The Rambling Gypsy

Randelson's River Tales

The Rambling Gypsy Season 1 Episode 18

Join us on this special episode of The Rambling Gypsy Podcast as we welcome Tiff's cousin, Randy, who has been a cornerstone of the river community since 2003. This is a tribute to family bonds, German roots, local history, and the unique experiences at the Gypsy River Resort.

From managing guest complaints to dealing with family dynamics at local festivals, this episode offers a mix of laughter and heartfelt moments. Celebrate the wisdom gathered from years of handling unpredictable situations, and hear touching stories about the power of a mother's love. Whether you're here for the humor or the heartfelt reflections, we're glad you're here - and as always, we're fortunate to be be porchin' it.

The Rambling Gypsy podcast is a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of real Texans doing real sh*t. We're pulling back the curtains on our daily lives - and you're invited to laugh and learn along with us.


Speaker 1:

We have a situation. We got several situations. Hey guys, tiffany Foy, ramblin' Gypsy Podcast, just wanted to give you guys a quick update and let you know we have had some. To be honest, it's been a situation. If you guys have followed me or my gypsy dairy, we have had to readjust some things move, some production times. Our new production time is going to be Thursday mornings before the chickens and the roosters and all the things get up. I don't know what time you guys get up, but I will not be up. But it is River season as you guys get up, but it I I will not be up. Um, but it is river season. As you guys can see, I'm here, gypsy river resort. Um, it is go time. We've got a busy weekend. Um, you guys come watch new guests, new problems. Uh, dog, fresh out of the groomer Clearly she gets groomed way more than I do and don't judge. But hey, I'll see you guys this week Thursday morning.

Speaker 1:

Rambling Gypsy podcast. Tiffany Foy, can't wait to hang with you guys on the porch. Love you guys. Fortunate to fortunate. Come hang with me. Like, share, follow. I'll see you guys soon. Thanks, hey everybody, welcome to the Rambling Gypsy podcast. My name is tiffany foy, and I have a super, super, super exciting special guest and I'm very, very excited for you to be on my porch today. Thank you for coming. Everybody, this is randy schumann. If you have not or you do not know of um, you have so many titles and so many names, and well, I do too, but we're not going to tell everybody on the porch today because everybody's not really ready for those. Yours are a little more appropriate than mine, I would say. But Randy has got. I call him Randelson because it's just kind of been, I don't know, fitting, I would say.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, maybe, but everybody knows Big Randy and this is Big Randy. Welcome to the porch.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you for having me. When you called and when you texted me and said, hey, you wanted me to come on, I was like, absolutely, because I love to support all of my friends and my family.

Speaker 1:

You do.

Speaker 2:

And then, after about 30 minutes, I was super anxious, I was like what do we do here? What do we do with my hands?

Speaker 1:

Well, the porch is the porch, and this is where we solve the world's problems and this is where we talk about all the gossip and this is where we fix it.

Speaker 2:

This is where we fix it. Oh, I've been looking for this place forever, I know.

Speaker 1:

I know and I up and this is where we. This is where we fix it. This is where we fix it. I've been looking for this place forever. I know, I know and I built it and here it is, and this is where we, this is where we do all the things perfect so yeah so, um, let's I want to tell everybody about.

Speaker 1:

First of all, for all of you people that don't know, we are from new brunfels, texas. We are a little tourist town in between aust and San Antonio, and we are both locals, we are both born and raised and we are also family. This is true, and everybody that does not know that now you know, and if you, yeah, so we are we are.

Speaker 2:

We are family and everybody that every when I say oh, that's, my cousin yeah. They just give me this odd look. Yeah, and then I have to, you know, let them in that. You know I was bought on the black market.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I am the black market.

Speaker 1:

I am the black sheep of the market.

Speaker 2:

No, far from it. Oh, come on, come on. Yeah, yeah. Everybody looks at you and they're like okay yeah, we get it.

Speaker 1:

They look at me like ew, whatever, what happened. So if you know any part of our we're, we're obviously big, ginormous germans, and so, um, everybody in our family is ginormous and huge, and so then when I say that we're related. They're like wait how and then they see my kids and they're like why are your kids giraffes? And I'm like well, everybody in our family is pretty much giraffes we're all giraffes, they're either giraffes or littles yes, and we only have a handful littles.

Speaker 1:

Yes, your mom, my mom, yes, my grandmother yes little um, and we could go, we could go down the list, but they're either littles or they're.

Speaker 2:

There's not a lot of average. No, yeah, no, not at all, not with us. No One extreme to the other Average.

Speaker 1:

We go one extreme to the other. Yes, so Randy does a lot for our community. Does a lot, as you guys know. I've mentioned Gypsy River Resort a million times over. Randallson is also very big in the river community. Does a lot for the locals. Let's tell everybody a little bit of some of your river stories.

Speaker 2:

Let's swap some good, oh, you would ask.

Speaker 1:

Uh-huh, come on, let's swap some good stuff. We got some good stuff. To tell swap some good. Oh, you would ask Uh-huh, come on, let's swap some good stuff.

Speaker 2:

We got some good stuff to tell all these people. Oh, my goodness Well.

Speaker 1:

How long have you been on the river? Let's start there, okay.

Speaker 2:

So I showed up actually on the river, not as a tourist or somebody that was floating on the river just hanging out like we did as locals. I showed up in about 2003. I needed one more fun summer job after college, right, and then stuck around for almost 20 years and it's great to say now, but for the longest time and just recently I've been talking with a lot of my friends and just saying about how much fun we had living and working out there, meeting tons of people.

Speaker 1:

Amazing people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, amazing people from all over the world Right and then we looked at it. We're like God. We were so broke.

Speaker 1:

We didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of right.

Speaker 2:

And those were the years of my life that I had the absolute most fun, when I had absolutely nothing but I had enough, yeah, it was awesome. I had just enough money for a beer and a breakfast taco and that was our world.

Speaker 1:

That's all we needed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then it was, we worked really hard and the weekend would come around and that was just a whole animal onto its own, yeah, and you'd meet people and and then just collect stories, like you were saying stories like we could write a book a three-part movie then that then yes if I could ever get a hold of the american pie. Guys, right, I'm like look, here's your shout out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, guys yeah, welcome, come visit us on the porch yeah, come on out, because we'll have. One of our mamas will make a pie or somebody somebody's grandmama, somebody in the family will make a pie yeah, if you leave hungry, it's your own fault.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is absolutely yep, but um, yeah, so we have. We have a lot of river stories, but that's really cool that, um, you have been on the river for and you're still on the river I, I still, I still maintain a residence there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in fact, uh, I live. I don't know if it's going to bring down the valley of Airplays, but I'm two doors down from.

Speaker 1:

Gypsy River. Yeah, literally we're neighbors. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it's been really awesome to see what it was before you got a hold of it. Yeah, and I would look over there and I'm like, yeah, there's that place over there, yeah, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah over there, and I'm like, yeah, there's that place over there. Yeah, right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then once you got a hold of it. Now I can look over there like I'm glad she churched that place up. It looks fantastic and you've done so much good work there. I'm so proud of you.

Speaker 1:

Blood, sweat and tears and yeah, you're a big, big part of it. I mean, that's one thing about this guy right here is that you know so many different aspects of kind of a jack of all trades.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And it kind of runs in our family.

Speaker 2:

It's one of those things that we don't know. It Just hang tight.

Speaker 1:

Pull my beer in for a minute and let me figure this out.

Speaker 2:

We're going to figure it out, and I think that's the way a lot of our family just operated. We didn't have much, so we did it yourself, you did it yourself you figured it out and we were the diys before, the oh yeah, before it was cool diy, yeah, absolutely yeah, yeah if there was, uh, something that couldn't be fixed with duct tape, and bailing wire obviously was not broken, right?

Speaker 1:

so yeah, well, that's cool. Well, that's cool. So I don't know if so many of you people know or anybody knows, but we experience a lot of flooding. We have we don't know in Texas from one minute to the next, which I think is adorable that we get phone calls constantly where people will say do you know what the river level is going to be in August? And this will be come on y'all. Y'all are adorable and you're cute and I love you, and we're going to discuss that in fruition. I'm going to explain that whole statement of what exactly that means.

Speaker 1:

It's almost kind of like bless your heart.

Speaker 2:

Oh, a lot of that, yes.

Speaker 1:

Bless your heart. But yes, we will get calls all the time where people will want to know what the river level is, and they want to know. Look, in Texas. We don't know from one minute to the next and we have experienced flood after flood.

Speaker 2:

Sure. After flood After flood yeah, and the thing Sure, after flood, after flood, yeah, and the thing is After flood, yeah, you're right, I mean over our lifetimes. But the funny thing is, is you, once you're a part of it for a point, you're just like, well, you had a flood, no, yeah, it was just it was a high water event.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Event. What does that mean? Well, it only messed up a little bit Right, which ends up being a tremendous amount, tremendous amount. Save the truck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, but look what we did yeah, exactly I got that one table out of the water Woo.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it's nuts.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it's nuts, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We have pulled. What was that? 2015, when my train, car and all my antiques were in.

Speaker 2:

Yes, what was that In that Connex box? Uh-huh, yes, you used to have some Woo. For those of you that don't know this beautiful woman here, she is an avid collector of just some of the-.

Speaker 1:

Trash to treasures and treasures to trash. I was gonna love them.

Speaker 2:

They're some of the most interesting so fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, me and kel talked about that. So, yeah, yeah, there's some that I literally well these chairs, that you know that that that's a refrigerator, that's an old ice box old icebox yeah, where you put the ice on top yeah. Yeah, yep. That's exactly what that is. That is what we lost in the flood that went up in the conics.

Speaker 2:

That one.

Speaker 1:

That was not this one. Okay, but you know similar items that went up in the tree and we had to leave that.

Speaker 2:

Would we leave that box up there in that tree? For what three?

Speaker 1:

months before. Oh no, we were able to drop it. Yeah, we got it out of the tree. We got out of the tree. We couldn't move it because, it was so it was.

Speaker 2:

Everything was just so torn up. Yeah, mud, and mud, and mud and oh but and and the thing is is, you know, I, I look at the news and I see people all over the world, and all especially all over the country, and, and they're it would. Oh, we've got to declare a state of emergency for this, and we're like dude, that's a thursday right and worst fest starts tomorrow so I know we got to go, we got to go back to work.

Speaker 1:

We've got tickets. We've already pre-gamed for this.

Speaker 2:

We've already got our pictures the beer's on ice. Yeah, we've got, oh, yeah we have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah, we have videos of us literally watching the water rays go up, sirens going off, which we do have sirens.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

If you guys have not experienced it. So we are on, we're in a flood zone, whatever. How do you explain the sirens to people on our road?

Speaker 2:

so a lot of people have heard of a place called tornado alley, which is a geographical, geographical area from northeast texas that extends up through oklahoma, missouri and all the where you get a lot of tornadoes. Well, this area is called flash flood alley because those of you that don't know all of the hill countries made mostly of limestone. There's a lot of hills, a lot of valleys and, believe it or not, water doesn't get soaked up by a lot of rock.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So it's got to go downhill and it's coming fast.

Speaker 1:

So what was crazy on this? So this last episode that we had, I think what was that? Three years ago, memorial Day, last episode that we had, I think that what was that? Um three years ago, memorial day, right before memorial day, where we had, for whatever reason, gage was at the house and it we were discussing something. Um, it was around lunchtime and, for whatever reason which I never cook a meal during lunch, whatever and me, I, I was frying pork chops randallson, I was frying pork chops Randallson.

Speaker 1:

I was frying pork chops on a random Tuesday or Thursday or whatever. I don't even know what the hell was going on. I mean what. I mean? This wasn't Sunday and we were not I don't know. But all of a sudden, cody calls me and said hey, you need to get down here, like right now, sun is shining, there's not a rain, there's not a rain, there's not a cloud, there's not nothing. You could literally be on your boat, you know whatever. He was like no, I'm like what are you talking about? And I was like Gage, you got to go. And he was like you got to get down here. Now Shit's happening.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So Gage had just gotten his dually he hadn't done anything to it. It was straight stock at the time. By the time we got um right past float house where that dips down in the road right, so when that water comes rushing, over we almost didn't make it over that yeah so then we pulled up to my gate and the gate was our, the. We had already lost all the power, gate was shut, so and you know how I can reach my hand and get through my walking gate.

Speaker 1:

So we went through the walking gate. I told gage, see, this is exactly because he was like no, mom, you're losing your mind. And I was like no, this is a full-on real thing yes we walked down and you know where my little the hill is, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

By the time we walked down that little hill, everything was water everything down at the bottom yep bar was floating and my, your cousin nephew, whatever, whatever he, however our family tree goes, what does he do? And this was before we had um the bar on the trailer, which is the one we have now. So finally, only took me what nine years to get smart enough to put a damn bar in a trailer, because I've lost several I've lost too many of them going down the freaking river, I mean what?

Speaker 2:

what did I always say?

Speaker 1:

people have tiki bars and whatever for a reason to go float. Mine just go floating down because mother nature decided she needed to have a cocktail.

Speaker 2:

Five exits down the road she decides to take my bar.

Speaker 1:

So I turn around and I look and we've got the tractor, we got the skidster, we've got my truck, we've got my ranger. We're just hauling and pulling and trying to catch everything that we can. And I look up in the floor that we had, because we had just taken, oh, pickles, crates, what are they?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, pallets.

Speaker 1:

Pallets. There it is. We had just done pallets so when the mud did come up. So then I would at least have a floor where I wasn't always standing in mud and the pallets were all attached, but they had come loose from the concrete down below. And what is gage doing?

Speaker 2:

he's surfing on the wait surfing the bar surfing.

Speaker 1:

The bar is just, the floor to the bar is now above the bar level and gage is just freaking. I'm like we, we're not from cali, we don't surf. This is not a wake setting. No, but sit. You have to get down from there and save something and he's like but look mom, no hands. No, I wanted to kill him. I wanted to kill him.

Speaker 2:

It's like what are you doing? It's funny, You're thinking that's crazy. It's funny.

Speaker 1:

now it is funny now but at the time. But it was kind of funny then but at the same time if I could have ripped his little locks off his little blue-headed eyes.

Speaker 2:

But you know as well as I do when stuff like that happens.

Speaker 1:

What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Laugh or cry? Exactly, I think I did both, sure.

Speaker 2:

And I think of all the times where I've been there for flood cleanup and you know Red McFarland- oh yeah, Very well.

Speaker 1:

I was about to talk about what we do when it gets to 5,000 CFS. We're going to talk about that story too. Hell yeah.

Speaker 2:

Red and I worked together so long and we'd seen so many high water events to where you know what. You know everybody's go. It's a flash flood, yeah, and it's only 17 CFS yeah, you know 17,000. And it's up there. It'll be gone a few hours and it's up there. It'll be gone a few hours and people will be there just head in hand worried about oh my God, we're going to drown. No, you're not.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, how do you know? This is not our first time. Just stand over here, you're going to be fine, and then we'll turn around and go oh man, do you think we could get some boats out? Yeah, we would love to go run this water right now.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, so we have experience. So when we do have big floodwaters and a lot of people all over the world, I mean that's big whitewater rafting.

Speaker 2:

Oh, for us yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and we don't have that here. I mean we have our whitewater is when, all of a sudden, we somebody jumps in and and hits the tube a little too hard. It gives you a little ripple and then all of a sudden, we got.

Speaker 2:

we got a little white yeah.

Speaker 1:

But it was because somebody flopped out of their tube and that was that's our big whitewater experience.

Speaker 2:

You're just saying when I do it, you know, you know, I got it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when you flip over, you're welcome. I'm only doing this once, kids.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's where the charge admission and tickets for me to keep doing this. Y'all are only getting one flop, but yeah. So when we do hit heavy whitewater rafting and everything is guided. Yes, and that's when you can't get on the water. You have to go with a guide.

Speaker 2:

It's advised yes, right.

Speaker 1:

And you've been a guide.

Speaker 2:

I've been a guide.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Red's been a guide. Oh, yes, we've done and we know so many. I mean we all kind of know each other.

Speaker 2:

Sure, sure yeah.

Speaker 1:

We have guided and done and um, we have ems and fire departments and from all over texas, when our water is up, that will come and train yes and do um let's talk about that a little bit, because you're yeah been so much more. I always sit back and I've watched how they do their little scoot sure, yeah, all the techniques, and I've watched some of them where one guy is like this is not a good situation, I mean which is over at Waco Springs, which is right at the very front when you turn on River Road.

Speaker 1:

Correct Is where that's the big training area.

Speaker 2:

Yes, because that's where the water really comespe River, right below the first crossing, for about a quarter of a mile stretch, is a fantastic training area and we've had and worked with several groups over the years, and this is back when I used to work at. Waco Springs, waco springs, yeah and we would get get uh firefighters and swift water rescue training from all over the country canada, mexico see, I didn't realize they came down that far.

Speaker 2:

Yes, nice they come from all, all over, uh, north and central america, to train in that section of the river, and it's mainly because within such a short area you will literally go to zero, to ocean.

Speaker 2:

Yes, real, quick, real quick Yep and at different levels of the water, will give you, within that quarter mile stretch, everything that you will see in an actual flood swift water situation where you need to, where somebody's life is on the line and you need to rescue them right and um, I've been lucky to be able to help out with uh uh, several different groups that have come out there to train and um, gotten a chance to work with uh uh, firefighters and um, police officers, I mean, and I've always been honored to help them out. We never charged them anything and they were like well, we appreciate that. We're like no, we appreciate you, oh yeah, we want you to know what you're doing.

Speaker 2:

Seriously In case it's somebody.

Speaker 1:

I care about yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I think the most interesting time was that year you were talking about, when everybody came in training.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it was. I mean, I was down there with you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean it was so. I mean you see Navy SEALs, you watch the shows you do. Maybe you know some, but to really sit there and watch it hands-on is a whole experience watch it hands-on is a whole experience. I mean, when I remember it like it was yesterday, there were six of them and we were what we call Marijuanaville on that side, it's a whole section.

Speaker 2:

It's another section We'll talk about it.

Speaker 1:

We'll explain it. But it's just a raw camping area, a beautiful place. It has springs, and I'm going to make Randy tell you a story about the springs here in just a raw camping area, a beautiful place. It has springs, and I'm going to make Randy tell you a story about the springs here in just a second because there's no way I'm letting him off this porch until he tells the story, because it's the best thing ever, and I make him tell it to everyone.

Speaker 1:

Might as well just share it with the world, because it's epic, literally, and you know exactly which part I'm talking about. But it's right across the way, um, where the trees come, and there's that little tiny island and it does that little curve.

Speaker 1:

Well, the ems techs, the firefighters, the swift water rescue, they were doing their training thing and I feel like these guys might have been from el paso, I don't remember exactly, but I mean there was the whole. When you came around the corner to turn down river road, it was nothing but red vehicles and boats and it looked like a crime trailer.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly, and it was all a training thing and it was so cool, but I remember them training and they, they do this deal where they all hold on to each other like a, like a train, and they hold on to each other's um life vest, correct, and then they do a, a side step where they step, walk and one of them leads. One of them navigates boom, boom, boom and then all of a sudden, they slipped and they lost their footing yes and holy pickles down. They went, yes, and so they run these big boats and they lost their footing. Yes, and holy pickles down.

Speaker 1:

They went yes, and so they run these big boats and they have these motors on the back of them, which are regular, I mean not like our rafting boats, but they are inflatable.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they're like a Zodiac type which has got a harder bottom and soft sides. With a motor on it With an outboard motor? Yes, and so what they?

Speaker 1:

would do is they shoot down this extreme water and then they push that boat with that motor back up and they fight this current that is going ridiculously, like Shamu ain't got a chance in hell, it's moving water. It's moving water, like it's moving trees. It's moving houses, it's moving y'all it's moving water it's moving water, like it's moving trees.

Speaker 1:

It's moving houses, it's moving y'all. It's moving full on houses and we're sitting there watching these guys, six of them at a time bumper, I mean. They're back to back to back oh yeah, they're step, step, step and they're trying to get to save a person and then, boom, they lose their footing. Yeah, and you want to talk about me not breathing? Yeah and but, and you just wanted, you just want to help.

Speaker 2:

You just want to help and these are the helpers right that have now that needed help holy shit, randallson. It was so scary I was like what do I do?

Speaker 1:

and I'm sitting on the bank, Like what do I do? There's, I mean. You sit back and you let the professionals handle it, because oh my God, that just makes my armpit sweat just talking about it. Good lord, I'll tell you what If y'all don't appreciate?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your first responders, what your first responders do, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Shame on you and you need to go to church.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely on you and you need to go to church absolutely, I mean it's watching it firsthand is incredible absolutely. Yeah, that flotilla you were talking about, where they had boat after boat after boat, I could have. If I wouldn't have been working, I could have sat there all day and just watched them shoot up and down waco falls. Oh yeah it was crazy, and the time where they were doing the training, the guy slipped and fell. Yeah, it was amazing to watch all of these different teams. How many different teams were there?

Speaker 1:

And different teams and the boats that shot down Shot down. I mean whoo. So when these boats would come over. So we had that one little.

Speaker 2:

It was Waco Falls.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so when it come right. So at that point there's no falls.

Speaker 2:

It's just.

Speaker 1:

It's about a hundred yards of straight just rollers, straight just rolling whitewater rapids and I mean it is just going, I'm sure somebody, I mean I don't know the whole speed of the thing, but I mean it is freaking cruising and to watch these boats fight to get back and go up against that current, but when that particular incident happened, to watch how many rescue boats that were all on the side waiting for their turn, their chance their time to train.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I turned around and it was literally like ants crawling. It was just boats just coming after and all I wanted to do was just help.

Speaker 2:

Sure, give me a boat, give me a rope, give me anything. What do I do? That's what we do. We've seen so much how it needs to be done, how things go right and wrong.

Speaker 1:

Wrong that quick, that fast, right in front of your face.

Speaker 2:

And that's you know. I use the expression where you know heart's in the right place, when the head is not, and a lot of times especially.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Yeah, that is so good. That's so you. Oh, yeah, that's good.

Speaker 2:

I mean, and I'm not going to say where the head's at, but you know it's okay, but the heart's in the right place.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and a lot of people.

Speaker 2:

I've seen a lot of people get injured trying to help, wanting to help Right, not knowing what needs to be done.

Speaker 2:

I've had to stop and I'm not going to mention any names, but there once was a firefighter who saw a family and I say this was a grandmother and her two grandchildren were stranded out at Slumber Falls, right down at the bottom of the campground there, and I'm not taking anything away from his knowledge and his training, but he was by himself and he thought he was going to wrap a rope around his waist and go out there and assist and I had to stop him and I said, hey look, man, would you do this with your crew? And he stopped and we exchanged some heated words and I said, sir, they're in a spot where they're not going anywhere. They're in the safest area we can be. We've communicated and I've tried to tell them to stay calm. But sometimes it's knowing when to tell people to stop and don't try to be a hero, especially when you know how bad it can be and then just fighting that maternal instinct it is. It's hard.

Speaker 1:

When I started, I taught swimming for a very, very long time from littles all the way up and did like a guide. So one of the things that I learned early on was when you jump in fully clothed and you have to turn your clothing into a life preserver and figure out how to survive out in wherever you're at, if you're in the ocean, or if you were in yes, that's, you know how to how to strip and to turn your clothing into.

Speaker 1:

Or if you're trying to save someone, and the first thing when someone is fighting you and is to knock them out and you weren't talking about, I mean but at the same time you're like look motherfucker, I'm out here trying to save you and you're fighting me and I'm trying to.

Speaker 1:

And you're trying to do the right thing, but I mean when you have to cold cock them and kapoop. Now let me take you to the, now let me take you to the beach, and then we're going to go have a margarita later after. I wake your little ass up after. I had to coke-hawk you because you're flipping you're like a fish out of water, but we're not even out of the water. What?

Speaker 2:

are you doing?

Speaker 1:

relax, bro.

Speaker 2:

I'm here for you let me just reach over there and hit your reset button, and we're going to get you calm exactly, but yeah, I mean, that's one of the things that they teach you is exactly how to knock a person out to save their life, because they're losing their shit. Yeah they are and it's also a safety deal so that they don't injure you, because now that turns from one person, because now we're two for two. Yep, exactly Two for two.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so, with all of the rescue training that we've seen going on and that I've gotten to be a part of, helping train, learning these techniques, I feel like you can never learn enough. No, no, there's always more to learn, there's always new techniques, new equipment being developed, and I just keep praising those first responders for literally putting their life. The training is not safe.

Speaker 1:

Right, even though We've sat and watched it. Yeah, I mean, oh shit, there they go.

Speaker 2:

Here in New Braunfels. I think it's a truly amazing area because they will. We have two rivers in this town. You have the Comal, the Comal being the world's shortest river Right.

Speaker 1:

For everything in Texas being so big. Yeah, yeah, we do have one little tiny thing. We've got it. It's the one I call the Comal. The Comal, it's the 80-bitty, it's actually the Comal, yeah, but it is tremendous. It's a lot of fun, it is. It is a good time.

Speaker 2:

So they'll take these guys and they'll train them in this river over here, where it's warmer, where it's….

Speaker 1:

Stay 73 degrees.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's serenity, it's gentle, it's nice and clear water. Oh, blah, blah, blah. The trees are manicured off to the side. I think it's pretty.

Speaker 1:

So pretty, and over here we have…. Yes, yeah, and over here we have yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they teach them the steps and A, b, c, how this is what you need to do, right, and then they would bring them to us and then say we're the hood. Yeah, I mean, we're the realistic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we are the river. Yeah, the one that goes from there, yeah. To Mexico when we get? Is that where the river? Yeah, the one that goes from there to Mexico.

Speaker 2:

Is that where the river goes?

Speaker 1:

You know well, come on.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Does it go in a circle? Here we go.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, there is that list, come on.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about our list. Oh, we got to talk about some funny shit, okay.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, we can.

Speaker 1:

Your Okay. First of all you have to tell he's got to tell you the story about the springs, y'all, and then we're going to tell some funny shit about just some little funny river, stupid shit stories. Okay, so Randallson's got. So there's the springs at Waco Springs, it's called Waco Springs and so there's a natural spring that comes from. How would you explain that? So it's over on the other side of the judges, right before the judges part, and then it comes, it goes under.

Speaker 2:

No, there's two sets of springs okay, yeah, they're just in really close proximity. So, um, I'm gonna give away and I'm probably gonna kill a joke that that's been going on for years. Right now don't kill it, it's so good it is so good and, trust me, there are gonna be plenty of people that are going to still miss this. But those of you in the world that don't remember maybe middle school physical science when they talked about natural springs- yeah um, it's.

Speaker 2:

it's not magic, it's their geographic formations where water mysteriously comes out of the ground through no help from us at all. No, it's amazing.

Speaker 1:

But are you sure you? Don't have anything to do with this.

Speaker 2:

Believe it or not. I do not, and I can prove this.

Speaker 1:

Well, everyone thinks that you're a magical physics professor that has plenty of pixie dust and you maintain the springs.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, I've got the direct line to the G-O-D.

Speaker 1:

You do so explain the little spring for you. So there's this little.

Speaker 2:

The campground that I worked at, waco Springs, happily named yeah, waco Springs, happily named. When I got there, the manager ahead of me had diverted the springs so that it made a nice little tube shoot for little kids, little kids, and then put a couple of wading pools in Beautiful area.

Speaker 1:

It's so good. I mean, I have been doing that since I was a kid.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

My kids have been doing that since they were kids.

Speaker 2:

Amazing Erin, and if you've never been to New Braunfels, I highly suggest you need to Go visit it Anywhere in the world.

Speaker 1:

Waco is with a H-U-A-C-O so don't let it. We're Germans, we will throw anything in a oh sure.

Speaker 2:

If you you're ever gonna come up and you're looking at, you're looking for camp huaca hako that's it, heco yeah huasi yeah, I've, I've heard it all. Yeah, uh, but it's a for those of you worried about what where it comes it's uh, it's a native american word that came from the indigenous tribe that was here in this area well before we showed up all our family.

Speaker 1:

You know what? I did not know that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Holy pickles.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Look at me, I love learning things. See, y'all can never not learn enough. Oh yeah, come on now.

Speaker 2:

That is so cool, yeah. When Judge Pfeiffer, his family actually acquired it from the natives, purchased and they paid homage to the family. They built the Boy Scout camp. They operated that for years, years, years. Before it was ever a campground, it was a camp for Boy Scouts and they kept that name to pay homage to the natives that were in this area. So if you're wondering, we're like it should be spelled.

Speaker 1:

W-A-C-O. It wasn't the gypsy area that came up with that one y'all?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, I'd love to give you credit.

Speaker 1:

I know, but no, but you could have pulled that off. Oh no, absolutely. I Hold that off. Oh no, absolutely. I got a good word for today, by the way, but we're going to go ahead. We're going to tell a funny story, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So back to it. So natural springs don't operate unless there's actual water in the water table which we're in out of the aquifer. And so some years it'd be rainy, the springs are up, everybody's having a great time, and other years were It'd be dry as a bone. Yeah, it's dry as a bone. It's hot, the river's low, everything contributing factors, and all of a sudden the springs would dry up, and ever so often I would have one of my employees.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to lose it y'all. I'm just letting you know because this is the best story ever and mind you.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to say some things and I'm going to put them in a context and use some tonage. This is so good, please. I don't think you're going to quite get the situational humor.

Speaker 1:

Like we do.

Speaker 2:

Yes, without me playing it out in the sights and sounds that it actually happened. Please don't take offense to anything I say no, it's not meant to hurt feelings. The only thing else is, I just won't care.

Speaker 1:

No, hey, this is my porch and we can be what we can say and do whatever we want to say. We didn't bring our feelings to this. No, no, you can't. I always say we're all racist in the same way. You can like wheat bread, you can like rye bread. Nobody likes rye bread, whatever so go for it, tell the story.

Speaker 2:

It's good, this nice lady comes up to me, she goes. Excuse me, sir. Yes ma'am, how can I help you? We need our money back. I said I'm sorry, ma'am, how can I help you? We need our money back. I said I'm sorry, ma'am. What happened? Did something go wrong? Could I you know she goes. Well, why don't you turn on the waters?

Speaker 1:

And I'm excuse me, ma'am the spigots.

Speaker 2:

You know where the water comes out of the ground. You know you make it. You know the kids. They use the tires to go down the water.

Speaker 1:

The tires, the tires, yeah, and.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to wrap my head around what this woman is.

Speaker 1:

What in the blue hell is really going on? First of all, you brought your own tires.

Speaker 2:

And I was like tires, wow.

Speaker 1:

Those kind don't float. Yeah, and this woman proceeds to and I was like tires, wow.

Speaker 2:

Those kind don't float, yeah. And this woman proceeds to berate me for about 30 minutes insisting that I have the key to turn on and make the waters, as she's in my face giving me this. I know you got turn them on, make that water because she thought. Yeah, she thought that I had her mad. Yeah, the kids are upset their slip inside.

Speaker 1:

Don't work their tires don't have nothing right on. You told them that they yeah I'm standing.

Speaker 2:

I thought I was being punked me and Kel talk about Ashton yeah, it's, it was out of the trees where you at I'm like this no, y'all got. You gotta be kidding me, you got me, you got me boo yeah, and she's berating me over and over and I thought I'd deal with her. I'd deal with another customer, come back, she'd yell at me some more you still hadn't turned them on because I hadn't turned them on.

Speaker 2:

You're so mean. I know I'm an evil human being, but if you can only imagine this, this just yeah, because she was so sincere and she was and pissed oh, big mad yeah and you suck I do, I do yeah and I and I hate um I hate to ever left yeah, everybody was mad, it was all my yeah and I took the brunt of that blame for so many years I wouldn't turn on the waters.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't. I mean and it was part of the reason that I had to actually leave working on the river was I had gotten to a point of.

Speaker 1:

I was like I can't deal with people. Well, you know me. I know, yes, I do oh, my lord and boy do I. I just now, I think I would first kind of take offense to so many of it and I would literally like I would call Rodney and be like I can't.

Speaker 2:

You can't do it I can't do it.

Speaker 1:

I cannot do this.

Speaker 2:

Not today.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting my feelings hurt and all of a sudden they want to give me one fucking star, and I'm yelling at them. You can take that one star and shove it up, your freaking. Oh, yeah, and let me do it for you, and I'm like look, he was like you can't let that bother you. I'm like what do you mean? We're all family. This shit bothers me. And I'm losing my ever-loving mind. And then that one day happens and I was like you know what Bug it yeah.

Speaker 2:

Bug it.

Speaker 1:

Don't even give me the one star, in fact, don't even give me a point of the one star. I don't even know how many stars points are on your star and I don't care.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Take it, take it no. You know, the fact that they think that I throw people out just because it's fun for shits and giggles.

Speaker 2:

Oh it's mind boggling.

Speaker 1:

To me it literally is like you. What?

Speaker 2:

Like you. Just think I walk up and go you. Yeah, I don't like you. I don't like those shorts. Yeah, your haircut's all wrong.

Speaker 1:

How are you wearing? And? Yeah did your? Did your mom know you have these shoes on right now? Do they know that? Your toe is just sitting out here doing whatever the hell it wants yes no, hell no and get out. You need to go somewhere else you need to go to the comal all of those years that I worked on the river.

Speaker 2:

you know I worked for a large company and they had more of a corporate side than most of the other businesses outfitted Because they weren't as large.

Speaker 1:

We call us all. We're outfitters. That's what we are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we outfit you with fun. I'd like to outfit you with fun.

Speaker 1:

We, literally I'd like to outfit you with some wardrobe, maybe a new shoe to put your little toe wear as opposed to. But you know, we can only do so much yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You yeah.

Speaker 2:

People don't realize we spend a year, yes, outside of the 16 to 20 some odd weeks of, depending on what the weather is like for summer. Yeah, um, we spend the rest of that year making upgrades, cleaning up building making things better right you. You put your blood, sweat and tears into everything you do. Why? Because we want you to come. Yeah, we want to show you a good time. Believe me, we are great at showing you a great time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, as long as you let us yeah Come.

Speaker 2:

Look, oh my gosh, come to New Braunfels, please Come, have a great time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and if y'all have heard, I told you the biting the fingers off stories I've told you the eye stories. Yes, okay, you have to sit. You have to tell the poke me in the eye story.

Speaker 2:

I will, I will, this was so, you're okay, yeah, and then.

Speaker 1:

I got a good one after that one yeah. We can go on for hours, oh, hours, hours.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but we want you to come.

Speaker 2:

We want you to have a great time, but just come and treat everybody with respect, act nice. Be nice to those around you, because, if you would, I have watched people that have shown up green. This is our first time, never been here before. We just showed. They would literally pull up into your entrance and I've watched you take people from off the street, from timbuktu or wherever they were from, on a friday afternoon and by sunday morning, when they're packing up ready to leave, they felt like they were family. Seriously, they don't want to leave their hang.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they hated morning, when they're packing up ready to leave, they felt like they were family. They don't want to leave, they're dangling off my leg. They hated me when they got there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

When they first pulled in they're like where is she at? I'm like I'm right here, yeah, and they're like I just didn't like the tone of your email. Oh right, we're going to get along well.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Perfectly, perfectly. Let's talk about that email.

Speaker 2:

Second of all yeah, and then within an hour, yeah oh, then they totally get it. And then yeah, yeah, now they're on my christmas card list. Yeah, I mean, and it's it's hard, it just cracks me up. Yeah, yeah, it's hard to get our vibe well, yeah, it's, it's a.

Speaker 1:

You're a big squishy teddy bear oh yeah, I can't suck it inside you are the sweetest, biggest human being in the entire world and you get it. Honestly, me, I'm a cynical shit brick. I'm an asshole, but I love bigger and harder than and well, yes, absolutely I will walk through that front door, the same way you do, and I tell you, and you've seen me. You have stood behind me protecting women from horrible situations.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And you've let me handle it, and you've stood back and like no, no.

Speaker 2:

No, she's got this, she's totally got it. I'll step in when I'm needed, but I will stand right here. Yeah, and you have done it a million times and you would do it a million times over. Absolutely it's, but it's so golden. Yeah, it's a vibe that we have here. We want you to come and have a good time and, if you will come, bring us your good energy oh my gosh, we will throw it back at you, tenfold tough.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I couldn't have said that any better.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and good times that being said, if you come into our place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you come into our home. It is our home. Yeah, it is our home With a bad attitude of.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

If you're going to shit on my parade, I can promise you.

Speaker 2:

Look, for all those years I worked, I've literally had people refer to me and tell me when I was either a rookie out there working on the grounds, or when I had worked my way up to management and call on the shots, I had people talk to me and tell me well, obviously, this is the only job you could have gotten. And then I had to explain to them um no, I could have had your job, but it turns you into an asshole. So I'm doing this because you came to see me to have a good time, right, so let me do my job, or let me give you some advice and show you I can't tell you how many people that are come and stay at my place that have no idea that that I own it yeah oh, my goodness, like we had I.

Speaker 1:

It may have even been last season. Oh, it was because I had Fiona, my lemur down at the bar. And I don't even remember what the problem was. Oh yeah, it was parking. It was parking, and you know how that is, holy pickles, I don't care if you're in my place or yeah, come on. Yeah, and everybody knows I'm one way in, one way out.

Speaker 2:

We're a small little, tiny, family-owned place, you're operating on your section of 10.2 miles of Texas, that's it yeah. That's what we got to work with.

Speaker 1:

We tell everybody look, you've got, don't bring extra vehicles. This is the deal. I mean, we'll figure it out, we can accommodate or whatever, but it's, it's minimal. So everybody's got their spot. We've, we've marked off spaces. What have you? These people leave, they go wherever they go for the entire day. They come back and, for whatever reason, their 14th extra vehicle that they had, somebody had moved into their spot.

Speaker 1:

Yes and we said look, we told you guys if y'all are going to leave or whatever, we will put a cone there. We'll try to accommodate you as best as possible.

Speaker 2:

Try as best we can.

Speaker 1:

So this woman loses her mind, literally loses her mind. And Nugget, my little rock star. She's in the store and she says well, can I talk to management? And Nugget squats down under the bar and I'm going to step away from this mic because I have to do this visual. And she squatches down, she goes Hi, I'm management. How can I help you?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so, for all of y'all that are listening, you need to watch it. And so she bops up and she goes are you, this woman? Goes, are you kidding me? And she goes is there another manager I can talk to? And then she does it again, squats down, she spins around, she bops back up, she's like hi? And she said is there an owner? And she goes yeah, as a matter of fact, there is. She's right down there at the bar. And she goes the one with a lemur? And she goes yeah, as a matter of fact, that is, that's my mom. Go ahead, and I knew about the whole situation. And so the kids had radioed me and I said well, is she coming down here, Because I'm looking for her, Where's this red Jeep at? And oh no, never came down, nothing. All of a sudden, everything was just perfect. Everything was just fine.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But it was the fact that they were just trying to mow over these kids that are working.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Don't do that. That, yes, don't do that. That's just being a bully. Yes, that is just being a bully. Absolutely we're trying to teach our kids not to be bullies, but then you're going to do that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Why you got little Johnny, little Sarah, little Susie Q and little whatever is all standing around you watching you Watching you treat another person that way. Treat another person like absolute shit. And you know, I don't know if, if uh, you learned anything from me when I was working on these.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, but we daily, yeah, but we, I uh that, that, uh that movie I'm I'm escaping right now, but there was a line, because what kind of game are you trying to play? It's a game called I win. Yeah, well, we play a lot of I Win.

Speaker 1:

We do. Because, it's my home.

Speaker 2:

Well, and it's not.

Speaker 1:

I didn't invite you here.

Speaker 2:

Well, and we did to some extent.

Speaker 1:

But we did. You're exactly right, but don't.

Speaker 2:

But we didn't come into your house and tell you how to flip your hamburgers.

Speaker 1:

No, and how to cook them Right? No, and how to cook them Right.

Speaker 2:

All that we didn't do all that we want to just be fun, loving and have a great time.

Speaker 1:

And when it's going great and everybody's happy. I want you to enjoy the place that we built for you guys. We're rocking, it's having a great time.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, come have fun with us, but man when you're having a bad day, you need to come see us to make you bring your bad day and try to pour your bad day out on us. Oh my, we're going to have fun then. Yeah, Because, and like you said, how people try to bully other people.

Speaker 1:

They do.

Speaker 2:

I mean I spent so many.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't work for me.

Speaker 2:

No, no. I spent so many years training my staff and saying here's your job. Do your job in this way and this is why you do it. If you do it the way I train you and follow the protocol, follow the steps, you won't leave yourself open to somebody to attack you Seriously, to attack you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That being said, when they do do your job, do it with a smile, and if they're still not being able to help, then you send them to me. Or me, yeah, or send them to you, because I love that situation and, ultimately, because when people try to bully other people, sooner or later somebody has to stand up. Somebody's got to be the one that says all right, I'm toeing the line. Here it is. You've obviously tried it all the wrong ways.

Speaker 1:

That's 100% me. I cannot.

Speaker 2:

I will not tolerate it, I just don't.

Speaker 1:

Especially, we work way too hard and we're trying to teach these kids, yeah, yeah, no, don't do that. Yeah, the way that they do it, and in standing and trying, I mean, like I said, with the kids hanging around them and I'm just like well, it's a, it's a group mentality of all of a sudden you've got 30 people in line.

Speaker 2:

Then they're wanting their inner tube or they're wanting to check in or whatever they want to do, and they have that opportunity and that power to lure it over someone to belittle them in a public setting and that's a tremendous power trip for some people that's so terrible it is.

Speaker 2:

It is, but it's human nature. I get it. But more importantly, if you recognize that and see what's going on, you've got to use that mental tai chi, flip them over using their own own logic and and and roll with it. And I for years I tried to train my staff, especially the young ladies, and say hey look, there are going to be people, there is going to be that there's always one, yeah, yeah you do your job and when you feel that you've exhausted everything Right when you're ready for me.

Speaker 1:

You know where I'm at Send it yeah.

Speaker 2:

And they're like well, what are you going to do? I said, well, think of me as your complaint department. I'll deal with the complaints.

Speaker 1:

I'm the comment box, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And believe me.

Speaker 1:

And I chew them up and them comments right out and I will handle them one by one yes, for years that company that I worked, in front of you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah the, the company that I worked for. Everybody had a file. Everybody had their good comments, their needs, improvement file. Mine was like a houston phone book I had. I had complaints holy shit.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what is the biggest? What is, what is our biggest city right now that we have in Texas?

Speaker 2:

Texas, houston, is it Houston?

Speaker 1:

Houston. Okay, so I'm the what's the next one?

Speaker 2:

Dallas, I think Dallas. Okay, then you're.

Speaker 1:

Houston, I'm Dallas.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, and a lot of it was just because you know we're we're simple country, folk, you know, we don't know any better yeah we're over here marrying our cousins and, yeah, with our pointed boots on oh, yeah, hell, yeah, yeah, good time, but uh, yeah, it's.

Speaker 2:

You know, be cool to people, just just come together and be cool.

Speaker 1:

Let's all have a good time. Why would you?

Speaker 2:

go out of your way.

Speaker 1:

Why are you going to plan a year vacation and come down here and just shit on your own parade.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because and I don't know about you where most of my complaints they came from people that were trying to be unreasonable. Oh, yeah. Yeah, just like. Hey, man, I can't turn the springs on and I can't make it 104 degrees in the shade. You know, Because it's 107 outside. There are things I can't do, there's no shade. Yeah, you know.

Speaker 1:

Let me holler at the shade God yeah. Is there one?

Speaker 2:

And just but just be nice and understand that you know we're here to help you and have a good time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've gotten some, some of mine, and y'all should read some of them if you want to. Some of my reviews. They're great, oh goodness, and it used to hurt my feelings.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then now I think you know what, the fact that they think that I would really honestly do that is just comical.

Speaker 2:

Well, sure, and all of these online, especially the online complaints.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they're all over and that's what everybody remembers, of course. But what I thought about this one incident and you were there and you'll remember it is when the guy and the two girls were right up at the hill right where I had my bus parked and I pulled up holiday weekend and the two girls are crying, one's standing behind, she's balling her hand.

Speaker 2:

I was like hey everything, okay, everything what's going?

Speaker 1:

on everything? Okay, no, I need to. You need a tissue or something you need to get your boogie swimming. I got you, boo, I got you, and uh, then two seconds later we see this for Ford F-250 jumps in this. And you know I'm big about the family and I love the kids and I want the huge family environment and me and the kids always have such a good time. And all of a sudden, this Ford F-250 just comes barreling through our roundabout and almost hits two kids.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Two littles that are staying at my place and I had just pulled my Ranger up and had all the extra food from the food trailer.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We were just getting ready for live music up top for the evening gig and I said they have a sticker on their deal and boop, sure enough. And this is when we still we had the property down below with you guys, and so they were all stayed. And sure enough, this guy barrels out, spins out, throws rocks all over everything, whips it around and pulls into your place I said, oh hell no. And pulled into there and yeah, he was assaulting a woman.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Had two of them in there and I said that's it, Pack everything up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got to go, man, you got to go.

Speaker 1:

I will absolutely not stand for violence, domestic violence, any of whatever. Nope, not on my watch, not on my time, not on my property yeah, not in my town oh, got no time for that, none none, and you guys all surrounded me and I said roll your window down, roll it down right now. And he rolled his, not to mention when he whipped his truck around, he backed in and hit the big oak tree crushed his entire freaking tailgate his bumper everything.

Speaker 2:

Karma reached out and slapped that dude yeah.

Speaker 1:

So they all loaded up. We had and this is exactly why I tell you I love my SOs and the guys that come and support us on our road. They do so much. And, yeah, the kids were all surrounding me. You were surrounding me and supported every word that I said. And I said, nope, get your shit and get the hell out of here. And they said we're just going to go down the road and go stay. And I said, well, hang tight. No, you're not.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, oh, I played that game yeah. We all know each other. Yeah, I was the king of that game. I wouldn't have people that would.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was like no, here's the address, here's the people. I mean here's the license plate. Here's the people that are leaving. Do not, they just yeah.

Speaker 2:

Here's what they did to us.

Speaker 1:

Don't let them do this to you, and they roasted me on the this.

Speaker 2:

she's that oh yeah, whatever, but it was me, yeah, because I just randomly decided that I would pick you out of a group and yeah, and I like I said that's so stupid, yeah, I had a file that would have, you know, need a chiropractor to help you carry it. I mean because it was always the big redheaded asshole I'm for. In case you're not sure, this used to be quite red okay, well, we've all yeah, we've all seen a change of seasons, yeah yep, yeah, exactly, and and and I would look at all these complaints and I'd look at them.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I remember this guy yeah, exactly, oh yeah, my monday morning meeting literally used to start with you may or may not get a complaint about, and I would go through and this how we started our Monday meeting and most of the complaints that I got which I thought I should be having some great ratings because I would go out of my way to clown and do things to some of these people that sent me evil just nasty death threats, reviews, whatever, I would go out of my way to make everyone else laugh at them.

Speaker 1:

I have the perfect deal for this. Yes, I'm going to step up on my portal. Oh goodness, I'm going to step up on my portal.

Speaker 2:

Oh goodness.

Speaker 1:

I'm back. I feel like this trophy is appropriate right now and it says not my first rodeo.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Here we go Boop.

Speaker 2:

Yes, thank you, you're very welcome, it is well-deserved. Yes, thank you, there you go.

Speaker 1:

Not my first rodeo, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, exactly, yeah, it's crazy. And people just sit back and look. They're like how did you handle a situation like that?

Speaker 1:

Oh, not my first rodeo. Not my first rodeo, yeah, hence my trophy.

Speaker 2:

Hence where we got the top 10 list.

Speaker 1:

It my trophy, hence where we got the top 10 list it needs to be on your mantle yeah, yeah, yes, so yeah, it's amazing, you know. So good, yeah, so good.

Speaker 2:

We've spent so many years out there. We've seen so much oh.

Speaker 1:

And you laugh at it Just when you think you've seen it all.

Speaker 2:

Something new and the next weekend used to tell you and try to get out of. Well, this doesn't apply to me and this is how it used to be. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad I have a hat on today. I'm telling you I swear to pickles my horns are going to come out Because you get told all these people. It's like they're going to tell you how the cow ate the cabbage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is how you're going to come out, Because you'd get told all these people like they're going to tell you how the cow ate the cabbage. This is how you're going to do it Really.

Speaker 1:

Okie dokie, you're cute and I love you.

Speaker 2:

I would just go out of my way to have fun with people and if I could, like I said, I called it.

Speaker 1:

Let's go back to the gypsy scenario, when I mentioned the word fucktard. Oh yeah, that's the perfect time to use it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And we should announce our new word today. Today's word of the day is pistified.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Pistified. That's my gypsy scenario word.

Speaker 2:

Okay. It's being pissed off and mystified their stupidity at the same time. I am amazed. Think about that for a minute. You literally just.

Speaker 1:

I made us a little deal on our board right there Pistified.

Speaker 2:

There it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I have to. I do that so my guests will know exactly what I'm talking about, cause that's part of our gypsy scenario. So pistified.

Speaker 2:

Being pissed off and mystified at their stupidity at the same time. I can't.

Speaker 1:

I'm literally amazed you, you just created a word that describes so many situations now I have waterloo river dash let's give you.

Speaker 2:

You were asking about stories. Let's go ahead and go down this hole.

Speaker 1:

Let's go, let's go. Let's go, you got to do the come on. No, we already did the springs you got to do the Okay, pistified Let me, give you a Poke me in the eye.

Speaker 2:

That could be Okay, that story could be mom, mom was, mom was pissedified.

Speaker 1:

This is good, okay, so y'all you're welcome. Yeah, you're welcome, because this is the. This is one of the second one I I make him tell like oh, yeah 197 stories all the time like bradley go and then and then and then tell him what happened.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and then when. And then when you're on tour, I tell the the kids. Well, when they were in college I tell the kids. I was like, look, when your TO Randy is running around, if you guys want to go make some money for your mortgage, you need to tell. First of all, randy can do the splits. I said go bet everyone in the bar $1,000 each. He'll drop it like it's hot Boom. That's going to pay. You could get a new car. Second, that's going to pay. You could get a new car.

Speaker 2:

Second of all, if you have him, go and tell some of these stories.

Speaker 1:

Good oh yeah, absolutely, and I can say we've got enough for a movie. So good, okay, go, this is a good one, this one let me, let me set up, let me give the backstory for this this is the mama the pistified pistified because, yeah, ultimately I was pistified until I tell the outcome, so I freaking love this.

Speaker 2:

I just made him tell the story on sunday most people do not understand on easter how it works and I don't mean you know, we're talking about the biblical sense of easter a lot of culturally people people do not understand, and I say culturally white people.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right, let me put this out there White folk do not understand that the Hispanic culture treats Easter.

Speaker 1:

It's Easter.

Speaker 2:

Easter yeah, like white folks treat Christmas. I was going through the whole Easter still it. Easter Easter yeah, like white folks treat Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Matt was going through the whole Easter. Still, it was so good yeah.

Speaker 2:

And several years ago, when San Antonio decided they were going to start allowing people to camp in the municipal parks. And they had to do that because people were literally chaining folding chairs to a tree and then getting into fights because they're leaving their little place to gather their whole family for Easter and it's a very big holiday with the Hispanic community and when San Antonio started doing that, immediately New Braunfels got inundated with all of our parks, and not in a bad way. What happened was families started showing up on Wednesday and Thursday scouting out an area, and they'd come to us. They're like well, can we get this, can we get that? I said man, if you camp out there, well, we're going to have more. Well, what do you mean? Well, our family's going to be filtering in Friday and some Saturday by the truckloads.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, by Sunday it's Katie bar the door.

Speaker 1:

It is the entire family's coming out. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it's beautiful because they're.

Speaker 1:

It is so amazing and I love how they. I love their family dynamics.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's amazing to watch the.

Speaker 1:

Hispanic family dynamic is like no other.

Speaker 2:

I agree.

Speaker 1:

I have been envious of it for a very long time it's so amazing. And when they fight, they do it in the front yard, and then, 20 minutes later, tio's like andale and we're all done, Not us we hate each other for the next 49 years Right, and for all those years I worked on the river.

Speaker 2:

I would see so many. I would see so many people, especially white people, turning around bringing their you know the whole. I'm not racist?

Speaker 1:

no, we're not. But and that's like we like the hispanic culture better than our own just gonna let you know, yeah love them y'all can throw anything on a barbecue pit and it's so good, oh yeah, don't even obviously you can stick it in a hole get stuck right here, yeah yeah, don't, don't get me started so when there's a problem in the hispanic culture, we keep it in house.

Speaker 2:

You know, yeah, white folks y'all like to go around and I screw with everybody else's stuff yep you know we're stupid, karen. There's a reason, it's.

Speaker 1:

Karen Richard.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dick, you're right, yeah, you know you've got to have a problem with everybody else's stuff.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The Hente don't operate like that. No, we keep it in-house. We've got a problem. So good, we're either going to easter comes along and we've got a couple hundred families and there's probably two thousand there's a ton of people and they're everywhere, yeah, everywhere.

Speaker 2:

It's so good and um and well. So you know, I used to work there and I always worked the late shift because I was the yeah everywhere. It's so good. So you know, I used to work there and I always worked the late shift because I was the big guy. Yeah, I had to be the bouncer.

Speaker 1:

The regulator.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and obviously when you're the token white guy, which is what I do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just the tiny version.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm just like a chihuahua. I'm the, the tiny version. Yeah, I'm just like a chihuahua, I'm the ankle biter.

Speaker 2:

I was the English bulldog, like he's big and all, but he's not going to catch you in a foot race, he doesn't bite that hard, yeah. So when I was there, I would always get looked at like he's one of them and I got treated with the whole you're white, the white thing, like he was one of them and you I'd get, I got treated with the whole you're white, the white thing. And because that door swings both ways and um, and I used to love, I love it when the families would come in and somebody wouldn't speak English and and uh, yeah, I had to.

Speaker 2:

I had to learn to speak, uh, Spanish, and I learned a lot. Yeah, Working construction, working in kitchens, Uh, you pick up a lot. When you know when, when you're getting taught, when you get tired of being referred to, as you know, pinche, widow for everything, um, you'll start to pick it up, and so I would invite them in. Somebody would come up. They don't speak any English, and then you know me being natural.

Speaker 1:

I had to screw with people Just break the ice, have a little fun get a little laugh.

Speaker 2:

I would always start off because we had the rules.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So you have to give people rules of things that you can do and cannot do. Yeah, a, some are legal things. B, some things are for your safety, yeah, but other things are just so. Hey, to keep the place nice, so we would get the people in, you'd discuss, and so here would come a suburban, and, mind you, love my people. The Russians may have invented Tetris, but the Hispanic people perfected it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah, and I mean it's brilliant yeah.

Speaker 2:

My best one was I had a suburban come in. I walk up to the driver's side window, I got the up and down look, and then the back window rolls down and all of a sudden nine-year-old head pops out. We're here, come camping. And I said okay, how many nights would you like? See, we're here tonight, okay okay, uh, we're here for two night, or for two nights is that like a yeah, t o yeah with the n-i-g-h-t or is that?

Speaker 1:

is that something that my cousin made up in the gypsum area? Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

And, uh, I I would have to go through an entire conversation with a nine-year-old translating and I'm biting my tongue the entire time because the family is like, oh god, we've got to deal with the widow, please send us his boss. Yeah, I mean. So I would play along, being very nice, and I would get to the part of where we'd make the money exchange and then I say, okay, folks, I need to talk to you all. We're going to give you a few rules. I walk back up to the front, I knock on the window, tell dad roll the window down and dad would finally roll down the window.

Speaker 2:

and I'm looking to everybody in the car and like that Pee Wee's Playhouse tour guide. Yeah, lais dos, yeah, señores, señores, yeah, here come the El Rulos. Yeah, so good. And they'd be like, oh God, here's this jackass.

Speaker 1:

What's he about to do?

Speaker 2:

Okay, folks, here it comes. Yeah, and you would get this look of Javier. He broke the code. Yeah, mira, we gotta change it right now. Hey, where you learn your good Spanish? Ah, puro trabajo, probably. Construcción plumeria. Puro y restaurante. Man, you should be good. You come down later. You're going to get some fajitas, we're going to get some tacos and hey, you come meet my sisters.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit.

Speaker 2:

And I again if you ever look white people, brown people, black people, red, I don't care. Get to know other people. There is nothing to fear about getting to know people.

Speaker 1:

No, it's so good.

Speaker 2:

And sharing cultures and everything. And again, I'm not racist, I don't care, I hate everybody equally. Seriously, but if I tell you a story and I'm using my regular Southern draw, you're missing something in the translation, so let me give it to you how it happened to me. Okay, so, and I'm using my regular- Southern draw you're missing something in the translation, so let me give it to you how it happened to me.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so here we go, here we go.

Speaker 2:

So then later this evening after they cracked the oh man, we've got cascarones everywhere.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say the quinceaneras, whatever.

Speaker 2:

That was a different holiday, that's a different festival and mean, that's a different festival and you stop at every site checking hey guys, it's time let's turn the radios off. Everybody good. No fights, we're good yeah. Esto es también bueno. Buenos noches, I'm making my rounds and everything's quiet. And I was like dude no fights, no, I'm making my rounds and everything's quiet. And I was like dude no fights, no way.

Speaker 1:

Everything was quiet. It was all good so good with MarijuanaVille.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, man, when you get that you know.

Speaker 1:

some people have Margaritaville.

Speaker 2:

We have MarijuanaVille. Hey, when you get that GG rolling, everybody's having a good time.

Speaker 1:

Thank, God yeah, just pump your damn brakes, everybody just. Are you kidding me?

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to get that. I'm trying to slide that into my mom on a regular Eat.

Speaker 1:

A gummy yeah. It's so good.

Speaker 2:

So I'm walking through Surprisingly no drama. And then, and then here comes this young man, and he is coming hot. Hysterical, oh man he's upset and I'm like, hey, bro, what's, what's going on? Nothing, I don't want to talk to you this is it.

Speaker 1:

Y'all right here watch and, and I was like dude, whatever I was like hey man I no offense.

Speaker 2:

I work here. If there's a problem, let me help you, because, man, I don't want to talk to you, man and he's, he's bowing up to me and I'm like, oh, oh, son, and you're ginormous. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, come on now. Yeah, I'm 6'2". Lookie, lookie here, yeah.

Speaker 2:

At that time in my life I was probably 330. I played college football.

Speaker 1:

By the way, I've been working here for years. He was the guy that plowed through everyone. Yeah. Still plowing through everyone but with hugs by now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, I, I had and had a lot of hand to hand combat training. You know, let's go. I'm not that dude, just don't come on, man.

Speaker 1:

Let me why you crying. Yeah, you're obviously upset.

Speaker 2:

Let me help you, man and this kid was not having. He's hollering, he's yelling and I'm like, bro, you need to chillax, calm down. We're all here having a good time. Man, he's just not having it. Whatever I'm doing trying to help him calm down, it ain't happening.

Speaker 1:

If you're on the fire.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's, he's big mad. I'm just like dude, this guy's pissed.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to go hands-on, I'm all by myself, he's all by himself.

Speaker 2:

It's a bad situation all around and I don't want to have to call the law and, as I'm trying to calm the situation down, walking up, coming up the hill there, because they were camping down by the water coming up. The hill into the RV park. Here comes this woman and she's there with another man and I'm assuming. I'm like, okay, this is family, All right, cool. And one of the most amazing moments of my life happened right there in front of me.

Speaker 1:

That's so good.

Speaker 2:

This woman walked up and goes to Anna Find out this was her son.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got to go through the dramatic part of him because he's still losing it. Yeah, he's losing his shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's upset and I'm like dude, I need to try to deescalate. I'm backing off, let mom have it. There's mom power there. I'm backing off and this woman goes mijo, what's wrong? And this enraged young man and I'm I'm cocked and ready. I'm like dude, if you lose it on your mom, I'm going to end all of your problems tonight. And in a moment this kid went from complete, just inconsolable rage to breaking down, crying because his mom was there, but you have to do the whole description.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so she grabs him.

Speaker 2:

She goes. Mijo, what's wrong? She goes. Man, mom, I don't want to be here. No more man, I don't want to be here. No more man, I don't want to be here. I'm not having no fun. You know, you got me and she goes. What happened, son? And he's regaling this story about? They were hanging out, something went wrong. They were in touch and he goes mom, you poked me in the eye and if you've ever been poked in the eye, it's so bad. It is Especially if somebody's been smoking or something You're like oh shit.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it emasculates you immediately. Is that lemon? Yeah, what did you have on there? Satan's blood.

Speaker 1:

Jesus Christ yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's losing. He started breaking down crying. He's losing it. He started breaking down crying. He's hysterical. Mommy poke me in the eye. I don't want to be in the blood. I want to go home, I want to go home, yeah. And this is just where a mother's grace and a mother's love just shines through. She grabs him by the face and she's wiping away his tears in only a way a mother can. And she's yeah for real, she's calming him down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's got him.

Speaker 2:

She's got him under control. Man, I'm like job's done and I'm watching this happen. I'm like way to go, mom, this is beautiful. I'm watching this happen. I'm like way to go, mom, this is beautiful. And then she says something that just hit me right. Here is when she goes mijo, shut up.

Speaker 1:

She goes.

Speaker 2:

Mom, you poked me in the eye, she goes mija shut up. That was me. It was me. She poked her own son in the eye.

Speaker 1:

Why has this woman not been a part of my life?

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 1:

I should have been poking my own son in their own eyes.

Speaker 2:

This kid towered over this little woman.

Speaker 1:

It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Speaker 2:

And now, I'm playing it out in my head this four-foot-eight woman just went in the eye, poked her own son and it completely diffused a fight. She just made some whatever it was, she had, she, completely she was like I know how to break this big son of a gun down.

Speaker 1:

She did. This is. Toronto Cabanero.

Speaker 2:

He had a foot on his mom Hence my other word from the gypsy, boop Boop. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

She done, booped him straight in the eye.

Speaker 2:

She wiped away his tears and then immediately, immediately, showed him who wore the pants of that house. You damn right, oh, man. Yeah, so good, you damn right, oh man yeah. You were about to fight your uncle. I poked you in the eye. You went off crying like a little bitch.

Speaker 1:

You was pistified.

Speaker 2:

You were pistified.

Speaker 1:

After you got booped, you fucked hard.

Speaker 2:

Mom was pistified Because I'm pissed at my son and I took him down with a boop. Yeah, I'm pissed at my son and I took him down with a. I'm pissedified because, man, I have lifted weights, I have done. Yeah, I was with that so good and this all was just handled by this little woman. I was like I need to retire seriously this woman needed my keys.

Speaker 1:

Here's my walkie here's everything, wristbands.

Speaker 2:

You got it all the she had holla at me if you need me had it on the cabin right down the road I'm gonna run up to the ice house. Grab a cold one. You have got this in charge my cousin little tiny she's gonna meet me down the road.

Speaker 1:

If you us, we'll be here.

Speaker 2:

It's so good. Oh man, it may not sound that funny, but you've got to be there and you've got to enjoy those moments in life. We've got a million of them Come hang with us on the Gwad.

Speaker 1:

This is just a little snippet of what we do, what we have done what we're going to do Y'all no-transcript.

Speaker 2:
