The Rambling Gypsy

Cats, Chaos & Color-Coded QR Codes

The Rambling Gypsy Season 2 Episode 6

Ever wondered how to keep your life organized while managing the chaos? On this episode of the Rambling Gypsy podcast, we welcome the one and only Nicole to the porch to share her expertise on managing chaos, herding cats, and maintaining detailed itineraries. 

We discuss everything from karma to keeping a busy calendar without losing our minds - press play and let the organized chaos unfold!

The Rambling Gypsy podcast is a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of real Texans doing real sh*t. We're pulling back the curtains on our daily lives - and you're invited to laugh and learn along with us.


Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome to the Ramblin' Gypsy podcast. My name is Tiffany Foy and we are fortunate to be porch-nant. And today I have the one, the only Nick. Y'all hear me talk about her all the time, and this has taken a lot of convincing to get her little tiny ass on the porch. I'm here.

Speaker 2:

I'm finally here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's on the porch with the cameras. This time she's on my other porch all the time, all the time, all the time, 24-7, 365.

Speaker 2:

Well, we've got a lot of problems to solve, a lot of things to talk about.

Speaker 1:

She's the one that you hear on the very first episode. That's sitting in the corner when I, when me and Kel are sitting here talking and I said why are we here? And Kel are right, I said it, kel says it.

Speaker 2:

Why are we here and Kel goes?

Speaker 1:

I don't know why are we here and you hear this one in the background go what do you mean? Why are we here? We're here. We built you a porch to tell your shit show or your life stories or your everything to life. Bring everything to life. Yeah, but she's the one that attempts to keep me in line. She does a pretty damn good job of it. I would think I say so, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's like herding cats. Honestly, it's a little bit difficult Okay.

Speaker 1:

So first of all, cats herding cats. I heard a lot of things. Okay, yeah, steiner's on the porch too. I don't know if y'all can see her Tiger's on the porch too. Tiger went out, took shit and she's been a while. She was a little too excited, so anyways, but yeah, steiner's on the porch with us. Her Tia Nick is here, and yeah, but let's talk about herding cats for a minute. I don't know, I mean have you ever tried to herd some cats before.

Speaker 1:

Well, first of all, I'm allergic to them, but it doesn't matter. I mean if they show up. But you know, if they show up, you know I'm gonna save it or rescue it or whatever and I'll sneeze and shit myself or whatever at the same time but I'm gonna catch those little suckers, yeah, and I'm sure I'll save them. But no, no, I don't know that. I've ever heard of herding cats. I've heard of herding cattle herding humans. Don't be a part of the herd.

Speaker 2:

Don't herd sheep see, those are all easy things to herd.

Speaker 1:

Herding goats. Herding a cat is much more difficult, because I guess cats aren't, they're not meant to be herded. No, nobody wants a bunch of pussies in one room. I mean that's a lot to handle, that is a lot to handle.

Speaker 2:

We don't know. We don't need all of that. But, yeah, sometimes, you know, I mean cats like to do what they want to do they want to scatter, they want to run, they jump off all the things.

Speaker 1:

So what you're saying is I'm hard to handle.

Speaker 2:

You got the nine lives, or the seven lives, however many they have, and we're getting close to having to keep track of them. Am I running out? Do I need to get? Do I need to? You got some good luck. I feel like you have some good luck that follows you. Yeah, well, you got good karma. Maybe that's what I should say is it's good karma, it's not luck, because you cause it yourself okay, it's good karma that follows you around I like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll take that. I will definitely take that, because I just got told not too long ago that, uh, you know, karma is a big word. Karma is, and you know, you guys have heard me talk about my gypsy nary and how this is the one that keeps me in line, keeps my vocabulary in line. We, you, you hear me tell everybody, tell the entire world.

Speaker 1:

Yep, her hat says we have a situation which is we have a situation, we always have a situation I am a situation, followed by a fluctuation and many other things, but we do. Karma is a big karma is a big word. Karma is something that sneaks up on you when you least expect it, but you have full control over it. Now we're going to get to see this. This is a really cool side about Nick. Nick is my little analytical.

Speaker 2:

She's a brainiac.

Speaker 1:

She is. She's the one that puts together our um, how to pack our suitcase, how, uh. She puts us a uh, what's it called Itinerary? Well, yeah, that, but you put it in a in a PDF, a P in a program with her little. That's what you should have done today. We should have brought a pointer so you could point, like your flow chart and you're. And so first you're going to start here and you're going to get dressed for the airport and then, once you're dressed for the airport, you're going to grab your bag. And then you're going to grab your bag and you're going to get in the car, but you have to take your slippers off and then at the airport is when you're actually going to open my pdf that I made you, oh, and she gets so mad if we didn't win.

Speaker 1:

We were just excited. We were excited, everybody's excited. This is Nick's, the one that keeps everything on our calendar.

Speaker 2:

Yep, we live by that calendar we do live by the calendar.

Speaker 1:

It's very important.

Speaker 2:

We have a full on. I was on the calendar for today. Yeah, I had to abide by it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which was? I'm here? I know You're here. The calendar said so. Yeah, the calendar said so, and we take it very serious and that's what we do. Apparently, steiner is on the calendar too, and I don't know if you guys have ever hold a goat, but the body temperature of a goat is so hot Like it is a hot flash on steroids, and when she was at the she you know she goes everywhere with us and if I don't have her, nick has her. If Nick don't have her, mason clearly is now.

Speaker 2:

Mason TO.

Speaker 1:

Mason TO.

Speaker 2:

Mason is now at the parking lot.

Speaker 1:

drop-offs for the custody exchange yes we'll have to show that video because that was a good one. That was a really good one. So, yeah, but TO Mason has decided that he loves his Steiner. But apparently she was on the calendar, but when we were at the resort this weekend, so we had some really good people there, some really good friends of ours, and they were running around and Steiner was playing with them and of course it's end of July, right, we're into July, yeah, and it's hot as balls out at our place and you're just sweating, what have you. And she said Can I go take her and hold her? And she came back like 20 minutes later. She was like girl, I mean, I thought I was hot. And she said and now she said, how do you deal with this? And I said, yeah, and she sleeps with me, so it's literally. And now she is heater. Yeah, now she is curled up behind me on the back of my bum and she is hot, as so now I feel like I'm sitting on a heating pad with my fuzzy pillow.

Speaker 2:

Oh, she said, this is my life, this is loving it.

Speaker 1:

Can you imagine? This is how every animal that I have is treated by the way I just and she can vouch for it.

Speaker 2:

She, yeah, when I come back in the next life. I want to be one of her animals because they I mean they have a better wardrobe than I do they eat better food than I do?

Speaker 1:

She organizes the wardrobe.

Speaker 2:

I do I have to organize all their bows and their clips and the diapers and all the little swimmies.

Speaker 1:

They have swimsuits with little fins on the back of them was when we had Renee Captain Evil, and we were in the she shed and we were talking and you had gone back down to the resort. So you actually weren't in the she shed when we were talking and Steiner was in there and I said something and I said, well, oh, I think you were headed down below. And I said, well, it's in the monkey room, it's in the collar container right next to the goat, something. And Renee goes okay, wait, okay, wait, stop. Did you just say in the monkey room? We got to dissect the whole next to the goat collars next to the monkeys, whatever.

Speaker 1:

But she was like all that came out in one sentence. I was like, yeah, and you should see how beautifully organized she has her the label maker and she labels the clear containers.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we got the holiday set up you know all in their own little section and they dress up you know all in their own little section and they dress for the PJs are in their own little house. We did, they got the goggles for when they get on the little scooter. Yep, the little scooter thing.

Speaker 1:

And then when Tiger had her babies, we did oh yeah, we did photo shoots. We dressed each one of them up, we did. They all had their special colors.

Speaker 2:

They had one of them up, we did they all had their special colors.

Speaker 1:

They had their birth certificates.

Speaker 2:

We did they did all her christmas photoshoot. We did like we did valentine's day baby newborns underneath the christmas tree, we did tiger's pregnancy shoot. Oh yeah and the day we were supposed to do?

Speaker 1:

mom and dad. Mom and dad was the day she went into labor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, we were. I was on the way to go drive to your house, yeah, and I called you and I was like she's acting so weird, like something's coming out of her ass.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I gotta go. Yeah, and it's not. Yeah, we got a situation. Yeah, I was like we're not making the photo shoot. Change of plans. And yeah, boom, there we were six babies later.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, about ready to do it again too, I, I was just telling Polo last night I said we need to go speaking of, we need to go check her calendar, because me and Polo and you were all having a debate the other night, because I kept thinking, for whatever reason that it was, I wasn't thinking, I didn't realize it was before Thanksgiving when she had her babies, and it was, it was November 17th because we thought she was going to have them on Riley's, which later would have been Riley's birthday.

Speaker 2:

So she was like three days early, according to her son-in-law, but that was also her first litter, which I know absolutely nothing. This girl took me to the rodeo for the first time and I was just in awe, I was just about to say.

Speaker 1:

we need to talk about how cool it is that this is the city girl of city Getting edumacated. City girl. Cool it is that this is the city girl of city girl, of all city girls. And okay, let's, let's, let's, let's talk about first timers with me, talk about all the first time things that you've done with me, I know okay, so first time you went to a rodeo was with me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was real interesting because we were all around with a milk bottle or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we were backstage and so, um, the boys were playing, you know, her husband's the bass player for Shane Smith and the saints. And um, once you guys see, we just got, we were talking about good fest and the festival and what have you and, um, so, corey, that is the, the guy behind Good Fest that started the whole thing is the guy who works with her husband and my cousin and Shane Smith and the Saints. But they were playing. So we went to the rodeo and of course I go all the time Got my boots on, I dressed the part.

Speaker 1:

She did. I was there, I was ready for it. I will dress her. We've been having the wardrobe thing because she has this deal where she calls it her Adam Sandler wardrobe and I can't.

Speaker 2:

I might pull it off better than Adam Sandler. That's all I got to say, I mean and we're going to bury that.

Speaker 1:

And you know, I have a backhoe and I know how to use it In a burn pile.

Speaker 2:

In a burn pile.

Speaker 1:

I got a tractor, I got all the things and I got all the things and, yeah, we're gonna light it and we're gonna burn it.

Speaker 2:

No offense, adam, but it's not, it's not for my Nick, it's not for my Nick. But yeah, she, she, she does, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we, we dressed, we went to the rodeo and that was the first time and it was really fun because I I mean, they've been and played a couple times, but they hadn't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not like the behind the scenes. This is why you do it.

Speaker 1:

This is why this horse looks this way, this is why this, why they're doing that, or this is the point of value, or you know all of that kind of good stuff, and then to see the little kids out there, you know, just giving it a go with their little helmets and things, I was like maybe you should wait till your brains develop a little more before you do this. But okay, you never know, you never know.

Speaker 2:

Let's now I understand why the chasing around a cow with the milk bottle came through yeah, it started out on the little yes, hit your head one too many times and now, there you go.

Speaker 1:

What's gonna happen? You're gonna get hit with a baseball too, I mean, or not? Or just gonna think you're sliding into home plate and you're down there doing whatever, but yeah, so that was the first time for you. And and then you peed in a pasture. I did, I did that was a full on, that was a whole, that was a very big, that was a big ordeal.

Speaker 2:

I don't even pee in the water, like in the lake or the river or whatever. I get out and go. You know, do my, do somewhere else and then come back and whatever. I don't care that you're already wet and gross and whatever.

Speaker 1:

It's weird to me. Yeah, I don't know yeah because you're a thinker.

Speaker 2:

Yeah oh yeah, maybe that's what it is. It's the overthinking, it's the overthinking. Yeah, yep, but yeah, but that was a big.

Speaker 1:

I learned the whole little posture procedure and how to squat and how to do. And there's, you know, I don't you know there's. There's different shades of redneck. There's different shades of redneck.

Speaker 2:

There's different shades of city slickers. There's different. You got the salmon necks and you got the red necks and you got the summer ones.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, some are a little darker than others. Some are a little redder than others. Some tans start from here down Me, I'll start doing this, or, you never know, I'll just take it off and then I'm in a tank top and whatever. So then you got that kind of a different neck, but yeah. So, um, but when you're peeing in a pasture one, you gotta be aware of your surroundings, because, yeah, I mean, we have rattlesnake territories, they blend, and so you gotta really pay attention, you gotta really watch what you're doing because I mean you could, depending on on your situation.

Speaker 1:

You could be there for a minute. You could, you can, you don't know. You're gonna have to know if you're gonna need to kick gravel over it, if you're gonna need some extra oak leaves.

Speaker 2:

We didn't get that far we just had a situation you just sprinkled. Okay, never mind, I'm still.

Speaker 1:

I'm still amateur when it comes to going a little, I'm going, I'm going to the second level, apparently, I'm, I'm still an amateur over here. Look, baby steps Sometimes, I mean bear shit in the woods. Sometimes you just got to do what you got to do Anyways, but if there's a vehicle involved, if you have a nice tailgate, a good bumper, a running board, is extremely helpful.

Speaker 2:

That's something else I've done for the first time. I drove my little.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness. Now this is a very cute story too. So we have these gators, we have one at the river and we have one at the ranch, and if you don't know what a gator is, it's like it's a John Deere. They're low to the ground, wide it's a two-seater, there's no ceiling, no roof, and it's got a dump in the back, so it's like a little tiny it looks like a little mini pickup truck.

Speaker 2:

It does, it does and it's kind of wide Right, just a little dump truck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can dump and they're great. These things are amazing and this little girl gets in that thing and she has got. My boys will get in those gators and they'll run them. And I'm like, god dang, have respect for my freaking equipment. I mean my gosh.

Speaker 1:

You guys, it's not nascar nascar sunday, which I say it all the time, it's not nascar sunday and this little girl will get into that thing and she will go and toodle around at the resort and it's the cutest thing no one would ever know. You know, ever know that has never, ever driven anything like that. It's so cute.

Speaker 2:

I drove a golf cart one time, like in the fourth grade. My sister was on the back of it, not wearing a seatbelt. I ran into a tree and she flung out of it. That was the last time I drove something like that, ever.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm so glad you're talking about it now that you've been running around in the equipment, but you're so good, but you're so good I've been the best one you are absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I should get an award or something you should. Best driver on the property yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so we all had this conversation the other day. In fact, I text the kids, my boys that have Foicut Customs and I said, hey, gage, gavin, what would it take for you guys to wrap this or powder coat it pink? I wanted to do pink camo because she's so cute in this little thing and she toodles all around in it and it's just, she parks it in this, the safest spot ever. The kids They'll just run it down the hill, park it in the middle, where we've got people coming and going.

Speaker 1:

I'm like fuck are y'all doing not? This one she's got. I need to put a VIP parking spot.

Speaker 2:

You gotta be respectful of the musicians too, because where I park, coming down the hill, you don't get in front of the musicians.

Speaker 1:

You're not you know, with the engine all the way around. It's so cute for everybody. You're not ruining it, the atmosphere it is it's so cute and for the first time that meg's, when meg's was at the river and she came over to see, kind of because she'd never know.

Speaker 1:

Once again, you know she's not from our part, she's yep across the pond yeah, she is from across the pond and so it was really cool and she was like, look, look at Nick. And I was like I know, and she's the cutest little thing just zooming around, she just goes and I will have you have.

Speaker 2:

You know, I feel like a badass every time I jump in that thing. It's such a confidence booster. I just run around and everybody you know, oh, this girl, she works here, she. You know, she got the little.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you need to tell them too. So the key broke, All right. So this is rather impressive, because this you don't find a city slicker that is going to figure out how to I mean, unless you're from the hood and you know how to hot wire some stuff, or you're going to grab you a screwdriver and you know how to fix a situation. The red to the yellow one.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Then the black wire goes to this wire. Blah, blah, blah, blah. You blah, blah, blah blah, You're going to scratch them together and a couple of sparks going to fly and bam, it's going to kick. I don't know how, I don't. Anyways, it's no reason.

Speaker 2:

We've never done that, we never, nope.

Speaker 1:

No, have, never, ever. It's all about you right now, not me. Let's go ahead and let's focus on Nick and let's talk about other things.

Speaker 2:

Tell them how you started it Well into the ignition yeah, into the ignition and the, the key.

Speaker 1:

So it's one of those keys that it has like a little black, like a round right, and so it kind of fits on the round part of the ignition.

Speaker 2:

It's right like yeah so the actual key part that had all those jig jags on there was still stuck inside stuck inside the engine. Yeah, you just couldn't get enough torque to twist it right so it was still going to be able to get on, as long as you get enough torque. So I just stuck any random old key in there and yeah, she's like hey, I need a key.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm infamous, infamous infamous for losing my keys, for losing her keys. Oh, I should have brought my big old carabiner, the beaner. Yeah, oh, that is a great story we're going to tell that story we have to tell that story before we get done telling all the other stories, because this is a really good one and so, yeah, it's good it's really good, but I'm infamous for losing my keys, yeah, and so every time I'm like hey, can I borrow a key, and everybody's like no, hell, no, I'm not getting this key back.

Speaker 1:

She goes in bella, which is my fuzzy purse that a little girl named when her and I were out of the show or something everybody thinks my purse is a dog, because it looks like our pillow is on the porch. And this little girl finally yeah, she named my purse Bella, and so she's been Bella for a long time. And everybody knows Bella, so she pulls a key out of Bella, because I have keys for everything.

Speaker 2:

She's like that goes to the beach house. Yeah, that's not the right key. She was like, no, I'm going to go start the gator with it. And I was like, look at this.

Speaker 1:

I was so proud. You learned some life skills when you're out at the river and at the ranch and you know you learned some you, I mean some common sense, some you know street knowledge the youtube and the googles and all the things are not gonna start, yeah, which is what I do not have right.

Speaker 1:

That's why we have such a very good pair that no one would have thought we would have been a good pair, and it is. That's true I will say, that's true yeah, yeah, but you've been like the missing piece to my puzzle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I will say, when I first started working for you, randy was like hey, just fyi. Yeah, I gotta warn you yes she's a lot, she is a lot like. If she ever, you know, if she ever gets too much, you just call me and put'll put her back in her place. I said Randy, I know enough about her reputation, nobody's putting her in her place. I said you can try. I'll still call you and vent to you about it.

Speaker 1:

She's talking about my big old, ginormous cousin that was on the podcast. He was the one where he was here. I've got to bring him back because he's big, animated oh my gosh, animated, just so much fun. Six, four, six, five. Big old teddy bear 380.

Speaker 2:

I mean just a big, oh ginormous teddy bear and the sweetest human in the entire world and but he'll come over he's also my cousin, yeah and say hey, how's tiff today?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you surviving on me, heck, yeah, randall sin we're dream team over here?

Speaker 2:

I don't, we are. We have so much fun.

Speaker 1:

We have too much fun, almost too much but know, I said right from the get-go we're going to work hard, we're going to play hard yeah, but if we're not laughing when we're doing it, you got to enjoy your life. You can't just sit there and go to work. I'm all about having some fun crazy, and you see me throw my temper tantrums and my whatever, but you're so good about going.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'll throw my own, my own stuff too, and that's that's who you need, though, is almost like an accountability partner, more so than anything, just to pull you out of the ruts and get back into the team spirit, and you know all that stuff, because when you're working with the team, I mean, you have so many businesses, so many people that are involved. On any given day, there's going to be somebody that's going through some situation at home or in their personal life, or you know whatever, and it just it's. You gotta find that balance of how you communicate with the people, how you, you know, celebrate the wins, but also put the foot down when you know how to put the foot down, and and I think you have a good balance of that, which it makes you know all the working very enjoyable and makes a good team.

Speaker 1:

It does, and I'm all about the team. I'm very, very much. So all about the team.

Speaker 1:

It's very very, very important to me that really. I mean even when I am frustrated or in it, and it's really not even about the team or it could be about something else and I mean, like you said, with everything that we have going on around us, at all times, I'm the first one. When I do bite a little too hard or I do bark, I'm the first one to go. I am completely out of line. I am so sorry.

Speaker 1:

Let me go sit and think about my choices, Let me rewind, Let me take a deep breath, Let me have a one-on-one conversation with myself get my shit together and then I'm going to come back in and and I want, I want a group, group hug and let's let's go back, even if it takes a minute to you know, cool down right, and then reflect on it.

Speaker 2:

You're very self aware, so I think that helps with a lot of the the conversations it does.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'm people, I'm kind of sensitive, where I get my feelings hurt easily but then I get that I get mad and then I start crying and then I go back to. So I have to try to think, yeah, then I, yeah, and then I get mad and then I start crying and then I go back to.

Speaker 2:

So I have to try to think yeah, that I yeah, but I am.

Speaker 1:

I am a pit bull when it comes to I will protect my people. You guys, I mean, that's very true, that's true To the, to the. There is nothing like I've told you guys and everyone that's ever been with me, whether it's my kids or the, our business family or our business team that when you guys make a decision and I am not around, and you guys y'all do it, whether it's the good, the bad, the ugly, whether you think it's right or whether you think it's wrong, I will back you a hundred percent.

Speaker 1:

And then we will handle it together as a family and as a team and we will and we will address it and we'll figure it out. But if you guys, y'all treat it like it's your own, run it like it's your own and and we it, we have grown as a team, having you as a part of our family and having the kids. It's been so.

Speaker 2:

It's been really cool to watch I was gonna say the same thing too.

Speaker 1:

Watch you guys blossom and what we've done, it's really feels. I mean, we look back at how we were last year.

Speaker 2:

It feels a lot more personally satisfying.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it cool?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's very much like all of the wins, all of the team members feel like, hey, this was a really successful weekend. We just, freaking, crushed it. We had, you know, and at this point I think everybody's taking the stress and they're looking at it in more of a positive light, to look at what we overcame this weekend we were slammed or we ran out of this or you know, didn't have. You know, somebody had to wait 15 minutes for a shuttle or you know what have you. But then at the end it's all of those other moments that we get with the specialized customer service or the one-on-one, you know, feedback that we're getting from people and just being like y'all are, y'all made our, our vacation, you made our life, you know, for this week, especially coming after the storms in houston and stuff, a lot of the people, just so I mean so much devastation and so much tragedy and yeah so much is going on.

Speaker 1:

in fact, today, um, today, the day that we're actually recording the podcast. Of course, it doesn't air for for a minute, but actually today we are, um having some good flooding, so, um, we're watching Kerrville, we're keeping an eye on our family and friends that are up river from us. And we know that it's coming to us and and so, um, but yeah, we have to move, we have to think fast, we have to to come together, come together and and prepare and there's a lot of pivoting.

Speaker 2:

That happens, I think, and we've all gotten really good at you know right two stepping around other people right and dancing through the rain and all right things. You know I think so.

Speaker 1:

You've worked for. You've worked for big companies.

Speaker 2:

I have, yes, very publicly traded um, previous position was working on a team that supported Google, so before coming to you I've had some pretty decent corporate background, right. And I've never, really Not anything with goats and camels, and you know all of them.

Speaker 1:

She had these kind of people that worked for her, not that worked with her for her whatever, but yeah, not my deal that worked with her for her whatever, but yeah, not not my deal. Um, I've never, really ever, I've worked with corporate people. I've worked with big money people, um that that have done that billionaires and millionaires and and we've done a bunch of projects together and but I've never been under somebody in the corporate world In a corporate structure.

Speaker 2:

Right yeah, so no HR department where you come from. No, we have a fun HR department.

Speaker 1:

Our comment box looks a little bit different than the rest of them. Yeah, it has a lot of middle middle fingers, and why were you a jackass? And we tell you what the comment on that should have been. Yeah, yeah, our, our stuff is a little different than most, but that is something that I would never. I don't know that a lot of people like that, a lot of people like that structure where they know that they have to be there at eight o'clock and that day at four, 59, I mean boop done, we're going, they go, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Has that been for so many people? I mean that's a huge. I mean you went from that kind of solid ass hardcore structure. Were you structured like that in your personal life as well before?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I almost had to be structured like that in my personal life because if I did any kind of a change in my mental thinking it would be so much harder to get back to the structure when I came back to work the next day. So if I didn't have, I had. So one of my previous companies they had a what's called a basic operating system and standards and it was a master checklist. It went through everything from maintenance to follow up, to facilities plan, to how we were going to do our leasing, to social media strategies and all sorts of different things. And so I took that same concept and I laminated myself a chore chart. I had what I did in the morning and the afternoon.

Speaker 1:

I had what I did on the first week of the month.

Speaker 2:

So your life turned into a chart, exactly, yeah. And if I mean, my finances were the same way, and that would cause a little bit of contention with, obviously, chase, who is a musician and a creative, and things like that. So, yeah, if I did not structure my life in the same way then it would be so much harder for me to get back to that structure the day after, after the weekend or what have you. That being said, I am a very type, a personality. So, coming from one extreme to another where, like today, you know, I get to work at what I think is my normal, normal getting your time. I try to make it in town. I commute about an hour, so I try to get in town by at least 10, sometimes a little bit earlier than that, depending on what we have going on that day. I know you're not a morning girly. You've got all the diapers to change and all the things to happen.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, it is a little bit more difficult flying by the seat of your pants when I am such a planner, but we do live by our calendar.

Speaker 2:

But a lot of things pop up that are not on the calendar, so like you know today, for instance, when the river starts flooding and we've got to push things back by an hour or two. You know, I will say it's helped me become a little bit more of a flexible person. I think a lot of what I had been missing and looking from other people, like my husband, for example, trying to bring me back down and calm me down.

Speaker 1:

You know, get me out of that corporate mindset.

Speaker 2:

I think I've been able to do a little bit more for myself lately, which has been nice because I'm having fun all day, every day, so I can still have fun when I go home.

Speaker 1:

So what's weird for me is I have always, I've never liked change, which is, I can see that from you, okay, yeah, but thinking about how our day-to-day goes. But what really throws me for a loop as far as change goes is like, if I am so, say, we've got on the calendar, we're going to be at the ranch 9 o'clock, we've got to do goat shots, we've got to do this, it's time to do our worming, blah, blah, blah. And then we're going to do that from nine to 11. And then, from 11, we're going to go to to the river, to the, this to the, then from the river, we're going to go to here, to the porch. I can't. That's that to me, is that's too much? Yeah, that I cannot get my creative style in, I can't get my vibe going. That's the kind of change that will just fuck up my whole that's the adhd, that's where the total chaos.

Speaker 2:

Hard, I cannot do it. Process, I cannot do it I need tuesday.

Speaker 1:

I've got to have this. We're going to be on the porch.

Speaker 2:

We're going to hang out right wednesday's, the porch day, exactly.

Speaker 1:

I don't like I'm not going to drive around in circles. I'm not. That's the kind of change that will. If I feel, if I've gone to more than two stores, three stores, and you've been with me when we've done this, we will stop. I have a doctor's appointment. I, you know, had hip replacement, knee replacement. Nick goes with me and, okay, we're going to stop on the way back and we're going to have lunch and then, by the way, we need to drop this off. By the time we have dropped something off, we've already been. This is the third place. I'm like no, I can't do it, no more. And she's like but we're right here. I'm like nope, we can't, that's enough, that's enough. I feel like we've wasted our day. I feel like we're spinning circles. I feel like I lose control. I lose I don't know if other people, I don't know, but you see, that I know where I just I can't.

Speaker 1:

I can't have the bee bopping around things.

Speaker 2:

I know where you're most valuable if you're sitting there and you can be creative for like a six hour block of time. You're like, oh, why am I out there going to Hobby Lobby going? To HomeGoods going to the bank going to this, you know it's all of those other things.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a runner, that just messes my whole groove up Right.

Speaker 2:

Well, and you're very much on the vibes and the mood of the day too, totally so if it's. I mean I've canceled meetings for you multiple times. Hey, the vibes are not right today to meet a new person.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not in the mood or the headspace to do the small talk situation, to chit chat with somebody, to have a business meeting with somebody, to make a decision, even you know, and everybody has those days too, and when I think you, you don't stop. I don't stop, really when you're constantly going 24 seven, having to make all the decisions and to meet all the people and to do all the things. Sometimes it's just hey, today is not the day for it. And that's where I think we really understand each other too, where I'm like hey.

Speaker 1:

I need. I need my day to just hibernate and disappear.

Speaker 2:

And if I'm cleaning my house and doing my dishes and whatever, I'm not going to be on my phone. Or if I'm sleeping and catching up, not going to be on my phone. And that's that's one of my things is I try to be as reachable as possible. But I'm also very much in the moment, you know, because you're very much in the moment too. So when we're out at the ranch or whatever, I'm not going to be checking my phone every two minutes.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be over there doing what we need to get done and so many times it's hard because we do have so much going where we do have to punt and we have to do it, and then I feel like I am selling myself short or I'm selling whatever project I'm working on short or I am not giving it my all.

Speaker 2:

See, and I think that's where we do a good job of balancing the priorities, though based off of either what's coming up or what's on the calendar or what's most important, because there has been multiple times where it's like, hey, we can't get to something this week. Let's either find a subcontractor, somebody else that we know and can trust, that can take it over, or say, hey, this is the best that we can give you at the moment. This is what's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

We can revisit it later. Very, very good balance for me. To help me.

Speaker 2:

I know definitely that I would not be where I am in the new projects and things that I'm working if I didn't have you by my side, and that is, I think it's gotten. It took us a little bit to get to that point right, but once I figured out things that I could just handle, uh-huh, I'm just hey, I'm just gonna do it, I'm not even gonna ask.

Speaker 2:

I know what your expectations are for the most part. If I forgot one or two small oops, we'll catch it on the next round. You know things like orders for the river, or you know re-upping on supplies or what have you you know certain things. I'm like let me just handle it. So the majority of it's done, we're not waiting until the last minute. We can always go run and get one or two things instead of having to do a full order. You know, we just we bite off small things when we can.

Speaker 2:

Preventative maintenance is kind of how I think of that whole deal.

Speaker 1:

But we're talking about the whole 8 to 5 deal and you change it up and you did such a good job of that. I've never been an 8 to 5 person. From the time I was little, my mom worked her ass off. I mean she would go and then I'd stay at daycare and then I didn't end up with the daycare people for so long and then so I never knew.

Speaker 2:

You know, I never had where I'm not an eight to five, because all my other jobs I didn't end at five right, I would still sit there because part of my passions are my spreadsheets and whatever it is I'm working on right. I just fully get engulfed in whatever it is that I have going on Right. So Chase would get sometimes a little bit upset when I would take my work home with me.

Speaker 1:

Take your work home.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like to me it's not necessarily work though that I'm taking home, it's more of a hobby or a passion project, right? Or, you know, it's a little bit more creative. I get to design a concert poster or what have you. You know, he just sees me on my laptop and is like, oh, she's still working, she's still working. Yeah, yeah, he goes on his computer, plays his video games. That's his pastime. I get on my laptop and I, you know, chat with you and Megs and you know, do all the things, and that's that's my pastime too.

Speaker 2:

So, um, everybody works a little bit different, but that's maybe why I haven't had as much of a struggle with transitioning is because I was never an eight to five in pretty anyways, I was always eight to. Let's keep it. And that's very hard, I tell you, all the time I have productive dreams.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, my brain doesn't shut off when I'm sleeping. Yeah, I'm up, I get my little tiny window of opportunity of sleep, and when I do I've had to explain that to Jeremy in the very beginning of our relationship I was like, look, if I fall asleep on the couch, do not be offended, do not take it personal. But that is my body knows, I'm done, I've got shut down, I, it is shut down and I will get a good solid two hours and then I'm up, boom, boom, right, right, because it's I don't ever stop, ever stop. But I mean, that's kind of that's, that's just who we are, I just. But I could not imagine. But I mean, like I said, I guess I guess that's just how being raised, I can't imagine the eight, like, what do you do from five to the rest? What do you do with the rest of your time? I mean, when you go home you have dinner and then you talk and then you and that was my thing is, even when I was eight what does everybody else do?

Speaker 2:

I don't. I don't know, because even during when I was eight to five, right, like, how do people go and work out in the morning before they go to work? Maybe I'm just not a morning person. I mean I did that forever and ever and ever. But I'm like, how do people have the time to have a hobby to you know, hang out with friends and to do all these things, and especially during the summer, that's where Istop, yeah, occupado.

Speaker 1:

We're yeah 20 hours a day at the river For three months. Yeah, for three months out of the year. We don't. It's real hard to.

Speaker 2:

So that's where the summer, when everybody else is, you know, having fun and going on trips and doing all the things, but I mean, life doesn't stop.

Speaker 1:

So you really can't stop.

Speaker 2:

You have to keep going, otherwise. I mean mean, it's almost like I hate to be negative with it, but like you know you're getting filled in on a.

Speaker 1:

Well, you got to keep swimming upwards, otherwise you're gonna drown.

Speaker 2:

You know we, you got to keep moving, yeah even if it's just a baby step at a time right, even if you take a step backwards for a second.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think too you know I'm, and you know me, I'm one of those that I soak up every single thing that you say. And then I go back and I think I have to because she's the smart one. Yeah, I'm the one that comes up with all the BS and the bullshit and she's like no stop. And I'm like come on, nick, it'll be fine, let's do this. But I do love that. Everything that we've tackled and everything that we do is fun. I can't say it is overall positive.

Speaker 1:

It is not that we sit around and we, you know, this is we're doing this and we're doing that and we're missing, I mean, even when we're. I mean look, I'm cleaning the turlets. This is going on. We're laughing, I've got rubber gloves on and I'm thinking this ain't a situation, this is a fucktuation. You know what I mean. We've had free, we just upgraded, we did. And I'm thinking, you know, and we're watching people that are like I cannot believe that y'all are really doing. I'm like what do you mean? We can't believe. I mean I'm not going to not do anything that I wouldn't ask my team to do, and I mean the guys said this we're running skinny and we got to jump in.

Speaker 1:

You got to jump in and you got to do what you got to do.

Speaker 2:

We had our biggest weekend ever last week we did.

Speaker 1:

It was a great weekend. We were running the skinniest we've ever run. And I mean we high-fived each other and it was such a good feeling and I'm just so proud of you.

Speaker 2:

It better be popping, it better be. We owe it to them, I mean yeah.

Speaker 1:

All four of us. We need an actual scene of applause up here.

Speaker 2:

All four of us are going to be. Yeah, randallson, Yep, and that one's for you, buddy, that one's for you.

Speaker 1:

No, he would love it he won't have to go far, that's for sure, but I do. We do have a lot of fun and it is, it's good. But yeah, and some goats and some cows, we just had a baby cow, born two, three days ago. Yeah, she is absolutely stinking.

Speaker 2:

Precious Scottish Highland what did you name her Mocha?

Speaker 1:

Latte. Her name is Mocha Latte. Right, I got it off the Because they all have coffee and you don't drink coffee. Yeah, yeah, yeah, veranda, veranda, chip, that's what we call her vera.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the starbucks flavor the veranda.

Speaker 1:

That was also one of my jobs. I was a starbucks girl, you were a. What is that called barista? A what I was a barista back in the day. That just sounds fun it was fun.

Speaker 2:

It was fun. Um, it was fun for the most part. You get your people that you're like you're my lifeline because you're giving me my caffeine for the day yeah. And then you get the assholes that were give me my fucking caffeine for the day yeah.

Speaker 1:

That way I was like sir Kel Kel, she's not talking about you, but she might be.

Speaker 2:

And we know Kel Kel likes her naps and her sleep.

Speaker 1:

Hey, that's a good time for us to talk about the word of the day. Oh, Okay, so the word of the day today is fuckinging. Now think about that for a minute, all right. So it says when your day is going too well and you don't trust it and some shit finally goes down, like your barista spills your coffee or something and there it is, that's the fuckinging.

Speaker 2:

Or if you are the barista, and you get the coffee spills back on you and you get the coffee spills back on you. I've been there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that had to burn.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What do you do in that situation? You smile and wave. You smile and wave. Boys. Hope you have a great day with no caffeine.

Speaker 2:

Because you just throw it all over me You're not getting another one. It's like when the little kids throw their shit on the ground.

Speaker 1:

No, you're not getting another one. That's just mean some people are feisty. Oh, I know they're caffeine.

Speaker 2:

We had a whole group of feisties last weekend.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had, I jumped in the middle of 30 of them.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was looking like a water burger brawl, like those two sides coming all.

Speaker 1:

It was me in the middle with the biggest dude out there. It was either about to be a fight or break dancing battle. I don't know what was going on I haven't been break dancing in a while that was back in the.

Speaker 2:

Can you that? No, I don't know. How am I?

Speaker 1:

gonna be able to get down, but I ain't getting back up, not without a little help drop it, but not yeah exactly, yeah, no, I'm not getting up. I'm not getting up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the I mean we've only had a couple of fuckings, I feel like, at the river this this season there hasn't really been. No, I mean there's been a couple of actual literal situations.

Speaker 1:

No, this one was just one complete douchebag. And once we got him out of the.

Speaker 2:

The whole rest of the group had a great old time and they're so good, they're such good people.

Speaker 1:

It's just crazy I know we've talked about it a million times how everybody you plan this trip out, you, you guys schedule it a year in advance and y'all come down here and you just catch fucking stupid. And that's exactly what this guy did. He was stupid the entire time. He was there to every single person.

Speaker 2:

It was like that was his mission and that's the problem when you have too many friends, there's that always like that one friend that you just have to put up with, and that's exactly what everyone said the next day, cause we all talked about it and they were like cheese and rice.

Speaker 1:

I mean, thank goodness he's, cause he's that one, and there were some new people that were added to that group and they were like you know what. They already warned us ahead of time. That's the one that argues with this wife. That's the one that argues with everybody else.

Speaker 2:

That's the one that takes her about. Your friend, then you don't come on.

Speaker 1:

That's no, that's when y'all need us to go in there and let me scan through your thing and go. Yeah, this isn't going to be the one. Don't take them to this type of event. That's the one you take to the church festival, where there's no alcohol involved and there's a jumpy castle and there's no other.

Speaker 2:

What kind of church do you go to? There's no alcohol.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm just saying, I'm just trying to be.

Speaker 1:

There's just a tiny place for different people and and that guy was completely out of line and so um well, when you don't have jumped right in the middle of them and I had one by the neck and I had the biggest dude out there and and, um, one of our guys said, well, you punched me too. And I was like why? Why are you? Why were you in the way? I mean, you know I'm going to handle it my way. I mean, don't come at me like that. If you're going to be in the lion fire, you are going to get hit. You're going to get hit. Get out of the way. Let me sit everybody down.

Speaker 2:

I will say that day was going a little too well so that was the epitome of it.

Speaker 1:

We've been saying that it was going to come. We've been saying it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we haven't had to really. No, we don't. We have our regulars that come and they're amazing. And I feel like every year it's more and more regulars and they just add to their group of their friends and things like that. So it's it's perfect. Yeah, we get some good good we do there, but every once in a while we do.

Speaker 1:

I know it's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

You get the rotten egg there's always, so tell, let's do some thinking here um, tell, tell, what's one of your favorite situations that you and I have been in? Oh, okay, I don't know if it wasn't a you and I situation. I just felt like I was the most helpful in the situation when you were coming back from oklahoma with g3 and you were like, oh my god, I can't drive, it's so much rain. After you went Oklahoma with G3 and you were like, oh my God, I can't drive, it's so much rain.

Speaker 1:

After you went to go to bed.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you know, and you were like hey, I need some help, I need you know whatever.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like I'm driving, my windshield wipers aren't working.

Speaker 1:

I need to. You know, look up where to get some windshield, you, yeah. So tiger's the standard poodle. And then we had the lemur, which is our lemur.

Speaker 2:

Yes, right, yeah, if you want a little miss pearl.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it was monsoon raining and I was in black betty our big freightliner truck and then g3, was driving our ranch truck, we were both hauling trailers and animals and and we were going in, I mean it was, and it was probably the worst rainstorm I've ever been in Driven through.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean we're getting some serious rain now. But I'll say I feel like I was the most helpful because I was able to get you a little reservation. I got you a discount because you got your CDL. You know, yeah, you got the lemur snuck up in there. Y'all know where she stuck me A casino.

Speaker 1:

It was so good. I know my client. It was so perfect. We got there and I mean I could really give two shits about the whole gambling part, but we got there and I was like we hadn't eaten anything in about 18 hours.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was open until late. We had such a good meal parking situation. For the most part you just parked in the little I told you all the instructions is where you park, you get on the little dill and you go this way. She sent.

Speaker 1:

Tiger's anxiety deal. So I took Tiger in and I left.

Speaker 2:

She got a whole little collar for next time I left.

Speaker 1:

Garrison outside and Fiona's car seat. And Fiona's car seat looks just like a little baby's car seat, right, and so he's got yeah, he's got the blanket on top of her. And this child gets embarrassed if somebody blinks his eyelashes too much at him, and so he's sitting out front and it's this big casino and all these people are coming in, coming out. It's late, so it's it's chuck and jive time. It's booming, and fiona's in there just whistling away doing all this thing, and then one of the security guards walks up and says is that is she, is your baby crying? And he just opens up and he goes it's a lemur, I can't lie, and he just shuts the thing. And she was like I promise I won't tell anybody. She was like I just had to know and he's like my mom's making me do this and the poor kid he's got like that's his life motto is I'm so sorry, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

my mom made me do this, my mom's making me do this, my mom's making me do this, that poor kid yeah, yeah, I know.

Speaker 1:

No wonder he's, we love him, no wonder he's the way he is Poor thing. He's such a good kid. He's just lost it. It doesn't have anything to do with Anyways, let's talk about something else. Want to? What's your favorite situation? My gosh, we have so many. Let's see.

Speaker 2:

My situation right now. This burning up in here, I'm telling you what I don't think. I'm proud of you, oh Lord no, that's a situation Now.

Speaker 1:

I think one of our fun ones was our Nashville trip. That was an absolute blast.

Speaker 2:

Oh, when you missed your flight Because there was an itinerary there was, and I had.

Speaker 1:

Yes, mind you, she lives 10 minutes from the airport, me.

Speaker 2:

I drive an hour back and forth to work every single day. Don't start with me, let's talk about the situation.

Speaker 1:

So we were all leaving to go to Nashville we Don't start with me, let's talk about the situation. So we were all leaving to go to Nashville, we have a meeting down there and I'm driving in and it was raining again, raining again as it does, and it's not that I don't know how to drive. In the rain, I can drive.

Speaker 2:

We're in Texas.

Speaker 1:

That's why we're so flabbergasted that there's all this A guy has a blowout literally in front of me and then boom that stops.

Speaker 2:

We got to edit this part out, uh-huh.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. That's okay, yep Continue In front of me in his trailer and he's got these little trailer tire wheels Boop, blows out so that blocks half the traffic and then, not five minutes later, they rear-end each other. So then I've got boom, boom, back to back and I'm texting Nick. I'm like there's absolutely no way. And I was what? 15 miles from the airport, 20 miles from the airport, I'm not getting to the airport. No, period.

Speaker 2:

Well, not by the time you park and all the things, because you were driving yourself and everything too.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't even like you could just roll up and an uber what happened. So I call um, she's looking online. She's like here's this, here's that. I call, call the 800 number and they said look, just get there, get to the airport. She says there's two or three other flights where our meeting wasn't until 12 o'clock we had a lunch meeting.

Speaker 1:

We had a lunch meeting and I get there, I walk into the airport. The lady is just the sweetest thing at the counter and I mean I just said Thankfully, because sometimes those people are not the nicest.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I know they deal with all sorts of people they do, so they have to put up that wall in your guard. Exactly, you got a good one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she was so sweet and she said look, I've been there. And she said I know no-transcript to where you can get on first, because your lunch meeting is at noon. So she my seat was a one oh my God Literally walked right on the plane.

Speaker 2:

I had my bag, this good karma, so sweet.

Speaker 1:

I gave her a big old hug and she said good luck on your meeting and I landed, had the Uber and I met you guys and I was there at what 12, 10.

Speaker 2:

You guys were there and sat down, just sat down at the restaurant, surrounded diet Coke and boom. Then you showed up and then I was right there, had the person hold your bag. Yeah, person, hold your bag. Yeah, yeah, we made, we met at um magianos.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we did. I love me some italian. Yeah, and sure enough it was. I mean walked in, it wasn't it? But yeah, it was like it didn't even it was like it didn't even happen. Yeah, yes, it was wild yeah, wild, and all y'all were ribbing me, giving me shit, and there I was, I was like on a normal day.

Speaker 2:

I would go.

Speaker 1:

On a normal day I get into more trouble than that and I never come sliding in home plate just free and clear like that. No normal time.

Speaker 2:

You missed your flight. You almost got kidnapped in the Keys.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that was another situation. That was a situation that was bad.

Speaker 2:

I had to come pick you up when you got home from the airport.

Speaker 1:

You were bawling, I was. I was hysterical yeah, I was. That was a lot of boogers on your shirt that day.

Speaker 2:

That was probably the biggest situation, I feel like, because there could have been the most that had gone wrong.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was rough, that was scary, that was real, that was very real. And then wasn't it like, right after that we came home, we talked about it and there was a whole deal on the news that was talking about In Florida, yes, in. Florida, in Florida. The same scenario, same situation. And then when?

Speaker 2:

we were in Nashville, the same kind of thing happened again. Yep, we were waiting.

Speaker 1:

Unmarked car. Hey, do y'all need a?

Speaker 2:

ride, Whatever Just pulled up.

Speaker 1:

We were standing outside and we were like absolutely not blocked, no, in a black Escalade blacked out windows. No, yeah, yep, y'all be careful out there, there's some.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Pay attention to your surroundings. Check license plates, use the app, check the faces. Don't just jump into anybody's thing because absolutely not. No, we ended up walking down the street and walked down and and went and had us a glass of wine. Then we went home, we power housed and we worked our tail off that night. Yeah, but yeah, that was a, that was a full on thing. Yeah, yep, but I think we have a really good vibe. I think it was very unexpected how it all kind of happened and started and it was. It's pretty cool. You're my little, so now everybody calls, so I she's. Y'all know I talk about her all the time. It's Nick.

Speaker 2:

Her actual name is really.

Speaker 1:

Nicole, but no, it's Nick. Sounds so weird coming out of your mouth.

Speaker 2:

Everybody know and it does.

Speaker 1:

It's like that's just so. It's too many syllables. Yeah, I'm a three letter.

Speaker 2:

Nick, not a four letter word.

Speaker 1:

That's right. It's just the N-I-C, that's it. That's all you need. That's it, that's all you need. That's it, that's all you need.

Speaker 2:

yeah, well, she said the other day the kids are all calling her tj and I was like, wait, what? And she was like, yeah, tiffany jr.

Speaker 1:

Because she does she does answer my, my sentences and my things and your phone calls. Phone calls, yes, yeah, exactly yeah, it is good, I love you, I'm so proud of you it's been fun, and we, we do uh, we do a lot of cool things together. We have a lot of fun stuff happening. I can't believe.

Speaker 2:

I finally got you on the porch Singing on banana phones and all the things.

Speaker 1:

Got you on the porch Yep Finally.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you were so good, you really didn't tell any really embarrassing things.

Speaker 2:

Well, now I'm thinking about it, I was like I should have came more prepared, with some notes and things I'm going to start.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit, Now she's going to come on the porch next time she's going to go. And if you look at this photo right here, this is what she did.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually going to start my own podcast. This is what she did. It's called Nick's Notes Nick's Notes, so.

Speaker 1:

I mean next time Exactly. Yeah, oh, you should tell them your codes. Oh, I can't, I got my hat on. Oh, okay, so this is what she does when I do stupid shit, which is all the time. So her handle goes straight up which palm to the forehead, and this one means oh god, what did you do? Yeah. And then if it goes sideways, that means I'm embarrassed.

Speaker 2:

That means, yes, I'm embarrassed for you with you, me, all the things, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So we all know on the level of when she boops herself, which way it goes on, what level I'm at and what I've done and how bad it is. And she's spitting out drinks before she. Steiner, she wants to go for a ride on the fire truck. You ringing the bell, but yeah. So we did a really cool photo shoot up at the ranch and the undisclosed location and um and I'm over here taking some behind the scenes photos.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, with the polaroid camera, they're all. I mean, it's all part of the same photo shoot. They're all classy looking, it's all, whatever. It's memorial day weekend, so we start at the river down below right and it's oh, I mean, that's pretty much opening weekend for us. So course there's a ton of people driving through. We got the producer there we got the photographer there. We have everybody. Well, I am just taking these Polaroids. There's a couple of Tiger I'm just snapping away.

Speaker 1:

Well, I put the Polaroids that I take and put them in the store, in the river store, in the river store, with where my scissors normally go, I thought I had done a good job of hiding them, because nobody ever comes and steals my scissors.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not like there's really anything showing there's. I mean there's not, but there's not. If you were there for the, the vibe and the playing of the photo shoot, yeah, if you saw these pictures just just randomly a polaroid. You're like whose old playboy. What the?

Speaker 1:

fuck is going on here. What is, what is whose?

Speaker 2:

whose dad's closet did you get into? Yeah, you know, at this point, and obviously she's over here We'll. We'll post some of the photos coming soon, but, um, yeah, so I get weeks go by, weeks go by, weeks go by.

Speaker 1:

We're okay, it's fine.

Speaker 2:

And then, all of a sudden, iage, her oldest, comes to do checks, looks in, reaches in, I guess, to grab whatever, and finds one of the pictures.

Speaker 1:

The Polaroid. And finds the Polaroid texts it to her, texts me. He puts the two of them together, there's a handful of them, and he sends them to me and he says nice, and I just sit there I'm like, oh, there's nothing showing, it's just, it's the concept of the shoot. So and I said, thanks, appreciate you, boop. Gotta go Bye. Then two days later, polo her, my guy that's been with me forever. He went to school with the middle son, so I've known this child, her favorite child, her favorite child Comes and says nick, can I talk to you?

Speaker 1:

in the store for a second I was like, oh fuck, I've never been called to the principal's office.

Speaker 2:

I was like what, what happened? I'm in trouble? And so he goes um hey, what are these and why are they laying around? And it's the polaroids again. I said what do you mean? What are they? What do they look like to you? They look like a photo shoot that.

Speaker 1:

Tiffany took, she goes. What do you mean? It's just like the first episode on the porch.

Speaker 2:

What do you mean? I'm consistent. Why would you expect? It's my catchphrase. Why would you not?

Speaker 1:

expect. What do you mean? What do?

Speaker 2:

you mean? What do you mean? I said you don't like them, don't look at them, and you probably are gonna have to go and follow your mama because there's more coming soon to the general public, so if you don't like them it's because it's hot in here, my cheeks are red.

Speaker 2:

No, and the he just looked at me goes what they're gonna be published. I said yeah, yeah, yeah, you better unfollow if you don't like them. I said I'll take them, I'll put them in the scrapbook for later, but they're coming y'all they're not that bad.

Speaker 1:

They're not, they're not, they're really not, but they're.

Speaker 2:

But it's with the relationship you have with your kids? Yeah, all your kids, and they're like mom. What?

Speaker 1:

are you doing? It's a.

Speaker 2:

It was an inspiration shot and you'll understand it's not an only fans, that it's not, it's you'll understand it. It's a cynical, it's, it's just, it's an inspiration photo we'll have to post it right after this now, yeah, yeah, we'll have to get that picture out there, maybe. Maybe we should do it. We're not in tech.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we should do it. We're on our next road trip and we're not in texas maybe you have to pay for the content y'all.

Speaker 1:

It's not that bad. It's not that bad. I'm old as dirt. It's seriously it's not that bad, but yeah, so it was fine and then we did, we carried on and we did the rest of the shoot and then I ended up in a water trough and that was interesting. That was a cute picture. It was a cute picture. There's a whole bunch of them. There's a whole bunch of them that was trying to coordinate, holding a horse and your boobs and A lemur. A lemur yes, everything else. And and what?

Speaker 1:

have you yeah, it was good, it was fun, but that was. That is probably um one of those times that we will we'll never forget.

Speaker 1:

My eyes are watering just laughing about it because I turn around and and then when mace is well, when we're, when I'm in the water and he's asking me, he's like what are you gonna do? And I said I'm about to get naked and you can see, I don't know if you look and you really pay attention to it, but you're right behind me and you're going and you're just like oh, great, here she goes you did and it's in the video and I don't know that I've watched it many times because it's just funny.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, and I'm watching you in the back going. Oh shit, here she goes. She's just gonna tell everybody that's exactly what she's about to do, but I got some good snippets from it.

Speaker 2:

It was good, it was fun, it was great.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, you got a all new following from that one we do. I don't know, I don't know about the following and steiner and she's got a court. We got a fucking coming we go I don't know what's happening out of the whole deal. Yeah, it is definitely gonna be a fucking and then all of a sudden, boop, there it is.

Speaker 2:

There's the fucking, here it is, yep but until then, until the fucking happens, until they keep having fun, it does we do we have a lot of fun and I'm so grateful for it. I'm trying to follow the itineraries and yes, yeah that's a fucking in itself, to say the least.

Speaker 1:

But no, we have fun, that's good, that's good. We have some fun stuff in the make. We have fun stuff in the works. We have some really cool stuff coming. Yep, big projects. We finish up at the river after Labor Day and then we're on to some really cool shit all the things that we cannot tell on the porch publicly disclosed at this time.

Speaker 2:

Nope, at undisclosed locations doing undisclosed things. Well, let y'all know when you're undisclosed clothing.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm kidding, I'm so kidding. I'm kidding y'all. Relax, god, it's my porch. I can say what I want to say I can wear what I want to say I can wear what I want to wear.

Speaker 2:

It's my party. I can cry if I want to.

Speaker 1:

It's my party. I can cry if I want to. Steiner's just eating cords one after another. Y'all we had a good time. I can't believe I actually got you on the porch.

Speaker 2:

I know and I'm so glad this is on this was your birthday present. This was your birthday present.

Speaker 1:

I'm officially on my second half of my dash and I'm old as dirt, so now you're going to have to wait another 360 days.

Speaker 2:

Oh, fuck off.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely not. No, no, we're going to come up with some good stuff. Here's what's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to make a list and be like hey, bring me back on the porch, I've got a lot of things to tell the people.

Speaker 1:

Mark my words. It's exactly what's going. She's gonna have a spreadsheet, she's gonna have a whole pie chart, she's gonna have a little thing. She's gonna go. And then what happened was the situation started like this, turned into a fluctuation, and then the fucking happened on the third day when we were traveling. To watch, you, watch, you watch how she does this they're gonna be color-coded, don't you worry she's gonna send y'all, yeah, a qr code that's gonna get you to the fourth.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, oh, just wait. Yeah, they're gonna be color coded, don't you worry. She's gonna send y'all, yeah, a qr code that's gonna get you to the fourth. Okay, yeah, oh, just wait. Yeah, they are gonna see how. Now I got some big, big expectations how smart she really is and they're gonna go. How in the hell does she deal with that woman? How in the world does she put all that in a?

Speaker 2:

pie chart, because sometimes I don't have to pie chart, sometimes I just have to feed leroy the the peach cobbler.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then there's, that's it and there's that. Well, it was fine. I love you, love you. Let's move on to our next, our next deals. We'll have some good stories yeah, yeah, it is y'all. That's my nick, that's my girl, it's myto, my rock star. I call her that all the time. She is, she is and I love you so big. Yeah, she is Finally got her from behind the scenes onto the porch. All right, peace out. We're out of here. We got to get Steiner off the cords. Clip Chop, steiner Cut.