you got?

Speaker 2:

That's what I want to know Almost.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's been a couple of times where I'm like I'm done, because when we started January, our meetings go roughly about quarterly. Now, mind you, the committee, we're all in a group chat so we're texting, especially like right now. We're texting like every day, right, messaging back and forth, but we start, you know, quarterly meetings and then once this summer, it's monthly and, like right now, it's crunch time. The rally's in like two and a half weeks, right, we're talking like every day, every day, every night. It's a lot of love. No, no, no, it's brotherly love. Yeah, you know, there's been times like I snapped at brothers.

Speaker 1:

It's like I apologize, right, you know like, but at least you come up and deal.

Speaker 2:

I mean, at least you apologize. Yeah, I mean I do it with mine when I flip, especially when it's, it's like it's stressful.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I've been, I've got my. I've been chewed up before by gas man. I've chewed gas man out before and you know it just happened like it's so. It's so high stress and balls turning, it's constantly all like it's constant. Like we're going right, we're dot nines right now crossing t's, revitalizing things, um like to you know things that was planned and then canceled last minute, right, you know?

Speaker 2:

which I mean the inevitable happens yes there's a lot of oh shit.

Speaker 3:

We just roll with the punches, right. You know, as the as the rally grows, the requirements get bigger. You know we started this rally. The club has had rallies over the years two, three, four, historically, and around 2016,. We decided, hey, we need to get back to this.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Let's go back to good old-fashioned biker parties, and it was designed for the club. We didn't talk about civilians, it was mainly let's go out and find a campground and just do old-fashioned biker stuff.

Speaker 3:

Let's drink beers and wreck our motorcycles and have a good time. Yes, but over the years that rally has evolved into what it is today and now it's open to the public. We have a full-on, what I would call a bonafide music festival at this point. We have car shows, we have vendors, we have I think we even got a mechanical bull this year. I mean, we do lots of stuff. Well, the more you throw into that, the more the requirements get bigger and the more you've through it and plan the specifics.

Speaker 1:

It gets harder every year.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and you can see the people who really want to be involved, right, and the ones who just want to be an old biker party yeah, they kind of fall off, so we're watching it grow before our eyes.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's a good thing and it's exciting because by the time, like you know, being the chairman and running for years or whatever, like I'm at my last straw and then one like to see like everything unravel and unfold in front of you and everything like works out and like it's working, it doesn't matter. We can sit here and be in an argument, like the day before the rally, and be at each other.

Speaker 2:

We, freaking, did it, we did it, man, we did it, and that right there, makes everything and seeing what.

Speaker 1:

Unirace is about is for veterans and other veterans to come together the camaraderie that we once had in the military and then bring the community together. So once it started as a motorcycle rally, like you said, now it's a music festival. Now we integrate a car show. Now it's more like it would bring all walks of life and that way it's not just MC biker stuff where civilians are like think Waco Right, I think like bikers have a bad rep.

Speaker 1:

No now it's a show. Everyone. We have everything. We have a car show we have this.

Speaker 2:

There's so much etiquette in in bikers and I mean, oh my gosh, the love, and I've been right since I was little and been around all kinds shapes, sizes, you name it, and it's just, it's a whole vibe, it's a whole, it's, it's it is I mean brotherhood, to say the least, but it's. It's very epic. Once you have that type of a family like that, there's like no other.

Speaker 1:

Well, you keep asking us questions. I mean, you've been there for how many years?

Speaker 3:

I have.

Speaker 1:

What's your opinion on it? How do you feel about being on a race? Let me ask you some questions. Look at this shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, look at all the big balls in Cowtown over here. She's got Tom out in front of you. Are you going to pull? Are we pulling? Yeah, we're about to pull the plug. No, I have enjoyed it. I really have, and that was one of the questions that I was going to have for you guys because, as he explained, you brought in the car portion of that, which is what brought me to the rally, not so much just the motorcycle and it being right down the road and from us, but that's what brought us to y'all's festival.

Speaker 3:

It's just a whole different demographic of people. There's only so many bikers in the greater san antonio new brooklyn area when you bring in the car culture, then now you integrate that group of people in with us and you just make some bigger party. We all like the same things.

Speaker 2:

We like stuff that goes fast yes, it makes a lot of noise. I was about to say it's really loud let's put them all when you're setting an alarm. There's nothing but a smile on your face.

Speaker 3:

Let's put them all in one big field and drink lots of beers. Yeah, you know. So I think it's we're going to go on motorcycles. Now the idea. You know we used to have it the second week of September Last year. We realized can't do it Right. So the idea of moving it. We shifted one month to the right. Hopefully, you know, the weather's a little nicer, yes, but hopefully that'll bring some more people out.

Speaker 2:

I think that's a huge factor, because I have been. I have been at those. I've melted at every single line. And we were just at a festival that, um, a group reached out to us ironically and it's just out of the music family and what have you. And we went down there and it's in the panhandle and, my lord, it is a huge street party and it was awful. I mean, it was so brutally hot and I'm like that was the first question I said when I got there was y'all do this the same time every year? Have you ever considered the temperature? And there's no shade, there's no such thing. I mean there's no. At least where we're at out here, you've got huge trees and what have you, and that does help and there is a breeze, but my gosh just I think changing that on your calendar date is a big deal.

Speaker 1:

That's one thing we've always done is after, like, especially during the car show is the previous ceremony when I was a coordinator I always go to every vendor, every sponsor, every you know car show people that have been out there and get you know constructive criticism. And the first year for the car show the one thing I got from a lot of car club people like you were saying you know, bringing two walks of life together. Yeah, I got that feedback a lot like we've never seen a motorcycle rally and a car show.

Speaker 2:

It's really cool and they're like it's unique and they're like they dig it, especially for people like us that have both yeah, so we did. We had our hot rods that we brought in and then we also had some of our old school vintage bikes that we've got.

Speaker 1:

The biggest complaint the past two years was especially. Last year was the heat.

Speaker 3:

It was the heat.

Speaker 1:

The committee decided shift right. It's over, we'll see. I think we're all staying positive. That's good.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be awesome.

Speaker 3:

We're looking forward to a good one. The car show over the years. It's ups and down years, obviously, but it's kind of grown some legs and it's almost a stand-alone event within the rally. It's called the Uno Rios Hot Rod in Rockabilly London. It's all things celebrating the Rockabilly culture.

Speaker 1:

It's old.

Speaker 3:

Hot Rod cars. We have a pin-up contest this year. We decided, you know, families want to come out and bring their kids. And we started noticing that the little girls were dressing up in rockabilly stuff too. So cute. So we said, hey, let's do a little Junior Miss.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So this year we're incorporating the Miss Junior Miss. We've got Tamara that runs, runs the new Brawfist pinups they come out every year and they help us put on a great event. And then we've got Rockabilly bands, so it's all things celebrating Rockabilly from 8 to 4. And then we go back to the biker stuff.

Speaker 2:

So it should be good. It's going to be so fun. Yeah, I think the concept of bringing in the hot rods with the scoots is a really good idea, and the pinup thing, because that's I mean, it's a whole vibe. It's a very good vibe. I enjoyed the heck out of it, Since you're asking.

Speaker 1:

Well, the first year we had that guy from Counting Cars come out and the people from the car show. They've never seen bike games, so they would all like every time you say wreck our motorcycle.

Speaker 2:

All I can think about is the hot dog contest. You know how many I mean, if you've never seen the hot dog contest, y'all are not living life. You do, you've got to do this, put it on your bucket list, but they, they could not imagine, like our family, like they's, all this noise.

Speaker 2:

And then I see people in these $30,000 motorcycles and there's big jelly and flipping off and like, yeah, why are they so happy right now? And throwing kegs yeah, it's a good time yes, it's all influenced by booze. Maybe we should get some of the and we're all here for it, hell yeah.

Speaker 1:

Alright and action. I want to do that too. I'm having fun.

Speaker 2:

You're right now. I'm so hot. We do have the little thing, do you really? We do, yeah, we do, so go get it. We'll do another one. I've already marked off two boxes.

Speaker 1:

We'll cut it, we can get it. Yeah yeah, we'll do another one and we'll already marked off two boxes. We can do it.

Speaker 2:

The next one. Yeah, he's so excited. You don't have to. She can write on it or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a little things. Okay, I know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Okay, so we're um pin up and we've got the two, the two groups, so 15 and under Correct.

Speaker 3:

And then 15 and up. 16 and up 16 and up.

Speaker 2:

yes, and what made the whole did the pinup thing? Because that didn't come in from just the bike and the pinup deal. So we brought Y'all kind of brought in the car and the pinup thing at the same time. Right yeah, at the same time we did.

Speaker 3:

I've got an old 54 pailer I'm kind of a rockabilly. Uh, yeah, I like this, I like the culture. Uh, so I thought you know it all makes sense. Uh, let's bring them all in. Of course, me and tamra and eric are big buddies. Yeah, uh. So the first year was uh, what's the name of his band? At this point, anyway, yep, um cut yep.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, yep, cut Yep. Oh shit, don't look at me right now, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, his band and Tamra, we got them involved and it's worked. You know, it brings a whole new dimension.

Speaker 2:

There's so much fun.

Speaker 3:

People come out there. I've been to a lot of car shows where you just kind of sit there, you know You're out there in an old asphalt parking lot and you're sweating to death and you're feeling nothing going on. You don't want to walk around and look at the same car, so much so to have a pinup contest and have lots of bands and stuff to do just kind of makes the day a little fun it does, so this rally starts on Thursday.

Speaker 1:

Technically it starts Friday. We have Thursday is more like a pre-party. So, the rally has always been Friday and Saturday, but what years ago it's like two and three or whatever we started noticing that brothers from out of state throughout the country. Obviously they're traveling so they get here early so they'll show up Wednesday and next thing we know, thursday night at Mountain Breeze. We're all just hanging out. It's like, okay, you know what. And then other other families, other clubs come in right, and it's like you know what?

Speaker 3:

let's start getting like a DJ or a band or something, it's just, it's like the the pre-party right, so anyone on.

Speaker 2:

Thursday yeah, on pregame Thursday night. Thursday night yeah, and so Friday is just music. Yeah, we've got to.

Speaker 3:

When do the cars start coming in the cars will come in, probably first thing Saturday morning. Okay, we'll have some people if they're camping or if they come out and spend the weekend. We'll have a few cars will come out, but the the bulk of them will show up on Saturday night. Okay, but on Friday night. We've got three bands on Friday.

Speaker 1:

That is our country night, so to speak.

Speaker 3:

We've got Clayton Chapman Band, midnight River Choir and Mickey the Motorcars playing Friday night.

Speaker 2:

So that's going to be a killer night for us.

Speaker 3:

So we're excited about that.

Speaker 1:

And then on.

Speaker 3:

Saturday we've got a 50s and 60s rock rockabilly band out of San Antonio called the Vinyl 45s.

Speaker 1:

They're going to play the car show.

Speaker 3:

And then we've got two bands on Saturday night. It's of 82 out of Houston. They're like an 80s rock cover band. And then we've got the Weeknights, out of Austin. They're a 90s, 2000s. They blink 182. That's what we we got Saturday night.

Speaker 1:

I love it, so it's going to be killer.

Speaker 3:

I love it. And the crazy thing is the weeknights. This is our second time. They were supposed to headline last year's rally and that's when the storm hit, blew everything over and we had to cancel. So, they're excited to come down and kind of finish what they started.

Speaker 2:

So it should be a good weekend. What are the day passes? What are the stipulations for people to come in during the day? Is there any?

Speaker 1:

How's that working? Yes, there are day passes For the rally. It's $20 for a day pass. Yeah, for the car show.

Speaker 3:

I should know this stuff. It's $20 for a day pass, yeah, $30 for a week pass For the car show.

Speaker 1:

the inner car is like $30. $30. And for the weekends $30, $40?.

Speaker 3:

I think it's $20 for a day pass, yeah, or you can get a whole weekend for $30.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So that's pretty good.

Speaker 2:

That's very very, very cheap. Yeah, friday night for 20 bucks, yeah, I mean, that's insane.

Speaker 3:

Now the car show entry fee is $30,. But that is the car and two people.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Anybody after that is $10 per ticket. Okay, so if I just want to come out on Saturday and see the cars from 8 to 4, it's $10 to get in. If you want to spend the whole day, then the big package Gotcha. But all that's on Moon Tower Tickets. They can go there and drop down menus.

Speaker 2:

There you go, some Moon Tower Tickets, moon Tower.

Speaker 1:

Tickets. And if you want the time of your life, you got VIP there. You go and that's all weekend and that is a chance to hang out with every single band. Pictures, autographs.

Speaker 2:

Yours truly. We are very first live podcast there um saturday morning at 10 30 in the vip tent and um, that is going to be with the metro right, we were bringing we're bringing the metro, yeah, we're putting a pop-up bar in the back of it, and so, yeah, it's going to be a good time.

Speaker 2:

But yeah so that that's happening saturday morning, um, but so people that can come in, is there there? Is it BYOB, are they able to? How is that? It's not right, because I know when I have my setup at my place that's not. That cannot happen.

Speaker 1:

So the owner of Mountain Breeze. Can we pause for a second?

Speaker 2:

He's a rock star and we love him. Do I get to clap her? Who wants to clap her? He's a rock star and we love him. Do you want to get the clapper? He wants the clapper. He's so excited I don't know what else to do.

Speaker 3:

That's why most of my friends know that whatever is cool that's what I do.

Speaker 2:

She's like who are you? You've got to turn around.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God, they saw it for 10 minutes, right, I can't believe it.

Speaker 2:

I was like oh, my Lord, you got to do the other hand and here we go and we are back. Terrible, take 12. Yeah, but no.

Speaker 1:

Paul has done a great time accommodating us. For Uno Rios he has a 60-foot flagpole that our club put in.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing and I'm so jealous and just in case just in case y'all know, don't make me phone somebody in the club.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we can make that work, but, uh, we replace that flag every year.

Speaker 2:

Uh, that is the kickoff this is such an epic story. You guys pay attention to this because this is really beautiful.

Speaker 1:

So on Friday, king of Booner Reels, we have a ceremony at 17. Thank you, it's a whole ceremonial process. We march out there. Take the flag down, retire it how it's supposed to be retired, buy the books and then, we raise a new flag.

Speaker 2:

And that is Paul's flag.

Speaker 1:

I love that. It makes my heart so happy. Yeah, he's. He's a phenomenal job. We all love paul, he's so amazing. Yeah, for the rally, it's um. No outside alcohol, right, he has a fully stocked bar and this year, for anyone that gets vip tickets, well, um, I have a satellite bar right there next to them, so no walking no lines yeah in the metro, in the metro, in the metro.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yep um so yeah, that's really cool. So and we do the same thing at our place when we have people that come outside that want to come and see the live music or whatever. It's just only if it's only fair so yeah, that's perfect. So, um, but yeah, um, great music friday, saturday I'm super, super excited. Sunday what's anything sunday, just kind of everybody think about their choices, talk about all their bad decisions.

Speaker 2:

Go to church, find your little jesus figure out which camper you woke up in yep, or we're adding the grass right, as long as you don't end up down in the river we have had IV tubes out there yeah, I can tell you, I have had some big stories where I've had knocks on my door and this is it was like a couple live videos down at my place music videos and getting a knock on my mother's home and I open up the door and they're like hey, hey to me, um, I think one of your musicians is dead down there. Like wait, what, what do you mean? She's like yeah, like down on the bulkhead. I think I think there's one that's dead down there and I'm walking down there. How are you even talking about? I walk down there and there's one of them passed out, think there's one that's dead down there and I'm walking down there.

Speaker 2:

What the hell are you even talking about? I walk down there and there's one of them passed out on the picnic table that's in the water.

Speaker 1:

Have you been to Sturgis?

Speaker 2:

I said what are you doing?

Speaker 1:

And he's like I'm just taking a power nap.

Speaker 2:

I said what's a power nap right now? Get your ass up. They think you're dead down here. That was probably a great idea. Oh my God, Yep, I'm not going to say any names, but his brother that's going to be watching this.

Speaker 1:

He's going to be there in spot 12 this weekend. He decided at like one o'clock in the morning to go swimming in the river and to float and just go, float and just float and brothers thought he was dead in the Guadalupe and out in South Texas and so he finally reached up and got him and he was pissed and ended up going to the wrong RV that night and that's all I'm going to say that story. And he's going to be pissed when he even sees it and I can't wait, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, this is going to be so much fun. Should we tell everybody when this is happening? You want to throw?

Speaker 1:

the dates out there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no shit. 10. 10 through the 13th, 10 through the 13th.

Speaker 3:

I can see your head spinning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's looking at you. Okay, but that wasn't supposed to be, broadcasted I should know this too, I'm like oh shit, what's today?

Speaker 1:

What month is it? What year? Oh lord, y'all need Nick in your life.

Speaker 2:

That was a late night last night.

Speaker 3:

Okay, remember that question up front was how we make that's how we make.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can see that. Rock paper scissors, yeah, but sometimes, alright, we voted and gavel yeah oh my god, I just want to come and hang out.

Speaker 1:

I will like get y'all's beers for y'all when your next meeting.

Speaker 2:

I just want to sit back with some popcorn, maybe a camel or something, and we can. Just I just want to be a part of this vibe.

Speaker 1:

How long have you been here in Zibra?

Speaker 2:

Lately yeah, that's the name. Lately, lately, Blue.

Speaker 1:

Well, you still haven't answered my question. What are your thoughts on Uno Rios?

Speaker 2:

I told you I absolutely love it. I love the fact that y'all took the hot rods and brought them into a vibe that they are not accustomed to, which is the motorcycle side. I love that. I think that is because you really don't.

Speaker 1:

You brought an alpaca.

Speaker 2:

I did, that was Pat, yes, and you just asked me the other day, when we were all walking the grounds, about if I was going to bring him again, and you just saw him.

Speaker 1:

There's going to be no pit bull there.

Speaker 2:

He's a grown ass man.

Speaker 3:

This is Patton. I bet you won't ride that camel down the hill. I will.

Speaker 2:

Do not tempt me with a good time. Do not. Now we're going to fucking do it yeah.

Speaker 3:

She has a whole Wasn't there a plan to drive in on Friday? Thursday night, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Somebody should have an.

Speaker 3:

American flag.

Speaker 2:

Wait, did you want motorcycles or camels? I'm not telling you what I'm riding in on.

Speaker 3:

Yes, the camels should be leading the way with American flags. I like this.

Speaker 1:

I like this. Nothing says America Nothing. I like this. I like this. This is how Nothing says America. This is how good I need to start.

Speaker 2:

Nothing says America better than Leroy the camel. This is how good I need to start. Hold on a minute. What's?

Speaker 1:

this, yeah, harley's and camels. Harley's and camels Go down River Road.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh Lord. So you know her name, the female. Her name is Tammy Foy is Floyd, she's got eyelashes that'll make everyone jealous and he growls. He's talking to you? No, he growls. That's what they say. How did I go? Again, I don't know. That's all you get from me. You need to go out there and y'all can talk about it yourself.

Speaker 3:

I didn't know Campbell growls. I'm going to go with him.

Speaker 1:

He did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I want to know if he's going to get like a merch shirt or something.

Speaker 1:

I'm going brand new zebra.

Speaker 2:

So now we're talking about names. I want to know how you guys come up with y'all's names in your club.

Speaker 3:

Usually it's because we do something stupid. We usually earn them and it's usually an embarrassing story on how you got it. Most of us, I wouldn't say that's 100% accurate.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait for this to evolve.

Speaker 3:

The majority of us earn our names in embarrassing ways.

Speaker 2:

Right, okay, let's start with Gasman. Who's Gasman? I'm not Gasman, I know you're not.

Speaker 1:

I will not speak how another brother got his name. That brother is the only one I can speak. How?

Speaker 3:

did I get my name? Yes, oh man. So I am very opinionated. I'm cool, right. If you tell me I did something wrong, I'm going to explain to you why I did it the way I did it, because in my mind I was right.

Speaker 2:

Of course you were. I like to believe I'm usually right. Yeah, yes, so.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to tell you why I did what I did and try to justify it. So one night I was explaining this, and when you're a prospect in our club, no matter what you do, you're always wrong.

Speaker 2:

So it didn't work for me, so I was struggling very badly during this whole process.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

long ago was this 2010?

Speaker 3:

No, Are you looking at me for clarification? Yeah, 2010-ish. But so one night I'm getting it from everybody because I just couldn't keep my mouth shut and somebody pulled me off to the side, and I guess every prospect has a sponsor in our club it's a brother whose job is to train you and teach you what not to do. Okay, so evidently my sponsor had the same problem that I do.

Speaker 2:

Oh, perfect, perfect. He read his mouth Dumb and dumber together.

Speaker 3:

I did it now. His road name was Alibi, because no matter what he did wrong, he had an alibi. And because I acted just like him. They called me dude there you go I got stuck because I couldn't keep my mouth shut and there you go so Udo Rios in October yeah, come on, is that a real story?

Speaker 1:

let's go were you, the guy floating in the river? No, I'm trying to change the subject. I know you were, so I got my name by.

Speaker 2:

You know how red your cheeks are right now.

Speaker 1:

It's a burn from on the bike, it's sunburn. That's what those gringos have issues with, anyways. So long story short you remember?

Speaker 1:

my long hair. Yeah, um, I've been called jacks. And yeah, ragmar loppa. You know all this, so I didn't mess up bad enough to really get a name. I've had almost names, almost almost. And then I got a mission one day from my lovely sponsor that to come come back the next meeting with three names. So I came back with. In the military they called me hurt. My last name is wired, so they just called me hurt. In the oil field they called me cowboy, because at the time of the cowboy surrounding I forget the third, um, the third name.

Speaker 1:

Again, this was years ago, so he's just like, and my sponsor is this special forces, just old school like back when clubs like brothers had names of booger and shit stain whatever. So he's like you're too pretty to be a biker. You belong in a boy band. We're going to call you Maggot, that's very nice. He's kind of mean, I took it as Maggot and I don't believe in changing the name that I was giving to you.

Speaker 3:

So I just shortened it.

Speaker 1:

One day I got tired of people asking how the hell did you get the name Maggot? And I had so many different stories on how to do this, yeah, or explain it. Explain it, which I'm not going to say that on camera. Oh, my Lord, I'm just going to call you Maggs for short.

Speaker 3:

I'm like I will stick with that.

Speaker 2:

I like that.

Speaker 1:

But my actual name is Maggot.

Speaker 2:

Maggot, maggot, who would have ever? Thought oh well, apparently did you know this story? I did not. Did you know his story Somebody's?

Speaker 3:

too pretty to call him Maggot.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's not even what.

Speaker 1:

Too pretty to be a biker, so he called me Maggot to offset his offset in his off set.

Speaker 2:

And then and then another brother, which I'm not going to speak his name, that's just mean he sent my picture, my picture of the prospect, and then Jax Teller trying to go down and sent it all the way up through state to get it.

Speaker 1:

You know, because that's a party, you go but you don't get voted in 100% vote and he sent my picture. Oh man, that was a long time ago good times.

Speaker 2:

It was a long time ago, so you got your hair cut off for a minute, a couple months yeah yep, a couple months, I'm going right back out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all of it, oh, oh y'all gotta vote on that too no for him to cut his hair for y y'all to listen to him.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I'm going out. No, I voted that, I passed it, I voted me myself and I.

Speaker 1:

Yep. Well, all three of us are going my route.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But I'm going all of it out this time. All of it, all of it.

Speaker 2:

Going back to the OG, how many people are in your old squad?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Enough. A lot, a lot, too many, sometimes, sometimes.

Speaker 3:

You know it does this yeah. You know, it's good times. People get stuck in Uh-huh, then it falls off a little bit and then you get the strong brothers to stick around. Yeah, so we go through roller coasters. You get the strong brothers to stick around and it picks back up. So we go through roller coasters, but we have a good, cool group of brothers that stick around no matter what is the average time to be a prospect to become an actual mover Until yeah, it depends on the person.

Speaker 3:

All stupid there. Yeah, if you're like me and you can't keep your mouth shut, it tends to take you a little longer.

Speaker 2:

Did you ever think, fuck this, I'm done, I just can't.

Speaker 3:

I just can't keep my mouth shut To this day.

Speaker 2:

I still do that I was thinking that today, Right before we walked in this door, I hope I can shut the hell up but probably not.

Speaker 1:

Everybody thinks that from time to time I personally. It took me from start to finish roughly about a year, yeah, almost a year. Just shy of a year Hanging around guests prospecting just shy of a year yeah. I know some people, some brothers, are 400 plus days.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like I said, it depends on the person. We had a brother he's still in the club actually, but when he was a prospect he took if you gave him a mission, he took it literally. And somebody gave him $5 and said, hey, run and get me a beer. Okay, I got you.

Speaker 2:

He ran.

Speaker 3:

Took that $5, went outside, got on his bike, went down. Oh, I thought you meant he ran.

Speaker 2:

I was like look at Forrest run.

Speaker 3:

He got on his bike, rode around, hit another bar, had a beer, rode to the next bar. Come back like an hour later handed a beer. So where you been, you just told me to go get you a beer. You didn't say how long.

Speaker 2:

So his time it took him a while.

Speaker 3:

A little smart-ass. It took him a while. So it really depends on the person and how much time and effort you put into it.

Speaker 2:

That had to have been a hard one to swallow.

Speaker 3:

But you earned those right From his what's he called his person?

Speaker 3:

Sponsor Sponsor I was going to say coach, but you know, if it was easy to do, then everybody would do it Right and then it wouldn't be anything worth it. You know it'd be easy to quit because it was easy to do. Then everybody would do it Right and then it wouldn't be anything worth it. It would be easy to quit because it was easy to get. The harder this is to obtain, the more you earned it and the more you want it, there's been a lot of times in the last 15 years where I've questioned do I really want to do this?

Speaker 2:

But then I tell myself.

Speaker 3:

You know I put a lot into this. This is 15 years of my life. So I'm going to stick around and I'm going to deal with this little hard time, because there's so much better stuff.

Speaker 2:

What makes you decide? There's so many clubs and organizations out there.

Speaker 3:

What made you guys decide that this is the one you know, and everybody's probably got a different reason. You know, for me it was uh, um, you, you find something in the military that makes you that person that you, right, uh, even if, even if you weren't that person, the army changes you into that person, right, uh, so when you come home, uh, from wherever you work, uh, you're looking for it. You know you're missing something, there's a hole somewhere and you're looking to fill it. For me, being around these brothers, it's the closest thing you're going to get to the military. Right, I find that camaraderie that I found in Iraq, you find it here, and the best thing is, I can go to any club club but they don't understand what's going on up here.

Speaker 3:

Right, they do right so you. You find that connection here that you, that I may not find somewhere else, right, or just in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean. I mean, I mean there's so many that have PTSD and what have you? I mean that's got to be when be.

Speaker 1:

When I found this club, I was at the lowest point of my life and this club saved my life, I was homeless. My truck was repoed.

Speaker 3:

I don't know why, it was actually my grandma, my 78-year-old grandma, really.

Speaker 1:

I was like you need to join one of them biker clubs. I was like grandma. I need to. And, like I said, my truck was repoed, I had just moved to Texas, fired a lot Not fitting in, about to be homeless, and met the club, and I ditched all my friends from high school that moved out here to Texas and ran into them. I haven't seen them in 10, 15 years, 20 years and met the club. Yeah, and since that day I got was that low star rally I've been dead set that's awesome.

Speaker 3:

But you know, and you will see that if you, if you come to, you'll just find it. It's just an atmosphere, it's just a good time, yeah right everybody's there, uh, and you'll have side parties. There'll be somebody over here at their rv barbecuing over here, there'll be speed with the bar. You'll find little parties within the party. But, everybody's kind of there to get and then hopefully the bands kick off on Friday night and Mickey and the Motorcars get on stage and everybody's there.

Speaker 3:

I told him. I said I'm going to buy a whole bunch of bottles of booze and take the cap off and just pass it around.

Speaker 3:

Paul's going to get real mad at me. I just thought about that. Paul, I love you. I will buy the bottles from you, but that's what it's all about. You know we throw this party. It's a thank you to our brotherhood, and it's one time a year where there's no business. You know we don't come, and it's one time a year where there's no business. You come to Uno Rios. We're not going to sit around and talk about what's going on next weekend?

Speaker 3:

We'll worry about that. On Sunday we want the community to come in. We go to bars like, say, billy's, and now, billy's, don't let us come there anymore.

Speaker 2:

So now we're going to bring everybody to us. Yes, you can bring everybody.

Speaker 3:

This is my show and I got a big fat everybody to us. Yes, yeah, you can bring, we'll bring everybody to us.

Speaker 2:

This is my show and I got a. I got a big fat E in there. We can say whatever we want to say.

Speaker 3:

Our motto used to be come party with the vets yeah, come party with the vets, we'll show you a good time. I love it and we'll sit around.

Speaker 2:

We got great bands.

Speaker 3:

Uh, how we've got a mechanical we're gonna do the wet t-shirt contest on the bull. There you go. I told him. I said think about, uh, uh, don't think about that urban cowboy, think about those when it's over. When I was telling this, I said you remember urban cowboy, when cc gets up on that bull. I said now imagine that it's a wet t-shirt contest.

Speaker 1:

Um I was a big t-shirt, but I still hold the record when we had the mechanical bowl a couple years ago 56 seconds. Challenge anybody.

Speaker 2:

There you go. Challenge accepted Not by me. I got too many broken parts. But, yeah, everybody out there, there you go. Challenge accepted.

Speaker 1:

Don't find me. I'm fine in 56 seconds, you make it 57,.

Speaker 2:

I'm buying you a beer.

Speaker 1:

We'll go find Ditto and get a swing out of a bottle.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to operate the deal.

Speaker 2:

Huh, yeah, exactly no no, no, no, If not, I'm going to take Leroy down there and we're going to see how long you make it on Leroy.

Speaker 1:

I'll take it. Wait, what's with Leroy?

Speaker 2:

Is that the zebra? No, that's the camera. You can't ride the zebra.

Speaker 1:

I'll bite her back.

Speaker 2:

Oh, here we go. She didn't bite me.

Speaker 1:

You need to get her toothbrush you need to get some fluoride up in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, some fluoride up in that zebra. Well, october 10th through the 13th, New Braunfels, texas, on River Road at Mountain Breeze. Also, if you do not have a place to stay, go to gypsierivereresortcom. Hit the Book Now button In the comments section. Let us know Rio's 30% off for everybody that is involved in the festival. We have all kinds of cottages, cabins, bungalows and all the things that tent spots, rv spots, you name it.

Speaker 1:

We're literally right down the road. We can post a link on wherever you post this.

Speaker 2:

Yes For our.

Speaker 1:

Facebook site the book, face, instagram.

Speaker 2:

Yep. All that. We will spread it all across the socials.

Speaker 1:

Moonlight Tower.

Speaker 2:

Moon Tower, tower, moon Tower. I know You're going to have to stay at your level. I'm just going to put you back in the prospect status. Make Nick's going to be your new coach, or whatever it's called. You're fired. You can't fire me on my day off, oh shit. Hey, it was a good time. I cannot wait. We are doing our very first live podcast at this festival saturday morning 10 30 with these two guys and it is going to be a freaking awesome.

Speaker 2:

It's in the vip tent. I cannot wait for y'all to see. See what we've got coming up no do we all want to vote no?

Speaker 2:

there we go we all just answered our own questions. Bourbon for bourbon, hell, no, cook and rally. Yeah, yeah, thanks for coming, you guys, it's going to be a good time. Look forward to it. Thanks for having me, thanks, thanks, thank you guys for coming. Go ahead, get it out and say it. I just want Cut, cut, yeah. And Mags, what Cut. Oh, my god, me too. Oh shit, y'all are retarded. Now I'll do it. The right way, right in front of my face, still facing the wrong way, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I bet she won't.

Speaker 2:

So they have an opportunity to throw some of the credits I, so they have an opportunity to make sure everything's approved yeah, well, I was feeding my lemur um legs eggs, all my monkeys doing so I made breakfast, for this video was made possible by the support of the American Heart Association.

Speaker 2:

We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. We thank you for your support. Not like that One night. We're both happy.