The Rambling Gypsy

Nuggets & Nicknames: Tales from the Gypsy River Resort

• The Rambling Gypsy • Season 2 • Episode 3

Join us on the Rambling Gypsy podcast as we welcome Casey - aka Nugget!

What happens when family and friends mix with 4th of July chaos at the Gypsy River Resort? Tiff and Casey take you on a journey from Alabama to Colorado Springs, sharing personal stories, insights, and exciting baby plans. 👀 You'll want to buckle up for this one!

The Rambling Gypsy podcast is a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of real Texans doing real sh*t. We're pulling back the curtains on our daily lives - and you're invited to laugh and learn along with us.


Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome to the Ramblin' Gypsy podcast. My name is Tiffany Foy. We are back on my porch today. We are fortunate to be fortunate, and there was a cat that was drug into town this week that I did not know about. That was a very big surprise. And, um, this little girl means a whole lot to me. And um, this is Casey everybody. So welcome her to the porch.

Speaker 1:

Aka, you know how I change everybody's names and I make up my own things as I go along, hence the gypsy Mary. Um, but I do that with people too. And so this is my nug, this is my nugget, and, um, I want you to tell everybody why your name is nugget. Oh, I thought, I thought you were going to take it away. So this is my porch and I get to do whatever I want to do. Perfect, no, not really. I mean whatever, okay, so I asked the question first, then you get to answer it and then we get to. Yes, ma'am, yeah, so as long as you don't call me the other M word, cause nobody has seen a real brawl on the porch yet. I know there's a first time for everything, but just think I mean we can do. I may drown you with my mom. You can't be nervous on the porch. This is this. We're gonna have a good time, okay? Um, nugget is nugget. Why so? I worked for tiffany, for probably I'm gonna tell them that whole story a week maybe. And really, your mom dropped you off at my front gate. If y'all want to be brutally honest, come on, that's what we do on the porch.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I got a phone call one random weekend and I've known her parents forever and ever and ever. So it's a long family relationship. And you know we're in this German town of New Braunfels, texas, and very well, it used to be a tiny German community, so our whole family knows her whole family. Blah, blah, blah, blah. So I get this random phone call. It was, it was your mama. Your mama said look, I do not know what to do with this child. You're the only one that can do anything with her. I am bringing her to you, please, for the love of God. And I was like, absolutely, hence, now it's your turn shows up at the gate. I don't know if she even stopped her. If I know, did you drive? I think she just made you do a tuck and roll. Yeah, it was more so that I'm gonna slow down to about 20 and it's just tough. Just go. Yeah, protect the head, just go.

Speaker 1:

Um, so, anyways, I worked with tiffany for like a week maybe, and every single day for lunch I have chick-fil-a chicken nuggets. Every single day they're cooking stuff at the food truck down the water. Every day there's food I'm not going to eat that I'm picky. Her diet is like a two-year-old toddler. It's changed. I eat salmon now. That's a grown-up food. That is a very I mean, you went straight from two-year-old to full-on adulting, to basically eating kale.

Speaker 1:

What I mean? I don't eat kale. We might need to call the EMS because I'm going to pass out on my own porch today. I do like broccoli though. So see, we're stepping up little by little. We're branching out, we're branching out. Do you know that? That's green? I know it, I know it.

Speaker 1:

So what's crazy is you and Nick have a lot of the same dietary habits and y'all both eat like two-year-olds, and I've talked about this before. How, yeah, nick does not like Mexican food, which is what in the blue hell? So I have to when we go out to, I've got to find a place that got the chicken nuggets on the kid menu, or chicken and waffles or whatever, and that is a hundred percent. You and I've told her you know you and nugget are so, so much alike, so that's where, that's where nugget got her name, nugget and so, and we have another Casey, that's in our life and everybody will go like I just don't know what you're talking about. And I was like I've never, ever, ever, ever called this child Casey, what you're talking about. And I was like I've never, ever, ever, ever called this child Casey. Why there's a Casey and there's a nugget. There is not a nugget Casey. There's a Casey nugget, there's no. Every time I see other Casey on property, we scream each other yeah, I'm pretty sure he's the only one that has ever called me by my actual name on that property since mid July 2017.

Speaker 1:

It it's pretty crazy. Some of the kids will do it from occasion and I'm like, why, what? But she's not, she's moved. Why are y'all even talking about her right now? And they're like what are you even saying? I was like, never mind, we're not gonna get along because y'all are just not following the rules.

Speaker 1:

I have rules, I have names for people, I have my gypsy area and everybody gets a nickname. Sometimes it it happens right out of the gate. Sometimes it doesn't, but you made it so easy for me. I also think, though, that you should have like a phone book or like a list of, like people's actual names and that's their nicknames, cause sometimes that phone book is in my phone since 2017. And you still sometimes say a nickname and I'm like, oh, no, exactly. And then I walk away and I'm thinking to myself is she talking about?

Speaker 1:

When nick goes through my phone, so she has, we'll share contacts and she'll send them in. So it all starts with foy and I'll send her the contact and she will literally just drop my phone. She's like it doesn't even say their name in there. It's like nugget with the chick-fil-A she gets six piece with honey, mustard fries she likes, and then sometimes the extra side of a four piece, or, and all this is in your phone contact. It takes her seven minutes to get down to the actual number and who this person really is, and she's like I just can't with you. And so when she sends me things, she's like I just don't have this person's number, and I was like, well, well, what are you looking for? And she's like I don't know what I'm looking for. That's the whole problem.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely not George, because, god forbid, if you should put George in there, then that would make there's. No, it would make life so easy. No time, what's going to come up? I know I'm typing George in your phone like, yeah, somebody is it? You have a curious George nickname. It would be that it would be something to that effect and then I would take their photo in there and I would put the picture in there. It would definitely not be their picture, it would be. It would be curious george. Yeah, and then it would make it even more confusing. It's perfect, yeah, yeah, do you sometimes forget who some of these people are? Oh, no, okay, I'll forget their first name, but I can tell them. Go right to the phone, I'm gonna look, you're guy, I'm going to have a monkey sitting on his shoulder with the yellow hat, the red jacket, the whole. No, I can go. God forbid you forget their birth name.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when I get old, y'all are going to have a real situation, y'all trying to figure out. No, she is not going to get out of this home. She has lost her damn mind. What is she talking about? She keeps talking about I don't know, and there's a polo that she keeps looking for and we don't. She's never even worn a polo before. She doesn't even have anything that buttons up right here. Never has worn a collared shirt, unless it's got a fly collar with some beveled arms. But no, that's actually my kid. That's polo, that's her what.

Speaker 1:

They're going to lock you up. They're going'll keep you locked up for a while. Yeah, I'm going to be in the cuckoo house and if you motherfuckers leave me in the cuckoo house, I swear to pickles when I pass. Y'all are going to have the worst time of your life. I'm going to make all y'all's lives a living hell. You're welcome, just know it. My life already kind of is a little bit. It's fine.

Speaker 1:

We're in Alabama. You can run, but you can't hide. You know I have traveled and done lots of things and I know, and you know we do have these little apps now. Yes, that can lead me right to your location. Yeah, I do share my location. You do, you do and I have your location. I know it was very helpful when I was still working for you. It's helpful now. So I know that you're still okay Because for you it's helpful now. So I know that you're still okay because it's one of those things.

Speaker 1:

It's very hard for me to, you know, and we were talking about that the other day when we were talking about how I really appreciate, like your mom calling me and and so many others, which is kind of, it's kind of crazy because I have my own little like I mean children that came out of my own vagina and and you know that I'm cooked and made and, yeah, you can call it a cookie, you can call it whatever, it's got, whatever, but that's like the real name, in case y'all don't know. But um, anywho, you're welcome and um, but with that comes, you know, football teams and baseball teams and other kids and and with all the businesses and things that I've run across, and even in FFA and 4-H and being in the daycare business, I mean there's still so many of them that I just love and that I um, we all stay in great contact and it's hard when you guys leave and you spread your wings and fly and I'm not going to. I've already cried once on my porch and I didn't have makeup on that day because I knew I was gonna cry that day and I don't know if y'all can see, but I got the mascaras on today, got the mascaras on today, so we can't, we can't, that's right. Yeah, so I can't be leaking, my eyeballs are not gonna leak, they're not gonna leak, they're not gonna leak. But it does make me happy to see you guys spread your wings and fly. And you did leave me. You didn't leave me. You said I'll see you soon. Yes, and you went to alabama. So you were with me for how many years? Uh, june or july 17 up until because I worked. I came back last summer. So, yeah, five years, so six, like six full summers with you, pretty much.

Speaker 1:

And then I'm down at you know, you guys know, gypsy River Resort. So I'm down at the resort and we're working. It's um 4th of July is coming up, um, it's holiday weekends, and so how it works on the river is, if we have um, depending on when the holiday falls, is some. A lot of people will celebrate the 4th of July and they'll have a, a shindig Right, and so with us it's um three day minimums, and so for the way the holiday falls, this year it's like we actually have three 4th of Julys. So we have a group that was here last weekend, we have another group that's here now, and then we have another group that's coming at the end.

Speaker 1:

So we are balls to the walls and working and I'm down below and all of a sudden this little girl comes walking in, my little nug comes walking in with her girlfriend Chelsea, and and didn't tell me, didn't nothing. I knew you were in town, one because I know your location and two because the kids knew that you were in town. And yeah, yeah, it was nuts coming in town, but we're not supposed to tell you because she doesn't want to work. And I was like, wow, listen, look at this little shit. So she comes into town. He asked for a big surprise and I happened to have um, we showed you Steiner last week when we had Steiner in the she shed and I have to go somewhere after after our session today on the hanging out on the porch, and so um, steiner is at home and um, telling the dogs all kinds of stories and how she's mad at the world. And how dare she be left like a peasant of a goat in such a situation? She's in her resort of the bathroom with a hay bale, but your bathroom is bigger than my bedroom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, nega has spent a lot of time at my house, house sitting, changing rude diapers, changing monkey diapers, letting out dogs, feeding dogs, all the things. Feeding your kid, yeah. Taking them back, yeah, which goes back to what I was talking to. I mean, y'all know we bounce a lot on this porch. I don't know why I don't have a trampoline sitting right here, but, um, when we were talking about your mom dropping off you, I, I gotta I got one.

Speaker 1:

I need to drop off my mom's going in. You know, now it's paid. I mean, you know, I just, I just need a little help from time to time. I need a little help from my friends. That's all I just made it up. Oh, I'm gonna send that to the harmony. I'm gonna send that. Rio, rio, that's a good one. I feel like I've got it all written out and it's all laid out for you. You're welcome. I think you should.

Speaker 1:

When that hits top of the chart as soon as you walk out, no, I'm going to text you and go. No, what did? What were we talking about on the porch earlier? I got nothing. Yeah, yeah, that's, I got nothing. It's just so mean. I'm listen, my memory is like I'm doing. You're a baby. That should have been my nickname, should have been door, because I'm gonna forget something as soon as you tell me to do it. That's what me and kel talk about, squirrel, yeah. And then I'm gonna walk in five doors say, hey, what did you want me to get for you? But does it help you when you go back to the same spot? So you know, it makes it worse. It makes it worse. So you need a padded room. I know you do At least once a week.

Speaker 1:

So Nugget and I have always had I'm a lot, she's a lot, yeah, look, I can tell them. You can't tell them I am a lot. Oh, they're not me. Oh no, I'm telling them about you too. We, yeah, we are a lot, yes, oh no, I'm telling them about you too. We, yeah, we are a lot. Yes, but, um, but we've always had the, the best relationship and we've we've hugged, we've had, we've we've said you know what, fuck off. And you've said you know what, okay, fine, and then, but you too, she's never really. I know I never really just said fuck off, but I mean, I've heard it come out of your ears, like when the steam comes out, you know, when they do those little cartoon things and they blow the smoke and it does like the letters in the plane or whatever it says.

Speaker 1:

Well, when you do that and you get mad, it comes out of your ears and it says fuck off. Yes, I think I've raised my voice to you one time and then immediately was like, oh shit, oh shit, like I gotta, I gotta grab the desk, I'm about to get my shit. And then you're like scooby-doo and yeah, when he his legs move and you don't go anywhere and you're touching around, you're still standing there, like why are my legs not moving? Yeah, what is happening? Right now I can see the steam coming off your head. Just before even any words come out, my head will do a 360 and then I get a cramp later and I gotta, I gotta work it all out and then I put it then. But you know, it's all fine, everything's fine. Yeah, I'll blow it off and then, yeah, and tell you I love you. Yeah, five minutes, I need lunch. I'm gonna head into town. Yeah, let's go have a beer and let's talk about what.

Speaker 1:

What the hell we just did. Yeah, like we just yelled at each other. Did I kick you? I didn't mean to. Did I trip you or did you? Was that? Was that a pebble. What happened? Watch where you're going. Sometimes you got to look down, so I just got to look up. You got to pay attention to your surroundings. I promise it was not me, it wasn't me or other times too, we both kind of get heated and just worry about yourself. I just would walk away. That was the best thing for the rest of the day. Just worry about yourself. I think that is going to be one of the moments. That is one of those moments you and I are going to be. You're going to be telling this story, like I'm going to be telling the story about that particular day, probably forever and ever and ever. So we had to tell everybody this day. So this wasn't that long. I mean, what was this? Two, three years ago? Uh, you already had the gray vet. Okay, yeah, so that's, that was 2020. And it came. So that was all the COVID BSs. Yeah, so it was 2021. Yeah, so it was 20, it was summer of 2021. Yeah, yep, because we're in 23, summer of 2021, we're in 24.

Speaker 1:

Oh, pickles before we get happens to be our custom shop. Let me go ahead and give them a plug. Yep, where is the time gone? What kind kind of cat. Oh shit, are you sure? Put these on so you can see. Are we really in 2024? Nugget brought her own glasses so she could look. Y'all know, those are the ones that Kale gave me. I got a little pea head. I got a peanut head too. You need to get you a nice weave, nice little weave in. Yeah yeah, look at that. But yeah, yeah. But see, I don't, I don't have a lemur to rip my dreads out whenever I'm tired of it. So anyway, we're. So let's go back to this. So we're on.

Speaker 1:

I pull into the resort and I'm in my corvette and the way that the parking lot is, I kind of pull in it at an angle and at this particular time, this guy you know how we were just talking about nicknames or whatever this particular time, my ranch hand, which I've known forever, has worked, works for me, lives up top and and, uh and uh, his nickname was bullshit, so good old bullshit. And everybody called him bullshit. I mean it just fit, because that's all he did, he was right, he was just a good old bullshit. And everybody called him bullshit. I mean it just fit, because that's all he did, he was right, he was just a good old bullshit. Good old bullshit. Or a good old redneck, good old rodeo cowboy, just a, just a little. I've weighed about 100 pounds, dripping wet. It was all six foot three and I think 40 pounds, that was his hat. Every dog, every dog that you've ever owned weighs more than him. Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So we're sitting there and nugs in the front of the car and I get out of the car and I don't even remember exactly how the conversation got started, but she's at the front of the car, I, I'm standing at the doors open, I'm standing on the side and bullshit, mind you, is covered in shit Because I mean farm ranch animals, boom, boom, boom. And he sits down in my car and I'm like, wait, I don't even sit down in my car when I, you know me, I'll jump in the little. We have one, a whiskey barrel, which is our exterior outside sink for everybody to wash their hands at the bathhouse, at the resort and or at the front bathrooms. And if I'm that dirty, I will literally you've seen me jump in that little sink and yeah, and then throw a beach towel or something down to sit down. Oh no, not bullshit. He just has himself a seat and just starts pushing buttons and I'm like what in the fuck? Get your ass out of my car before you start doing whatever. And so meanwhile, I'm just watching all of it. She's standing at the front of the car just laughing her ass off, because I know that he's about to get bitched at. I'm just loving my life, thinking that thing.

Speaker 1:

I didn't mess this up. I'm looking at Nugget like do you see, what do you do? Is this happening right now? And it did, it did, it did. And I was like what the fuck? But for whatever reason, then I don't know what or how the conversation moved, but I was so excited to tell you and I was like you need to worry about yourself. It was.

Speaker 1:

And so then you, you were like what are you talking about? We weren't you doing a video? You were taking a video with a car or something, weren't you? Well, okay, so it started off with bullshit doing all that, and then you said you made him get out. And then you reached in your back seat and you pulled out your little handheld car swiffer. Oh, it was in the front, dealer, it was in the front, because there's no back, there is no backseat. So it was in the front. Yeah, yeah, where were you? That's right.

Speaker 1:

And then you started it's one of those, um, it's like a fiber Swiffer. Yeah, I think they call it a California duster or something Like the big. Yeah, yeah, like the orange. Yes, yeah, like the orange. Yes, yes, yes, I totally forgot about that. You totally like, just, he got out and get, I'm just over his seat and then you got out and you made us get the cover out of the like, out of wherever it was in the back, deal, yeah, and you were gonna go up to the farm but it was gonna, it was like windy and it was maybe gonna rain, and so you didn't want the car to get dirty. Yeah, so before we put the cover on, you went around every inch of your car and dusted it and dusted it before we put the cover on.

Speaker 1:

And that is when I saw the video. You have such a good memory Because I was like what are you doing? I know, and the video is of you peeping out from behind the van and you say worry about yourself, worry about yourself. And then you keep dusting. Yeah, and you was like you need to worry about yourself. Uncle Betha had on with some Tiger King slang on it. Oh, that's right. That was that time. You just worry about yourself, ma'am, take the hat off and then tell me. But it was so perfect because I literally have watched that video and, if you guys, I don't even think was TikTok even around at that point. I don't think it was, I think it was Vine. Well, see, I didn't know that or like on Facebook or something, it was something.

Speaker 1:

But it's the cutest little girl and she's trying to get in her car seat, or she's trying to buckle up her car seat, and her daddy's driving and N and her daddy's driving and nugget didn't know about this, this video, and she had no idea what I was even talking about. And so I'm like, oh my goodness, you have no clue what I'm talking about. This is. She makes my heart so happy. She's like this little tiny, I know she's gonna be me someday, I just know. She's just gonna tell him you boy, by yourself. She like I know, but the attitude, oh so good.

Speaker 1:

And she's got that little ginger hair and she's trying to buckle in her seat and her dad is like, do you need me to help you? And she said no, no, thank you. And she's just trying so hard and her whole foot's going. She can't get, cannot get her. She's trying and she's trying. Her dad just keeps asking her and she loses her shit.

Speaker 1:

And she says she didn't worry about yourself. He was like I'm sorry what she said, no, she goes on or whatever. And she said worry about yourself. And so I made nug watch the whole, whole, whole shit and it put a whole new light on the whole, because literally, I mean I think that was before you could get stars on your things or your whatever, who's following or who's creeping, and all this it's me. It's me. I'm the one that's going to get you your new car for your graduation, because I've been stalking you and your boy about yourself. I already bought it. I did. You're welcome. I'm working on your college fund. That's what we're doing right now. Make sure you worry about yourself. And I got you boo Exactly. You're going to get some stars from this deal hanging out on my porch. You've never even.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wonder how old she is now, but it was the cutest little thing. She's probably going to be like 11, 10. I would think so. If that, I don't even know how old that video was right when I got a hold of it or when. Yeah, but I mean and it still comes across randomly she could be my age. For all you know, the car seat was too new. It wasn't like just a, it had like 78 straps. That's why she was like you fuckers need to worry about yourself and I only need one buckle. I would have, we would have already been on the road.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I have like a five gallon bucket with like one little duct tape strap pretty much on across it. No, you didn't even get the duct tape strap, they just threw you in the back. It was just a bucket. It was just a bucket with a bungee cord to hold the bucket down. Make sure you get the old white one. Yeah, just throw in that one. She can't get out of it. Yeah, that's the only one that has a solid bottom.

Speaker 1:

We tried to start a bonfire. We found it was a plastic bucket, but we lit it up. It was perfect. It had a little bit of paint in it. It was a great time. It was a great time.

Speaker 1:

Yep, we had a nice barbecue last Sunday. Nuggets Carsteen got burnt. Yep, it's fun. We molded it to a bonfire. Now, that is what Germans do in New Braunfels. That is how we our our Sunday afternoons Makes me think of like shameless people. The way we just described bonfires with five gallon buckets, oh yeah, oh, yeah, yeah. It happens at that undisclosed location that we keep talking about because I get in trouble for name dropping all the time Like, yeah, yeah, one time we had a little fire, we had to get the tractor involved and well, shit happens.

Speaker 1:

You know what are you? You gonna do, you're gonna mow it over. You need just a little water hose, spin on it or something, kick some, kick some dirt or something on. I mean, that's what we do. I don't know what other normal people call a fire department or something, but we don't do all that. That's no. I mean no, unless they're cute, we got a kitchen. We might call them. Yeah, well, up there, you know, dump the trough. Yeah, let the cattle out. They'll stomp it right on in it's fine club real quick.

Speaker 1:

You want a steak, medium rare. It's coming in hot. Yeah, it's coming in hot. I think about 30 to get that hair off there, and then a little salt pepper, a little worcestershire, be good, hate that stuff. That stuff's so nasty, I don't like eating sauce. Well, we know your name is nugget and you said I can't even believe you said kale on my porch.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I should light my porch on fire or maybe, uh, put a little, some juice, some, some holy holy water. Yeah, that juice which we? Yeah, that juice which we talk about that a lot of times. We used to do that at the resort. Remember when I used to, yes, so we would get Jesus candles and light them and set them. When I started my first summer, there was about 300 of them in the storage room.

Speaker 1:

I was very confused on what my students got hired into. I thought my mom was going to do an actual farm. Yeah, are we religious or is this a cult? Or what are we doing with the G? And I can't wear on a certain Our flip flops, okay? Or do we need the real Jesus sandals? And can we wear clothes to the G? Do we need the black ones with the straps, the buckles, yeah, yeah, yeah. Or the plaid where you have to button them all the way up? You can't see your jugular or whatever, your little, whatever you call it.

Speaker 1:

Vagina is what I call it. That's what it looks like when you're my age. And if all you fuckers that are watching me on my porch right now, and if y'all make fun of my vagina right here, y'all can fuck off. You can't even see it. Well, I got this new roller thing on the Amazons. No, I really didn't get it on the Amazon, I got it at. You know, I'm one of those.

Speaker 1:

Was it a TikTok shop? Fuck, I'll try anything. Was it a TikTok shop? I mean, it could have been. I was probably watching Boy, but Yourself, yourself. And then the next advert to ad advertisement was a thing roll your vagina and this is gonna make you look like you're 20 again. I was like hell, yeah, I'm a boy about myself. I'm just gonna roll away. I feel like it's kind of working. Hey, I mean, you can't tell it like your neck looks like. If you say normal vagina, I'm gonna kick you straight in the straight in the ding, ding. My girlfriend's listening. It's all right anywho.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so let's talk about where you're going now. So you went to, you left me and my eyes leaked and they're not gonna leak today. So you left and you went to Alabama. Yes, and, and we are just visiting Texas, for we were here for like a month, maybe next Monday Cause the whole family's in Texas. What Cause your whole family's in here, yes, yes, I don't have any family, I can you know. I have one cousin in Boston, but Boston, yeah, um. But so Chelsea's family lives Alabama, georgia. So we moved there to be closer to them for a little bit. But August 1st we are moving to Colorado Springs.

Speaker 1:

Changing the temperature, yes. Changing the venue, yes, very excited to be in the mountains and the snow, get a feel for a state that actually has four seasons, right, holy shit, totally new, yeah. And then just kind of seeing how it goes and snow we can be new, yeah, um, and then just kind of seeing how it goes and snow for six months. What do you think about that? Well, it'll be different. Who knows? We want, okay, you can agree, though the cold up there is way different. It's totally different. Ours down here, your ninis will fall completely off, absolutely. It is brutal. We do not function, we do not come out. If it is it and god forbid, it snows, everything's closed, you can't drive on the road, you can't nothing, anything, you can't anything, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And whenever we went up to tour, um, some places in colorado springs over the weekend, so what made y'all decide colorado springs? Um, so we knew we wanted to go someplace that had all four seasons, just kind of test it out, right, um, we knew before we like, settled down and got married, had kids, we wanted to go to one more state, live it up in another state. Um, it was between colorado, um, tennessee, like one of the carolinas, yeah, um, and so we kind of just like we've been to tennessee. So how are you guys able to just pick a random spot? So let's tell everybody about that. So I, I work from home, I sell insurance. Yep, I can move wherever I want, do whatever I want.

Speaker 1:

Chelsea works with kids. She's a BCBA. So she was actually Tell everybody what that is. So that is a board certified behavioral analyst. She's way smarter than I am. Wait, stop A who? A board certified behavioral analysis? Okay, so I want everybody.

Speaker 1:

No, no, we're going to focus here for a second. She said behavior analysis and she's with my nugget. That is a full-time job in itself. Do you have her on retainer or how does that work in your relationship? So I'm just really good at cooking, so she takes it off your tab.

Speaker 1:

Is that what this is about? No, it's fine, I feel like we settle everybody out because she, speaking of four seasons, I don't know if you guys can hear on the other side of the porch, but it's about 900 degrees on our porch right now. It is, it is. So I just tripped my. You just went to a whole nother season. Yeah, it's only. Yeah, okay, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

And so no, so she's, she's, she was with a school system. Um, she just finished with the school system end of the year and all right. So she hired on with this new company which they have centers. She left the school district, she is now with a center and they have centers all over the United States. They were actually like started off in Austin, really, yeah. So is it age related, is it? Yeah, does she work with certain age groups or whatever? So she'll have littles from like I think it's like two to six, like 18 months to six. So she'll get out of the school system with the older kids and she'll just go back in with the little kids.

Speaker 1:

So what puts these children in a behavior analysis program? Just behavior issues. Mostly, her thing is like autistic kids, okay, like helping autistic kids. Like deal with like the normal cities of everyday life. Got you Kind of getting in on those, like certain plans and stuff like that, got you.

Speaker 1:

So there's Denver. Well, colorado Springs has like three centers, nice. So we went up and looked at them and we're like this is where we want to be so exciting, yes, I'm very excited. Yeah, so you guys leave when, um, so we leave to go back to Alabama to pack up everything. We leave next Monday, so the eighth Nice, um, and then at like 3am, and then we moved to Colorado on August 1st from Bama, which is a 20 hour drive, wow. So you all have a solid plan on how to to make that all happen, right? Yes, so we're trying to get time to fly up and drive the U-Haul for us, gotcha, and then we'll have the car with the dogs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so banking on Ty? If not, mom, what are you doing? Well, let me tell you, y'all know about my calendar and y'all know everybody, why didn't you bring Black Betty? Well, listen up here now. Look, we just got some news today. And y'all know about Gage, my oldest, and Rye, my daughter-in-law, and everybody knows my little birdie and my grandbaby, that I've said we've been ready and waiting and whatever. Well, today is the day. She just had her doctor's appointment and she weighs. Our little birdie weighs a little over 7 pounds. Riley weighs about 12 pounds herself. So that just tells you that the turkey is done, everything's ready and, um, they're not going to let her go full term and we are inducing.

Speaker 1:

If it doesn't happen beforehand, we're inducing on the 8th at 9 PM, which it's a good thing that you, you know I don't sleep. That is outrageous, yeah, but you know, I mean, well, you don't know, but I mean just in general. Your sister, yeah, so let me just talk. We'll talk about your sister here in a second, because you've been involved in all that and that is some freaking rock star shit. I mean, yes, absolutely my gosh, and I've known her sister, like I said, forever. But yeah, yeah, she has them in the freaking. The little pool you get at the Walmarts for $12.99 is what her sister has the babies in, in the middle of the living room with popcorn at the side. I can't Anyhow, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, we're inducing and so you guys are going to hit the road and it is, I mean, forcing your body to do things that are not. It makes it a little bit difficult and it is tight. It is tight. It does take a while. So that's why they wanted her to come in and come in at nine but I already have my backpack, so I'm good. Yeah, you're fine, I did, I got the backpack. She just she said she got it done, mine's been packed, along with the nursery. You got to see the you and Chelsea got to see the nursery.

Speaker 1:

And I really wish and I was thinking about this again yesterday because I was going in there, oh, because I just watched her, her, her sheets and her, her deals, because I've got to finish stuffing the bumpers, oh, yeah, but, and I really wish I would have got a video of, because I was telling you and Chelsea, cause you, you guys came over and, um, if y'all didn't see the snippet that we did, um, our reel that we shared when we were teaching Steiner how to swim, that's nugget, that was in the pool with me. Um, yeah, cause she's, she's been around my farm, she's the one that I can call and she knows it can be gone for a year and I'll go, hey, nug, what's this, this one right here, and she'll go that's Wilson or that's whatever, or that's Nelson and Wilson and whoever I don't know, bob and George. It also helps that I gave them all of their own special names and then you would give them whatever names you saw fit. So that's how, that's how this relationship has worked. And then I forget and I'm like oh, it's Bob Nugget said it's Bob, yeah, nuggets at his boss. That's why there is a Nelson. Yeah, that is why there is Nelson, yeah, yeah, good, yeah, so you do. And you remember. So she came and she was teaching Steiner how to swim, helped me teach Steiner how to swim.

Speaker 1:

You guys are rolling to Colorado Springs. I cannot wait to visit because we spend some time down there. So we're down there a couple of times a year and yeah, so that's going to be really epic, yeah, but I wish I would have gotten a video or at least a picture of when you guys walked into the nursery, because both of y'all's faces were jaw drop, big old smile. And of course you know and have seen, just like when Steve was on my show the other day, he was like I don't know if you guys know, but she's got like this weird, creative or whatever. And it just makes my heart feel good that you guys, because nobody can, nobody wants to get in here. It's a whole situation inside this head, but but it is fun for me and that I had so much fun putting her nursery together and it I had so much fun putting her nursery together and it's just so, that's it's.

Speaker 1:

When we got home we ended up going over my ties and we were talking to him about the nursery and he was like, is there a picture room? We were both like shit, I know like. And I wasn't even looking, I wasn't even telling y'all anything, I was just looking at y'all's face and I was like, oh, they really do appreciate how cute and how overwhelming, how beautiful it is. Thank you, it makes my heart so happy. Pictures, yeah, I tried to explain to my sister too and I couldn't like even like yeah, it's kind of hard to explain. So I I did a video of it and we'll try to show some pictures on the thing, and I know I've been saying that for all of our episodes. But we're working through. You know we could. We've had some some issues at the studio and what have you, but we will start getting to where we can can show pictures. But I did.

Speaker 1:

I did a really cool video at one point, but it was before we hung her swing from the wall, which, oddly enough, I've had that swing for three years and then the chaps. Crazy enough. Riley and I were antique picking and y'all heard me mention my chaps, because I've and you've seen my chaps that I have. And Riley and I were picking and we were walking through this antique shop and I see these tiny baby chaps, because I've and you've seen my chaps that I have. And Riley and I were picking and we were walking through this antique shop and I see these tiny baby chaps and I was like, oh my gosh, I'm buying these.

Speaker 1:

And she was like, wait what? And I was like, because some, someday, somebody, I'm gonna have my little birdie and yeah, yeah, whether I don't know which one's gonna give it to me first. No, I already told y'all if y'all can't get your shit together, I'm gonna take your nemos and I'm gonna take your, your, your little thingies, and I'm gonna put them in the oven and I'm gonna cook it myself. That's how this is gonna go down. And so, yeah, and then, oddly enough, we are having a girl.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I'm so excited and you know I have no girls and in your family it's all girls. It's all girls. Two girls, three grandkids, yes, all girls. And we have, yeah, finally, my nephew ended up both my nephews ended up having girls. But I mean, it's been from boys to boys. My sister had boys, I had all boys, then no girls and then finally, the last of the Mohicans, for both my nephews was girl and girl, and then, boom, my first one, and I was like there's no. Were you standing on your head? What were you doing? Now you're not going to get any more boys. I feel like that's like Jared, that's insane, I know Like, yeah, he, he was one of the three boys, Right, isn't that crazy? Like it's just ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

So your sister, when she has her babies, she does. She does the home births, yes, and I, she's the only person that I've ever known that has ever done that, and all of hers have been over nine pounds. And your sister is how tall, um, so she's five, six, so she's like just a little bit taller. So lisa's five foot. Even my dad is six, two. Yeah, so we're pretty much like right in the middle of both of my parents, almost. Yeah, um, but, yeah, sister is, and she's like my size too. She maybe has 10 pounds on me just because she goes to orange theory almost every morning when I'm. So she looks so good, she's so good. Yeah, she's a terrifying woman.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I mean anybody that can get the Walmart pool and just sit down and go hold up Shabam. Yeah, how's that? Yes, literally Like I remember when she was having. Was that? Yeah, weren't you in the in the living room when she was having Wally and you guys were watching cartoons or something? Or was that June? So it was June. I wasn't even home yet. I was, well, one of them. You were sitting in the living room, okay, so it was WALL-E. I was. I wasn't sitting in the living room.

Speaker 1:

First of all, can we talk about her baby names and how stinking cute. Okay, so look y'all, it's Porter, wally and june, and it is literally the cutest thing ever. Yeah, little angels, oh my gosh and butter balls, and I mean just the cutest and their personalities is just feral. Now, border is a sweet little mommy. She wants to take care of everybody. She wants to do everything. She's so helpful. Wally, don't give two sheds, like she. I mean her name is Wally, as she should. It's the best thing ever. You want Wally to do something. Shannon just like looks at you and she'll go do it, but she's just like. It's like I have so much better things to do, the one I need help with. I was like, yeah, I ain't doing it, but I'll do it. And then June is just feral. You're lucky if she was her grandson. I feel like you need to find a different name besides feral. No, I need you to take her for an hour and just feral and then just make an assessment. Yeah, like Kaylee sells like makeup. You know, chelsea does this. She don't get paid for that. So is there like categories? When they send the, when they send the junes over there, and she goes oh shit, yeah, this one's feral. Yeah, no, this is a no return policy, you're not, it's just like.

Speaker 1:

When we came down for christmas yeah, we were at the, we were camping out the lake at um with my family and everything. In june went down to the lake and found a dead turtle carcass. That's still like the shell and on it. So I'm the turtle was still outside of the shell, dead, it was just a skeleton. And June brought it back and was like look at my pet mommy. And my sister was like can't, just don't put in your mouth and don't lick your hands. Don't lick its face, don't give it any a mouth-to-mouth, it's a goner, it still stinks. She sat underneath the camper for hours and just played with this dead and my sister was like I don't care, she's calm, she's by herself, I don't care, she's good. And it was like that. June is just. I feel like June grew up how we all grew up just on farm, just barefoot, yes, which she'll never get sick, she'll never have a problem, exactly she'll. And even if she sneezes, she'll go like this or she'll go wipe it on her sister. Yes, exactly, end up on the turtle shell.

Speaker 1:

See, that was me, I was, that was dirty all the time. I mean, I still am. I mean, I left the resort saturday night, 2 30 in the morning, driving down the road. I I look up, I'm thinking that those were eyes that were shining and it's pitch black and you know, we're off on the beaten path, there's no such thing as streetlights. I mean, we're out in the country and it's YD, yes, yep, and it's holiday weekend. There's drunks everywhere and I'm thinking that was too black house, pull over. I'd just taken my boots off, I'd been going at it for 22 hours a day in this heat and sure enough, it was a mama and her baby.

Speaker 1:

So there I am on the road with no shoes, on, hiking through the gravel that's on the side of the asphalt, going through the stickers, going through the burrs, finding the barbed wire fence. I got them. But you handled it, I did. I saved the cows, I saved the baby. Yep, I was talking to my brother today and I was like now it could be so-and-so's, could be so-and-so's, it's on this side. He was like, let me make a couple phone calls. And I was like, cool, just let him know, it's time and a half at 2 30 in the morning, with no shoes on. I'm gonna need an extra, an extra, uh, bonus. Here's my venmo. I saved your cow. You can go ahead and paint. So I get it.

Speaker 1:

Between you and june is you had pants on? June just doesn't ever have pants on. Well, that's the only difference, you right? Yeah, that's just the only difference. But yeah, another 20 minutes and I may not have. I'd already gotten the shoes in the sock, which you know me. I was on my way. I mean I'm, and you know when I just, like we were talking about earlier, when I'm leaving and I'm filthy and I'm dirty and I don't want to get in my car, and then I will literally jump in that little wash tub and wash my ass and get at least get some of the funk off, yeah, and try to. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it does help. But you know, sometimes you just can't, you just gotta just drop your jaws and you gotta, you just gotta just let her hang out and go let it loose.

Speaker 1:

It was good we had to save the cow. She had to save the turtle, but you know, yeah, you know turtle's gone. You will go save it a couple days late. It's fine, she thought she got a new pet, but it's oh, she was called. Take her to the pet store. You, she thought she got a new pet, but it's not. She was calm. Take her to the pet store. You want me to get her a turtle? You by all means go pick her up and take her to a pet store. I won't take her to the pet store, I'll take her to the river. Her and I will go get one ourself. No-transcript plastic containers with the lid on it. Yeah, we won't even put a lid on it, because you know she's gonna want to feed it like a rock or something. I know they like rocks. It's fine, she, she's going to lick this one. I'm telling you, which goes to.

Speaker 1:

My word of the day from last week was Licky Lou. So I'm pretty sure oh, I bet she is Licky Lou was the word of the day from last week. So today's word of the day is asshat. So good, it's so good, yeah. So the description of an asshat is an individual that acts like a complete ass without wearing an actual hat. Yes, you can refer to a dunce cap as an ass hat. Just the hat, okay, so the dunce hat. So they're usually the ones with the little helicopter, the little flyers, the little, yeah, propeller. There it is, yep.

Speaker 1:

So I drew one on my little description for the gypsum area and I said what do you think about that, nug? And she said why? I said I think it looks like maybe a lemon slice on a butter knife or something. She goes no, it doesn't. I'm feeling an upside down, wear bear. And I was like you need to just stop feeling. Or like a water, like a water well, a water wheel. Yes, like you know, we talked about those at loretta lynn's ranch like I feel like that's literally what it looks like, like, if you, because you know, if you see them like, oh, like, because they're normally on a slope and they've got like rock and shit over them and they've got like the what, like the trough in between them.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna have to turn that to landscape mode, portrait mode. I don't know, I get in trouble because I never remember which one's which, which is why I always turn the thing the wrong way. Landscape, portrait, landscape. Stop yelling at me, horizon. That's why, when y'all go so are you going north or east or where I don't know? I'm going straight. My car tells me, I don't know, I'm going to go straight If you can tell me if you need to pass this one donkey. And then you're going to stop at that one bar Remember, we had that one bar and we had them long necks that time and then you're going to take a left. I know exactly what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

If somebody could tell me a description of like a fence, hey, there's cattle panel on this side, there's barbed wire and there's picket fence Exactly, I'm good with that. Tell me if there's a break in some barbed wire and you need to go and this and that. Don't tell me to travel two miles west and then head east. What are you even saying right now? I don't know, I'm not doing any of that. No, that's just. Stop using N-W-E-S. No, that's just too much. That just gave me a headache. Yeah, honestly, that's too much to think about. So Colorado Springs is going to be fun. I'm super happy for you. So Colorado Springs is gonna be fine. I'm super happy for you. I'm so proud of you. I've just watched you go from nuggets to kale.

Speaker 1:

I don't actually eat kale broccoli. Yes, you did sell kale. You did say kale on the porch. Chelsea was it was. Chelsea was drinking a smoothie this morning that had kale on it. So it was just on.

Speaker 1:

Was it green? No, actually it was like a blueberry, strawberry, banana eat. So you can't see the green. You can see, see the big pieces. See, I feel like, when they do those kind of things, that if you would just put it in a cup like yours, where we don't have to look at it, then I'm all about it. I'm just eating with a spoon. So she was looking at it and scooping it. That's dedication. Yeah, I would like a straw like, maybe like a year strong, a metal strawberry. We don't see it through it. Yeah, I don't want them to hand me a cuppy of green. Something in my head just like that bad, see, bad. June wouldn't like that either. No, absolutely not. No, she's got the vodkas in it and we got what we're doing with it. Why is this this? The vodkas in it, we got. What are we doing with it. Why is this this grassy shade of green? Okay, you can't, you'll laugh at this.

Speaker 1:

Um, so last night we were over at my sister and Jared's house and Wally came up to me while I was in the middle and she's six, yeah, she's six. And uh, she said, kiki, I can't eat diet. And I said I'm sorry, I'm gonna need a little bit more. Yeah, you can't eat diet, let's sit down, talk about it. And she just kept saying I can't eat diet, I can't eat diet. And I was like wally, what can't you eat? Like, stop saying you can't eat diet. Like, what in your diet can you not eat? And she said, well, I can't have chocolate milk and I can't have cookies and I can't have ice cream. And my sister was cooking and she was like Wally, you can't have dairy, like dairy and feel it. See, wally said I'm lactose intolerant too. Wally said, yeah, my diet. I just walked away and I was like I totally feel you, wally. She knows everything in her diet, though, and she knew that she couldn't have couldn't have it. Well, I had um, this was probably a month or two ago and I had.

Speaker 1:

I y'all know what drumsticks are, not the ones that you eat, not the nugget ones, but the ones that you buy the ice cream, yes, the best one. Oh my god, I love them so much. It's so bad. It's like salty and sweet. It's the best. 3 am and I'm just like I'll have three. Yep, I hide them in my freezer. Well, it's 3 am and I'm just like I'll have three. Yep, I hide them in my freezer. Well, it's 3 am. I mean, I got to get up and I'm like, oh yes, I'm going to do this and I do, and I should stop at one. But then the second one, I'm just getting primed. And the third one is like it was so freaking good. Well then, this clearly was on a Sunday or Monday, but it was before season.

Speaker 1:

And Nick comes over, she texts me that morning and I said I'm dying. And she's like what's wrong with you? And I was like I ate an ice cream cone. And she's like what is your problem? Like she's never seen me knock down. I mean, you know me, it takes a lot to knock me down. And she's like what do you mean? I said I had an ice cream cone. And she was like so what is your problem? And I was like, well, I didn't eat one, I had like three of them, and I'm so like, and then I probably had like a block of cheese that day. And then, you know, I don't drink milk, so you can forget all that, but I probably had, I don't know by everything, me and Wally, we got problems. My diet is the same as hers and I had it all in the same day.

Speaker 1:

And then I topped it off with three freaking drumsticks and I was literally curled into my bed the next morning in the fetal position, nick sitting on the floor, and I'm literally just hanging my head over, like I mean, I thought I was going to die a slow death. I was like, can you just like go get the machete from the river? And just like, just cut me or something like, just cut me or something. I don't know, what do we do? I'm just gonna go get you this store, pay or said whatever. And I was like no, sorbet, that's what. Does it even mean? Ice cream? No, no, I'm just a layered die. I'm gonna do it once a year. Year. Put it on the calendar. One day drumstick, yeah, wait by yourself, ass hat. Yes, exactly, you see, that's how you use that.

Speaker 1:

I also feel like I've heard you say that when we were driving down the street or at the resort, where I'm like, there's an ass hat saying in sight eight, two is it? What do we do? Is it? What do I do? I'm gonna turn their hat around. I'm gonna turn it around here.

Speaker 1:

I know who? Do I know this person. Cut their little propeller, whatever you call it. Yeah, before I tell them they have to leave. Yeah, do y'all personally know these people? Before I tell them they can go fuck off? Yeah, have they ever stayed here before? Right, cool, pull their oh, I say it all the time pull their history, exactly. Pull a file. And I know, yeah, because clearly they're new, because they wouldn't, they wouldn't do that. They're not on the list. No, they're fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because we have a whole. Yeah, we have a whole list of. We have a whole list of things. We have the good, the bad, the vip, the ass hats. You drop it down and it says the dumb shits. Yeah, I feel like the dumb shits are underneath the asshats, because so we have kind of like when we were talking about the, the gypsy area.

Speaker 1:

We have a situation and we have a fluctuation. So your situation is oh shit, I mean a fluctuation is, oh my gosh. Oh, you gotta call the insurance company camps on fire. Exactly. You gotta call in the hot fire. Camps on fire, exactly. You got to call in the hot fire guys the fire. Remember when we you can call them anyways. Yeah, that was a good, that was a good one, that was a good joke. You for dumb? Yeah, yeah, you are so mean.

Speaker 1:

It was just me and Marco. We thought it was great. Why I have to go get my weave put in all the time. You shouldn't believe us. Well, yeah, you're right, it was a thing about this. It was 2018.

Speaker 1:

It was a Sunday. I don't know how you remember nonsense like this, because I'm completely. My brain is really really well, not sure how, no, not sure how. I would really like to just Take a scan of it. You know, just get in there, just do a little like a magic school bus through the nostril type thing, and I feel like mine would be the same, but it wouldn't be. We have, for two totally different reasons yeah, I, but yeah, summer day 2018, it was on Sunday at 1 39 PM and 47 seconds. I just walked out, I took two steps out the door and then I hit my walkie and then I said hi, george. And then I said, oh, it was marco. But uh, the polo remember close. And uh, no, I'm here like man. We just it's hot as shit, it's a sunday, we're over this, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so we texted in the group message holy shit, camps on fire, what do we do? It lasted our our giggles left lasted all about 45 seconds, and then we got a paragraph of what the fuck you mean? What do you do? Call the fucking cops what? And then we had to quickly that was me. It was just a joke, just a joke. Camps on fire, and it's not a joke. Trash for this.

Speaker 1:

And thought about our choices, which is exactly what we were talking about earlier on the porch, when her and I would would bump noggins and I was like you need to go sit down. She would ask me questions all the time, because this is how nev does it she'll call me and she'll go question and I'll go answer, and this is how we start our deal. And you, just you do it all the time call, call Question and I'll say answer. It's like the beginning of our game show. Yes, it's like the beginning of our game show Question, answer. And it's always just a quick little question and sometimes she'll say a question and I'll go answer, and then she'll ask me and I'll go you need to go sit down and think about your question. And then she calls me back and she goes another question. Yeah, let me regroup, let me think about what I said.

Speaker 1:

But we have such a mutual respect on that thing and we've always just laughed about it and we still laugh about it and I just love you so much for all of that and I'm just so proud of you and where you're going and and I'm just super excited that you're going to Colorado spring. So come and hang out and coming to pick you up. We've got some, we've talked about some trips. You get to go and hang out with us down there, me and Nick, and so that starts off in January and so, yeah, well, I can definitely say I would not be anywhere without you, where I am now.

Speaker 1:

Now, look, we already talked about the eyes of the leaguan on the porch. It's not going to happen, but I'm just saying you were a very big part, thank you. That makes my heart happy, me becoming 21. Thank you, that was good. Thank you, it was good. It was good. We've had some good memories. I grew up a lot with you, so thank you for that. I love you. I love you so much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you guys, um, thanks for hanging out on the porch with us. No, I'm so glad, that was the best surprise Saturday ever. Thanks for jumping in and and, uh, it was so cute and I told her I think we skipped through that. But she came in and surprised me and I handed her a signer and a walkie. I had to diffuse an entire situation we had down there.

Speaker 1:

That was an hour and a half and then, the next thing you can know, I've got my walkie and I can hear my guys, my team Radio Nugget, hey, hey, nug, welcome back. We're so glad to have you back, we're so glad you're here. And I'm telling you if you sometimes you think you know there's a time and a place and there's a reason why things happen, and and my eyes are about to start leaking but it was. It was so good to have you there. Yes, I love you. I love you. I love you. Hey you guys, my eyes are not going to leak on the porch. Yours aren't either. We're both sweating balls right now because our porch is Texas hot. Thanks for joining us. I love you guys. Like, share, follow, feel free to comment and I'll keep you guys updated on Nug and Chels and their adventures and their road trips on leaving the Bammies and headed to Colorado Springs, the Four Seasons and all the good things. So thanks for joining us, love you guys. Bye guys, I love you, nug, take care.