The Rambling Gypsy

Pop, Lock, and Name Drop

The Rambling Gypsy Season 1 Episode 13

This week, we share our thoughts on the eclipse and how it didn't quite shift our vibes like we hoped. We dive into the topic of people who try to steal your joy when good things happen to you. Seriously, why can't they just be happy for you? Is it jealousy or narcissism? 

Kel-Kel and I are proud members of the Smile Makers' Club, where we send heaps of good vibes to everyone hoping for good things to come their way. We'll talk about the importance of changing your own situation when you're not happy with it, but hold on tight because we've got a producer who decided to come onto our porch and steal our thunder! And let us tell you, it's frustrating as hell.

 So grab a cocktail and join us as we steal some thunder at the Smile Makers' Club.

The Rambling Gypsy podcast is a behind-the-scenes look at the lives of real Texans doing real sh*t. We're pulling back the curtains on our daily lives - and you're invited to laugh and learn along with us.


Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome to the Rambling Gypsy podcast. We are on our porch. This is Kelkel, my girlfriend. I'm Tiffany Foy. If this is your first time joining us, welcome. If not, welcome back, buckle up, it's going to be a good one. So this is our porch, where we are fortunate to be fortunate, where we talk and solve all the world's problems. I got a lot to solve today. I don't know about you. Here we go, holy pickles.

Speaker 2:

So I thought that eclipse was going to change all the energy and everything.

Speaker 1:

It didn't change shit. No, you're still mad.

Speaker 2:

Well, well, we did watch the eclipse yesterday.

Speaker 1:

we did, we did we went to um a place, an undisclosed location that is. Thank you for bringing that up. It's an undisclosed location where we don't have things and we're there's nothing buried or nothing.

Speaker 2:

Secrets there's no secrets, no none, just kidding we got the None, just kidding we got the glasses. We did we were there.

Speaker 1:

We did, we got the glasses. We couldn't see not a single thing. It was cloudy, overcast.

Speaker 2:

You could see better with your regular sunglasses, but it did get really dark.

Speaker 1:

It did. That was pretty cool. Path of totality they call it right.

Speaker 2:

We mortality.

Speaker 1:

We did talk about that because that's a very big word. It's not in my gypsy nary.

Speaker 2:

They say don't worry, because they're not going to mention again for like 20 years. That's what's going to happen again. 20 year reunion let's do it. Yeah, challenge, put it on the calendar. Nick. 20 years, yep, I'll see you in 20 years.

Speaker 1:

Put it in the spreadsheet same time, same place. She'll have us a whole organized, um thing that she makes for us, that we, that we bring the follow by.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so, uh, but we did we watched it and then you know, the moon passed in front and you're like you know. You know people want to steal your sunshine just like well, let's um.

Speaker 1:

Were you, I know you were up there with us, so did you see the energy in the animals and how that is a full on thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was kind of like the way it feels the calm before the storm, like it gets kind of weird and stagnant.

Speaker 1:

We kind of touched base with that when we were talking about it last week, how it um energy changes and how, yes, and so what was really kind of ironic that I noticed yesterday and I don't think that you were standing there with me because we were kind of all over the place but was when my Billy goats which they're Billy goats, if you don't know know those, that's what you call the goats with the balls oh, I thought the daddy goat.

Speaker 1:

No, that's, it's the gruff billy goats, yeah that's the one that stays by the bridge with the trolls yeah, yeah, that's the one I was thinking, right, yeah, no okay, but so you call billy's billy goats. Are the daddies the ones with the balls? So that's what? Are the daddies the ones with the balls? So that's what? Are the moms called Moms, clearly? Okay, look, today has been stressful for me. I'm feeling all the fucked up energy.

Speaker 1:

I'm a real it in from this apocalypse that we had. So, yeah, anyways, yesterday the um, the Billy's who do not like each other because one that's too much testosterone in one area, and but right before that happened, right before the apocalypse happened, they all came together in one little huddle. I don't know what they were talking about.

Speaker 2:

Wait for it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what was going on, but what I do know is that is very rare and that never happens not with mine because they, they fight them and they're like no, I thought I was dating that woman, no, I thought you were picked out that one. But we both are right. So, and for the first time in so long, yeah, that was I mean I've had sheep and goats and whatever for ever and ever and ever. That's the first time I've ever seen a bunch of billy goats huddled together.

Speaker 2:

They having a meeting? Yeah, that was kind of weird you may have been talking about that one chick that they don't want.

Speaker 1:

They all want is the problem, probably? Or just trying to decide, or I don't know, but that was pretty, that was really ironic and that was different for me.

Speaker 2:

That was cool to be around all the animals, just in case.

Speaker 1:

Just to see their energy change.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, Because they know. You know we talk about like when the flood's coming or when the storm's coming. The animals know first.

Speaker 1:

Well, that is a full on thing that I think we should talk about is stealing sunshine, sunshine Joy.

Speaker 2:

Thunder Sparkle.

Speaker 1:

That's a song, if you got it steal my sunshine there, I knew that siri cue the song.

Speaker 2:

I know every time we do this, yes, um, but um. That is a thing, though. I mean it feels like some people thrive on that, like if you have any kind of smile or joy, they they want it, they want to steal it.

Speaker 1:

You're a very energy driven person, and that is probably one of the things that brought you and I together, because we're very, very similar in that aspect. But we sensitive very, very, but I think that is really important for people that don't know you or me to understand how it really does affect a lot of people. Yes, it does.

Speaker 2:

They're energy vampires. Seriously, people just want to pour their everything out and they just want to steal. You're I was doing just fine. You came and started dumping all these problems on me and like I'm gonna give you a hug and pat on the back and attaboy you got this, but like you're not, I'm not letting you know.

Speaker 1:

No, I can't I'm sensitive right out of the gate, first thing in the morning, that is the worst. Right out of the gate, you open up your eyeballs, you're trying to figure out who's on first, who's on second. And with today's technology we have these cellular devices. You wake up, look at it and you get this novel of nonsense coming from whoever. Whatever, I'm thinking right now they don't want you to be happy.

Speaker 2:

They don't want you to smile, they just want to like oh yeah, I'm thinking right now they don't want you to be happy, they don't want you to smile, they just want to like oh yeah, I don't understand that.

Speaker 1:

I do not understand that. Your hair's weird and you talk funny and fuck y'all, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

Do your own thing. This is why?

Speaker 1:

you know why we have our porch. This is why we have our porch.

Speaker 2:

Worry about yourself. Do the world a favor. Don't Look in the mirror. Look at yourself before you start casting stones from that glass house, don't you remember your mom or your grandma or anybody in your life.

Speaker 1:

As a child growing up, we were told taught if you can't say anything, nice don't say it at all, that's from Bambi.

Speaker 2:

It is yeah, pretty, sure, sure, but that's a real thing, like, and a lot of times you know you have a lot to say. But if is it not helpful, is it just shitty, maybe just keep that to yourself.

Speaker 1:

There's a time and a place. Yeah, and it's on our porch and there's people that deserve that, and there's people that don't, yes, and and if we want to talk a bunch of noise on our porch, we can talk a bunch of noise on our porch, and that's what we're going to do If she wants to wear leather in the keys letter, I mean whatever. It's fine. I'm not saying that we're not going to make fun of you and my ass is not going to be sweaty.

Speaker 2:

But you know, to each their own.

Speaker 1:

That, there you go again we were both surprised.

Speaker 2:

Your left turn. Shit just comes out of my mouth and we're all surprised at the same time.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm just saying that I don't know why people have to steal your sunshine and take your fun away during the day, and I mean, that's just mean.

Speaker 2:

It's hard enough to find. I mean, and you know, I think that's like a narcissistic thing, like if I can't be happy, nobody's gonna be happy, of course. Oh yeah, you had a good day. Well, let me tell you about my shitty day that's not the appropriate time for that. No, if we could all just like try to celebrate wins, that would be great. Support your friends like. Be happy for them, not like. You got a better job offer than me fuck you like.

Speaker 1:

When you and I started our our porch conversations and that's how our porch came into fruition, so to speak is was us sitting there talking. I mean, how many times and I have I picked up the?

Speaker 2:

real phone kale we need to.

Speaker 1:

I need to holler at you. This is not text worthy. I know I need you to meet me stat, and if we can't, we're gonna do a a put the air pods in, yeah I'll be ready and you? You do this and you shut me down.

Speaker 1:

You tap on your pods I'm new at them where I call you, and I think this is a whole. I need you to help me adjust my attitude. I have got a problem. I have an issue. I feel like somebody just stole my thunder or maybe it's me. Can you take a look at this? Can you take a? Look at this whole scenario and tell me am I being the asshole or what is really happening? Somebody did me dirty.

Speaker 2:

Probably that's what it was. I don't know why people thrive on that. I love to see my friends doing good. I love my friends to be happy. I mean, I don't care if it's who you're in love with he, she, him, whatever. If they treat you good and you're smiling, I am all about it, you know what. And if they're cool, that's a bonus, yeah. But if you got a new job, if you, your, your kid did something great, or even if he didn't, like I'm still team team, like yeah, we're fucking doing this. Press on you can't just, you know, sulk in the wall all the time.

Speaker 2:

Just like poor me poor me.

Speaker 1:

I feel it that takes our whole um smile makers club to a whole new level.

Speaker 2:

I love that.

Speaker 1:

I think that is that's that is good.

Speaker 2:

That's solid. That's very, very solid, because we like to have joy in our hearts and spread the joy. And we'll let you pet the lemur at the beach, like for five bucks. I'm just like get him away.

Speaker 1:

No, but it makes people happy it does.

Speaker 2:

They don't always get to see that. They've only seen it on the movies. It's like we'll let them smile with us for a little while. So we've had enough.

Speaker 1:

I don't, I guess, when Do you? I do this, I mean one not sleeping. That's a horrible thing that I have never been able to really honestly get under control. But I don't know first thing in the morning, unless I literally have been up all night frustrated as all get out and then Sounds terrible, but firing off at somebody, first and foremost, right out of the gate, mm-mm. Do you give them a chance to think Should we address the situation? How do we?

Speaker 2:

Didn't even have no coffee, just came guns blazing, mm-mm. That's not going to start me off good, I promise you.

Speaker 1:

I feel like it's been a full-on thing here lately, but I think it's intentional people don't want to see you shine sometimes and that's that's a problem within themselves.

Speaker 2:

Good friends and good people love to see other people shine. I'm all about it. I mean I want people to be doing good. I don't. I don't want you to come crying to me and have terrible. I mean I'm gonna still pat you on the back.

Speaker 1:

I got a boy, but we can't keep going through this, pat your back and send you right out the front door.

Speaker 2:

Change your situation.

Speaker 1:

Go think about your choices, think about your actions.

Speaker 2:

If you don't like your situation change it, and that's relationships that's with anyone.

Speaker 1:

Change it.

Speaker 2:

Life is too short.

Speaker 1:

We talk about that all the time. Yes, life is too short, life is so so short y'all.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to be injecting your misery into me, golly I just don't understand it, I don't understand the people that get off on that shit.

Speaker 1:

They love it. It's unreal to me.

Speaker 2:

It's sending you a paragraph text, just hoping you wake up to that.

Speaker 1:

Right out of the gate, face slap Just when you think you're climbing up the ladder and you're doing so good, and oh my goodness, I pulled myself out of this rut and shabam that is they love it. This is going to be where you're sending me. This is going to be the texts that come across your phone. It's just, it's, it's, it's a bully. Move it a thousand percent it is a bully move.

Speaker 2:

So you have to just try to, you know, pull yourself away from those people.

Speaker 1:

Look for the sunshine people look for the the good people, because they're out there, our friendship, fun literally bonded one just the way that it did, but two literally because I I go to you for so much and when it comes to that, come on, you seriously are fucking god, you seriously are and I absolutely love that about you. That is amazing and it's, I feel, like if people out and about, if you don't have a hype person, you better find one or you better be one find one.

Speaker 1:

You need to find one. And if you revisit your group of people, your um, I mean it could. It could be somebody that's literally right in front of your face and you just don't even realize it. But I think, if you sit back and you go back to the drawing board and you reevaluate your situation and think, wow, that person has been my hype person.

Speaker 2:

They are on my side and you just don't really right, you don't really realize it. When I call, they answer you know, there's plenty of those people like, yeah, call me if you ever need anything and I'm like you know what, I'm gonna call her. And then I'm like you, this bitch didn't even answer, I never even call you. So when you see my number a couple times on screen, you better answer, cause it might be something yeah, a real phone call. Exactly, you got the caller ID, you knew it was me.

Speaker 1:

Don't hit that denied button because I'll keep on calling. I'm going to call back. I know I learned that from my father.

Speaker 2:

Might even leave you a real voicemail.

Speaker 1:

You got a call 75 times I learned that from my son that got the new watch.

Speaker 2:

You know he had that thing two hours he made.

Speaker 1:

He was real excited 20 were to me Exactly, just in case I'm going to need Nicole's number two. I don't know how that chart yeah.

Speaker 2:

KCL are busy. He's walking around like hey, Grandma, Look at this girl and I did a school today. I'm like turn it off. I let him wear it to school yesterday. I knew that was not a good idea and he's like asking to turn off school's alerting my phone every single time it's doing this. I'm like okay, this was a bad idea he's checking in the library, he's checking in the cafeteria, he's checking in right down the hall he went to the bathroom. That thing, yeah, which is handy when he's around the neighborhood.

Speaker 1:

So we have to back up and tell everybody so kel's baby bless the one who, yes, bless his heart and yes, we're using that in the in the miranda lambert terms he, look, he's cute y'all have all heard that song. It's a good song. If you haven't look it up, you're welcome miranda. But um, he's got, so she gets him this watch and it's um, it's not like.

Speaker 2:

Well, we all know it's not an apple watch okay, I knew you were gonna go there, but it's really so I could track him in the neighborhood. Well, yeah.

Speaker 1:

They have air tags for that. Yeah, If you had an apple you would know about the air tag.

Speaker 2:

Okay, should I microchip his ass, if they?

Speaker 1:

love me. Yeah, no shit, that's a full-on thing, I know how to do that.

Speaker 2:

It's frowned upon, but look that baby's mine I should be able to make the choice Seriously.

Speaker 1:

So he's got this watch and it's a um. I didn't realize until we were talking yesterday that it's actually a. It's on your freaking plan plan. Yeah, it's a thing. I thought it was like the flip phone. I'm not going to mention anybody's names. Mr phone I'm not going to mention anybody's names. Mr Nashville, that has a flip phone. I wish y'all would quit telling me that I can't mention names on my own damn porch. I'm going to start mentioning everybody's names.

Speaker 2:

I didn't read the fine print clearly.

Speaker 1:

We need to put a disclosure on the bottom. Look, your name may be mentioned. We may run over you. Here's my attorney's name and phone number.

Speaker 2:

If you want to go ahead and call her, you put it on speed dial, gina, where?

Speaker 1:

you at. I got you on speed dial. See, she just name dropped her Boom. I didn't even say her last name.

Speaker 2:

It's a small town. Everybody has a Gina in their life. Everybody has a Gina. It's like a Karen and a Linda, exactly so.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, the kids got the watch. Jesus Christ, we just went around the plaza 17 times backwards and I get this, you tell me about it. And I get this random phone call from this 512 number and I hear I said hello and in the background, Prank caller I know, yeah, hello, but it didn't say prank caller. I know, yeah, hello, but it didn't say the spam on the thing. So I think I had to give it a listen. Maybe I needed to save somebody.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it was somebody that was needing, needing my help.

Speaker 1:

That was nice.

Speaker 2:

That didn't try to steal my thunder. Yeah, you see these other. Okay, you bring in thunder, what you got.

Speaker 1:

Right. So all of a sudden I hear Shiloh in the back go, you need to tell her who you are.

Speaker 2:

And then all of a sudden I hear it's me Ro Baby, hand gypsy. It's me Ro Baby, I need some bananas.

Speaker 1:

What you doing. And he said, and so, and you had already told me about the watch. And I said, ro Baby, did you get your watch? And he said yes, and so we start talking about it and and I can just hear Shiloh in the, which you know, shiloh is such a man of words, he says two.

Speaker 2:

All in the whole he's a one liner on the text too. Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

No, so much to say. And uh, yeah, so I am you. You know the visual person and I'm can just see ro sitting there talking to his watch and he's so excited on gypsy. It's me ro baby, and so he's, he's talking to his and I said, do you feel, are you talking into your watch? And he goes yes, and he says I said, do you feel like a superhero? And he goes kinda, kinda and I can just literally just see his whole smile through coming through the freaking, and he's like hang on, gypsy.

Speaker 1:

Hang up, I'm gonna call you right back yeah, and then he's so cute you had already told me that he gets like 20 people that he can put on his thing and I said, look, I have a question for you. And he says yes, yeah. And I said was I the first person that you put in your phone, in your watch? And he said yes, and I said that's all that matters. That's all that matters.

Speaker 1:

It was so cute Honey mama and daddy and gypsy and aunt gypsy made me feel so good and then he called um after school the second day after he had his watch and nick and I are sitting at the dining room table, powerhousing as usual, and my phone lights up and she's got my phone more than I do because I you know me I don't want it tiffany's phone, yeah, and so, and we look at it and it's his picture in.

Speaker 1:

In fact, Riley is the one that said I said I got to put a picture in his phone because Rye was at the house when Rowan got his watch. Oh Lord we were talking and so I put the picture of him. When I posted on the socials about my pool boy is cuter than yours with his Matt Castillo hat.

Speaker 2:

Who is Matt Castillo? Y'all remember Matt Castillo?

Speaker 1:

Y'all know who he is. Yes, yes, he was he.

Speaker 1:

We had him on the porch, matt castillo and um that's so I put that is his profile pic on my phone when he calls from his watch. And he called and and he said hey, aunt gypsy, and I said yeah, and he goes um, can you please give nick my number? Because I just feel like that when you and my mom are busy on the porch and y'all might be like doing a podcast or something, I might need to call her, that. I might need to call Nick if y'all are busy. You're right, it is so stinking cute. I'm thinking. Look at this little kid. He's thinking emergency contacts already, as he should. Yeah, no, what he's thinking is I've seen my mom and Aunt Gypsy together and I'm going to need a backup plan. A backup plan and Aunt Nick.

Speaker 2:

She's a little more my size. She feels me. She'll answer when I call she loves me. She don't have her own kids, so she don't hate them.

Speaker 1:

just yet it's exactly right, and so it was just so cute and I could just hear his spirit coming through his watch. As he's just like, I'm going to need to make sure that you give Nick my number because yeah, and that's what he did. He said because y'all might be busy. But I know what he meant Y'all might be making bad choices and doing stupid shit.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Get the boy We'll bring tacos, but it was so cute. It was so cute, but that was pretty precious. So talk about stealing thunder and somebody making your day. That's pretty stinking cute, amen, and now you done took it away from him he not taking it to school.

Speaker 2:

He got the adhd. He's already distracted. Now he's like I'm checking in, I'm going to the bathroom, I'm. No, you can have that for when you get home.

Speaker 1:

Well, I do, I. I can't get his whole checking in thing because he's very tech savvy.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, couldn't even read and he's just like Mom nope, skip. You can press skip now. I'm like you're so bossy.

Speaker 1:

Somebody can't tie their shoes Every remote. I have everything that we have, and changes my channels my whatevers.

Speaker 2:

We all have our gifts. I mean, you know, it kind of makes you smile sometimes, yeah, but I live with them, so sometimes like I've had, enough smiles today. That's enough.

Speaker 1:

Go upstairs now you're gonna steal his thunder.

Speaker 2:

Take your watch, you take your thunder with you. Take your thunder and go right upstairs. Yep, yeah take a lap whatever you gotta do you need to be nice?

Speaker 1:

you need a few minutes.

Speaker 2:

I try, but it's a. It's a full-time job, I know I told you, he's still my birthday and all that. The kid's born on my birthday and he's like mom how much? Longer till our birthday?

Speaker 1:

how much longer what are we gonna do? You know, yesterday, when we were at the ranch or the place or whatever it is the undisclosed location undisclosed location um hadley. Yeah, I'm name dropping it's my horse.

Speaker 2:

I can name drop my own horse she's adorable.

Speaker 1:

She's my the biggest, tiniest horse ever and she is. She was born at my place and she's little bitty girl and she's got her. She's special, she is. She's so amazing she's got gastric ulcers so she's got to take medicine for the rest of her life, but she is just an amazing little girl. Well, her birthday was april the third. She turned four. She turned four years old. Well, she was stomping her hoofie and so I climbed the fence yesterday and pulled up her hoofie and was picking stuff out of out of the, out of the back of her hoofs, and talking about somebody just bringing the light and making your heart feel so good.

Speaker 2:

That's what it's about.

Speaker 1:

It's just watching those sweet babies. But in that conversation I was talking to one of the guys that was up there with me and you know, I have another horse that's bred Harmony, and I can mention her name too, because she is my baby. Shout out Harmony, harmony. Yeah, kind of ironic.

Speaker 2:

There you go, girl.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this horse was given to me and she has just been a blessing in disguise and she is bred and she is pregnant and she just had her sonogram. And I was just telling Witt. I said you know it's going to be kind of crazy because they moved her due date back, and I said so. Kel, rowan and Garrison all have birthday. There's three names I dropped and now I'm going to throw Harmony in the mixture because wouldn't that be so cool if Harmony's? Because she's due the end of May, maybe she'll have twins no, I'm saying no, they don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Horses don't have twins.

Speaker 2:

No, see, we're all learning what if you? Want to have another birthday, baby Harmony on your.

Speaker 1:

I mean, what if she has the baby on y'all's birthday? Are you gonna be mad too? Because I mean I'm over it. I'm over it, it's already, it's been stolen.

Speaker 2:

You can't re-steal it, man. I guess you could probably stolen goods.

Speaker 1:

Come on change.

Speaker 2:

I saw your okay, I would still be happy, but would not be special.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that would be really special even if it's close even, yeah, so that's when she's a lot of things to make me smile, that would be yeah, that would be pretty epic.

Speaker 2:

That would be very cool.

Speaker 1:

Yes's a lot of things to make me smile, that would be yeah.

Speaker 2:

That would be pretty epic. That would be very cool. Yes, got a lot of babies coming up, huh.

Speaker 1:

We have. We just saw. We got to play with the baby goat yesterday. That was so fun. Stay tuned. We're going to post pictures because they are so cute. Yes, if anybody is looking for some tiny babies, I have got tons of amazing cute, cute, cute, tiny. Um. They are dwarf, pygmy, nigerians, itty bitty and see-through. Blue eyes, amazing colors, um, only one with the unibrow he's.

Speaker 2:

Yet we still have. We still have more to come.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, we've got some twins, some triplets, but they're so stinking cute and two baby donkeys we have two baby donkeys, yes, and your little sheep this year yes, we do. Oh, we talked about this last week for everybody watching. You guys need to like, share, comment yes, and give us reviews. But here's what I need from everybody that is hanging with us on the porch um, so I think it was probably the first episode that we talk about when um garrett, which is steve trevino and renee trevino, captain evils, yeah, dropping those names too but, yes, so he's my g4 because I have g1, g2, g3.

Speaker 1:

He's been my g4 and he is the one that named chicken chicken and rooster okay yes, and so chicken and rooster had a baby, had a baby, and we're looking for a name. I need a name for chicken and rooster. Can't be nugget, though right, it cannot be nugget. We had nugget yesugget was last year. Chicken Papa Papa, he's black like Big Papa. Could be Little Papa. No stop, we got Poppy already. Okay, fine, we got Poppy.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we're going to be taking suggestions for names we're taking suggestions.

Speaker 1:

I need some names and, yes, I will Fear the winner. Yes and Will. When we air this, I will make sure that we put a picture of the little fella on there, so he's stinking cute as all get out. He's got a little hairy beard and his little hairy toe. He is a baby doll south down is what they are called and he's little, tiny and he's solid black and he will not change colors. And look, and he did have the tail that we talked about. Well, I'll dock the tail.

Speaker 1:

The long rat tail, that I was not. I did not know about that, yeah, so people remember that, yeah, would the girl grab the thing and the tail fell. Yes, yeah, it's a full on thing.

Speaker 2:

I'm referring to that and if you don't remember, roll the tape, roll. Go back a couple episodes replay that episode, because I did not know that they had long tails first of all, you just said episode I was gonna just keep it going and no, we're gonna add that to the gypsy scenario, that's amazing episode.

Speaker 1:

That's where we just talked about the attorneys and suing, so we might as well let's just spell that e-p-i-s-U-E-D.

Speaker 2:

Episued. Oh, that's a good one, you got Episued. Episued Because you're dropping names, you're not giving shout outs.

Speaker 1:

You got Episued on the porch cast Shout outs to people that didn't even know it was coming? Did you tell everybody what we changed our deal?

Speaker 2:

to oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

The porch cast. It's not a podcast, it's our porch cast cast. It's good. I like it. I think it's great. It makes me smile, see, and I'm not stealing it isn't that amazing how that works.

Speaker 2:

It was mine, I made it up it was a good time.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna take credit, we're gonna take, we're gonna both blame or credit.

Speaker 2:

Some of it could be all of it none of it yeah, I'll be taking all of it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, bring it on. So we need to come up with a um baby name. Well that, but we need to come. We need to discuss how um don't say financials no oh my god, kel, it's too close to the 15th. Why do you have to bring up negative I? Hate it when they say that um, no, what we have to do is we have to talk about how, or we have to come up with how. You don't steal our thunder how not?

Speaker 1:

there's a block, be a thunder stealer, do you have a block button on your green phone? Oh, yes oh, that's awesome.

Speaker 2:

It's so good you just shut them. I don't do it like regularly. Some people are like block, unblock, block, um. If I block you, you're blocked for life. I'm not, I'm not unblocking, oh, I'm blocking, oh I'm and then that's it.

Speaker 1:

Well, I and I feel like I I'm gonna give you another chance that you go sit down in the corner and think about your choices and what you said, and then we're gonna come back and we're gonna talk about it, and so then I un, that's fair.

Speaker 2:

I think I let it go too far. And then I'm like nope.

Speaker 1:

And then I'm like what you thought about, because clearly you didn't think about a damn thing, and so I put you right back in your corner, and that means I blocked you again Think again. Yeah, it's called a do-over Yep Mulligan yeah. I do think that, but we need to have a, we need a plan of attack, we need a plan of action.

Speaker 1:

How not to get your thunder stolen, yeah, and it's not taking the turtlet paper out of HEB like all you bunch of asshats did yesterday for the apocalypse. What even was that so stupid? I don't even want to talk about it. They're making memes that just stole my own thunder. I just stole my own thunder. You was ready to go and then, and then I just shot myself right down with a damn roll of Charmin.

Speaker 2:

That's stupid. I like cotton nail.

Speaker 1:

But oh, now you're being racist. Is it because you like that bear? Charmin is the bear, I think, which is the one that wiggles his little butt and says he's got butt crusties or something yeah nobody wants that. No you gotta wipe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that will stay your thunder.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but let's think about it Honestly, plan.

Speaker 2:

What do you do To not steal the thunder or to not get your thunder?

Speaker 1:

stolen. No, you're not a thunder stealer.

Speaker 2:

Well, clearly no. To keep people from stealing your thunder? Yes, redirect. Maybe not tell everyone everything. Keep some of that joy to yourself. If it's not the right, read the room. Some people are not going to be here for it. They don't deserve to know all the good things. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think one. Thank you for clarifying that. And if you're not watching, she just held up one finger, One. Now we both just did Good thing. Number one First of all, we're going to start with four. Number four is no, I think that you and I'm trying to, I'm trying to think before I say this, because it's a new thing we're trying to do Think before we talk, right yeah? Yeah, that never works out for me very well, me either.

Speaker 2:

Never works out for me very well, but I'm going to try.

Speaker 1:

So is yes, think before you talk, mm-hmm, because words hurt that talk.

Speaker 2:

Because words hurt Sticks and stones May break my bones, but words will never hurt me Now think about that for a minute. Well, that's not always true. I guess that's a crock of shit, yeah words can hurt.

Speaker 1:

They hurt worse than them sticks and them stones.

Speaker 2:

But I think some people are going to be more inclined to appreciate what you're talking about. So maybe if someone's having a real hard time, you're not gonna be like, hey, guess what happened to me. You know, I mean, maybe that's not the right time or the right place, like find the right audience and also try to celebrate other people's victories with them, and that's awesome. I would never do that job, but I'm glad you're excited about it. Maybe don't say it like that, but you know it's like small victories gotta celebrate. Yeah, what's number two?

Speaker 1:

two call your therapist. It's called job security. Job security, hello. Can you hear me now? Hello?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is an emergency situation. I know you could charge me after hours on call whatever I woke up and they were mean to me and I don't know how to handle this Delete. Delete that message.

Speaker 2:

They want you to engage.

Speaker 2:

Someone sends you a shitty message like that and knows. You know, there's a thing like scheduled send time, which I didn't know, because sometimes I think of things late at night and I want to send it but I don't want to wake you up, so I'll put like 10 in the morning. Boom, you know, but it's like they were planning to wreck your day. Yes, so you know you just can't let them do it. I don so you know you just can't let them do it. I don't know. Consider the source also. Is someone miserable sending you messages that are trying to make you miserable, like I see what you did there, my therapist says well, not, I mean, you kind of are my therapist.

Speaker 2:

I mean you're my portupist.

Speaker 1:

Did you hear that one? A portupist, write that down. Yep, that's what the p-o-r-c-h-a-p-i-s-t. You can put a dash in the middle if you want.

Speaker 2:

I don't give a damn yeah, get one of them.

Speaker 1:

Accent marks, yeah, I like those. You can put a nunyas on there if you want to. I don't care. No, hey, but you gotta disengage. Do you know how hard it is to disengage when you're fired up? Do you know how hard? It is to disengage when you're a Heinz 57 like this one, wow, and I don't want to let it bother me, because I know this you got to put them in, push them down, keep them under control, smooth the vein Woo, and that guy just gets to bam.

Speaker 2:

When you're happy or sad, though, fired up I'm telling you you know you can't sweat the small stuff, you can't let people oh, but I sweat it. Oh well, I do too. I try to say that, but I'm thinking it to death.

Speaker 1:

And if y'all haven't heard me mention it before, I've seen you throw a fork at a restaurant.

Speaker 2:

Every time I know that was like one time. I don't mean to be bringing up old shit.

Speaker 1:

But it was good, Okay. And then I was like okay, look, Rowan, You're not wrong. You probably had a good reason. You wonder where he gets it from.

Speaker 2:

I don't wonder.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You damn, you know, but that's the thing. Trying to discipline the you out of yourself is like the ultimate struggle.

Speaker 1:

I saw one of them little meanie things or whatever you call them the other day and it said one of these days you're going to realize that you act like your mother.

Speaker 2:

I say that all the time.

Speaker 1:

Look at me turning into my mother.

Speaker 2:

Take your socks off if you're going outside. You're going to ruin those. Wait, was that just my mom? That came out of my mouth? Flashback Finish that soda or don't drink it at all. Seriously, yeah, eat your food. She was right. We're not getting it. Yeah, she was Mom. I know you're not Right.

Speaker 1:

She needs to eat her vegetables first of all, and you cuss too much, Kelly.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm sorry, I'll try harder. Eat your vegetables, we're both wrong.

Speaker 1:

She won't touch anything, that's green.

Speaker 2:

Shame on her. Nope, nope, nope.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's.

Speaker 2:

I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't know that we've figured out how to solve a plane of attack of stealing thunder.

Speaker 2:

But we're working on it and be aware I mean pay attention to those people that you know they're just coming in, just ready to dump on you and steal your joy.

Speaker 1:

I just can't imagine that being your goal in life, but I guess it is.

Speaker 2:

People live like that they do. I don't get out much.

Speaker 1:

I watch Dr Phil there's people that get on there, and that's what they do they love it? Yes, and they're just the spammers and the. They thrive on it. That's so mean Mm-hmm. You know, we talk about going to get some Jesus juice and some Is that wine.

Speaker 2:

Holy water.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, okay, well, you know. Hey, it depends on the time of the day. Kelly, you're right. There's times where you gotta break the bread, there's times when you gotta drink the wine, there's times when you've gotta do both, and there's times when you need to spritz everyone. Confess your sins, yes Again. Ask the Lord for some forgiveness, I mean.

Speaker 2:

Forgiveness. Some of these people need some forgiveness, that's for sure. Just come in nasty. Y'all need to change your attitude. You come in shitty just don't.

Speaker 1:

I think that's how Madea became famous. I'm sure she's so good, he, she, I mean, it is so good, he is so she, shit, so good. You're not wrong. But you know every one of the movies that do. We say he, I mean because it really is he. Yeah, it's telepathy but I mean it's, but it's medea, I mean it's this whole. Yes, brand.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you see what it did there.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome, jc. Look at you yeah coming in hot a name dropped, dropped again. How many is that today? This is a fun game. This is so good. I'm going to name drop. I'm just going to keep on dropping them.

Speaker 2:

Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot.

Speaker 1:

Hey, did you ever figure out 80s ladies? I looked it up.

Speaker 2:

I indeed had never heard that song in my entire life.

Speaker 1:

Now that I have, though, I was like yesterday years old, it's okay KT.

Speaker 2:

It's alright. I know KT Oslin is. We'll forgive her.

Speaker 1:

I was like an 80s baby not an 80s lady, so cute and tiny and such a little youngster hanging out on the porch.

Speaker 2:

I know a lot of old shit okay, you do. My mom says 80s, is her forgetting? Start over there it is.

Speaker 1:

For 80s. Is her forgive?

Speaker 2:

forgetting. Start there it is. Start over forgotten. Start over decade cut. I know, change reel it in wrap, yeah, forget it.

Speaker 1:

Where's the hook? Our porch days are over golly kill the dreaded conversation.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna fire me on air. Um, just kidding, you want to talk? About dreads how about those new ones? Everyone saw the curly, kinky, curly orphan, any episode look at this nonsense and then bam man your girl, she puts in work she's fire she's gotta do the. Yeah, I mean, just taking them out was a whole thing, but putting them in is a whole another thing, yeah I'm know, Showed up with that bag of hair Was like I'm here, Look what I got.

Speaker 1:

Look, everybody's got baggage. Mine just happens to have hair in it.

Speaker 2:

She wasn't even intimidated.

Speaker 1:

She was like oh, I got this. No, she said, let me get some bacon soda Wait what are we making?

Speaker 2:

Are we baking cupcakes and stuff? We're just going to watch, watch yeah this is a whole process.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and I did a little vid. I made nick. Take a little thing, a little snippet oh that's what you call it, hence the 80s ladies. No, oh, rosanna, rosanna donna that's right. I had to google her too oh my god, y'all are so cute. I look all you people that are out there on you were on point to the saturday, that I mean back in the day when I'm old as hell. It's fine.

Speaker 2:

Look at the hair.

Speaker 1:

Come on now, get you some Rosanna Rosanna Donna in your life.

Speaker 2:

It's so good it was on point. As soon as I Googled it I was like, oh this bitch.

Speaker 1:

Funny Sometimes when I just come out with stuff like that it's so good, we, stuff like that it's so good, we both surprised. That's just why we do.

Speaker 2:

It's just so why we do? I didn't know, I was going to say that either, so we're all surprised Our shit show is such a good time on our porch.

Speaker 1:

It's so fun, but yeah, that was a good one. I'm definitely going to have to. That one's going to have to air because it was hilarious.

Speaker 2:

Somebody's in charge of that.

Speaker 1:

And the fact you and I walked into the salon and y'all also. If you didn't see what my hair looked like last week, you need to, because it's a whole, it's a whole thing. But when I walked in and the look on everyone's face was like wow, how'd you do that? What happened. I saved y'all two hours, me and Kel, you're welcome, yeah, and Fiona, she's just been in a Like. I saved y'all two hours, me and Kel, you're welcome, yeah, and Fiona, she's just been in a bad mood.

Speaker 2:

I don't know she don't like my hair.

Speaker 1:

She don't like the apocalypse. She don't like my hair either.

Speaker 2:

She don't recognize me. She don't recognize me right now.

Speaker 1:

Fiona's my lemur for you guys. Yeah, she's big mad. The last two days I need to call her Blunkle and tell her she's getting big.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think she just needs a friend she has a friend.

Speaker 1:

You got a friend in me, oh well.

Speaker 2:

You got a friend in me.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's good, we're good. Cut it down. It's the wrong part of the studio, kel. You're on this side of the porch, I'm not on the other side of the porch, alright.

Speaker 2:

Now we just rambling Gypsy we are. It's so good it is good, any shout outs. Oh, you were going to mention shirts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, did you see this, it's pretty good Y'all. I got me and Kel t-shirts, so we have what's called a gypsenary, which is my vocabulary that we've had forever, or that I've had forever, yeah, yeah. Because I don't. Y'all were even talking about that nonsense yesterday.

Speaker 2:

I'm a translator.

Speaker 1:

Totality. What the hell does that? Even Path of totality? What does that even mean? I said it sounds like a good song, isn't that a song? It's going to be now? Okay, probably.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We need a path of totality. Song songwriter's desire to become a better bitch. So I got his t-shirt and that's exactly. Yeah, kel's showing you it says ambitious, it's an adjective. Oh, thank you for clarifying the only reason I knew is because it's on the shirt. Okay, it says the desire to become a better bitch and so ambitious ambitious.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we're saying it wrong. God, god, adrienne.

Speaker 1:

It's ambit. Well, we need to change it up. We need the next. He couldn't take it. The next word underneath this one without an I-O-U-S Cut it off, that's a wrap.

Speaker 2:

Ambitious. Wear the shirt.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're down here we need another t-shirt, or maybe we should just put that on a hat. We'll spell it different and, bitch, you was spell it however. We can say it however we want. It's the gypsy nary, that's right.

Speaker 2:

And and bitches like ambitious, but ambitious we're not even giving adrian a copy of our deal we're done here. Of our gypsy, yeah, okay, okay, he didn't, he. He like I already heard all this shit. I don't understand. First time, I don't want to read it kind of hurt my feelings.

Speaker 1:

It's not for him. Why is he trying to steal our thunder?

Speaker 2:

we're not here.

Speaker 1:

That's what this whole show, that's what our whole porch episode is about is stealing our thunder, exactly. He just came right in here and just stole our thunder. Now we need to go back to plan a, or is that number four? A one, yeah, a c1. What are we?

Speaker 2:

need to go back to plan A, or is that number?

Speaker 1:

four A1. Yeah, a C1. What are we going to do? Appendix A the small fine print on how you don't let anyone steal your thunder or come in you say it however you want to say it. He came in the porch and just told us we didn't know how to talk, right, we don't know how to read either.

Speaker 2:

Listen, we all have our gifts. Well, and I'm going to say it. However, I want to say it, and even if it's wrong.

Speaker 1:

We still haven't resolved how we're going to not let him steal our thunder. It's stolen, the whole topic of our conversation is how do we keep people from stealing our thunder? And we just let Adrian walk on our front porch and try to steal our thunder. That happened. Now I'm pissed. Shit, oh no, now we're doing exactly what we said we were not going to do. Get fired up, changing my attitude. Now I got to Do. I need to go sit myself in a corner.

Speaker 2:

Take a lap. Wait, moose, moosefrabby.

Speaker 1:

Moosefrabby, isn't that how you do it, something like that? Well, it ain't working.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, like that. What ain't working?

Speaker 1:

okay, well, clearly it's bullshit I want to put an iuous and we're making new shirts and, adrian, we're gonna spell it different next time. Now I just threw my shirt like you threw your fork at the restaurant. Well, sometimes shit needs throwing makes you feel a little bit better I cannot believe he just stormed into our porch and just stole our thunder. I am absolutely perturbed cue the thunder the thunder.

Speaker 1:

It walked right out the. He came in the porch and walked right out the porch. I'll put the door stopper down. We need a lock. Put it on the list With a chain, like my grandma used to have. You know, when they the peephole and you slide the chain across, woo, now I'm Mm-mm-mm. He just stole our thunder. I'm mad. That was the opposite of what was supposed to happen.

Speaker 2:

This is horse shit.

Speaker 1:

We need to get our plan together. What are we doing?

Speaker 2:

Well, we need to think we got a whole week to get our plan together, I guess.

Speaker 1:

No, we don't. We need to plan right now. We have one minute.

Speaker 2:

Let's go. Can we go kick?

Speaker 1:

him in the shins, let's do it. No, we can't leave the porch right now. We're still planning things. Okay, we got to think.

Speaker 2:

Come on, this is what we do.

Speaker 1:

This is what makes our porch time our porch time. His defense we were wrong. Uh, what? Now that I read it again, I don't give a shit. Put the shirt down. No one gives us. You never say that. Ever, ever, ever, ever. This is how you get fired on your work day. Let me say ever, ever you don't ever kill.

Speaker 2:

I'm not upset about it, I am. I'm still going to wear the shirt.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're going to wear the shirt, but now we got to go back to print.

Speaker 2:

But look, got to spell it different so that we were right. You got to make yourself right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you just said we were wrong. You said first of all. I'm not even going to say that again. Shame on you. Yeah, you need to go sit yourself in the corner. I'm the reader. You need to go think about your choices. That was my fault. You need to think about what you said. We still don't have a plan.

Speaker 2:

I'll try harder.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, I'm going to think about how to react about this, because clearly y'all can see my blood pressure just boiling right now. Are my cheeks red not?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The shirt is adorable and Now you're trying to talk me off a ledge. That's so cute.

Speaker 2:

Reel her in. Reel her in. Come on back to me now. No, you got this. It's fine, it's a great shirt. I can't wait to wear it and I'll say it. However, I'm going to say it and I'll smile when, I say it. I think it says ambitious, ambitious. Either way, it's the same inflection.

Speaker 1:

No, it isn't, he came into our porch and stole my fucking thunder.

Speaker 2:

I'm mad, I'm mad. Well, I was going to kick him in the shins, but you said I couldn't leave the porch.

Speaker 1:

No, but you can do that after On the way out. On the way out, the front door. I'll remember I should have worn better shoes. You can borrow mine. I know that's right as I do. It's called boot duty Boot duty.

Speaker 2:

Did you know that I can't do it? I can't do it, okay, stop.

Speaker 1:

You're hurting my angle. That's weird. Yeah, I thought I was just going to slide right off. I might have have a solid plan and I have. Nick's gonna put it in some kind of a PDF thing that she does word flash presentation with her stick and she'll show us how to do.

Speaker 2:

And this is our plan of action when somebody tries to steal your thunder, so let's leave everybody with that, like, let's try to all have a plan of attack about how not to get your thunder stolen comment help us, comment Help us. Review, not Question Answer.

Speaker 1:

Well, add to our plan, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean we're always yes always taking suggestions?

Speaker 1:

I think so. I think we need to have a good. Clearly, we need extra tidbits of advice because my, clearly, my attitude and my blood pressure right now tells you that I don't have any, except happy hour after this. That's good. That's always a good plan. That is always a good plan, solid. Yes, so, um, traveling a little bit next week, so we're gonna have to. We'll check our schedule for our porch time, but today was fun.

Speaker 2:

Yesterday was fun Hanging out at the Hell yeah, stay tuned, we're going to have some pictures of the little babies.

Speaker 1:

We need some names. I need a lot of names, of course.

Speaker 2:

So the black goat baby name. No, we got a sheep, a couple goats.

Speaker 1:

Donkeys already have names. Yep, we have the two baby donkeys, we have eight goats and we have one baby sheep, and then we have a whole plethora of baby goats that are still coming.

Speaker 2:

Stay tuned and we have a baby horse coming. We can't wait. Don't let people steal your thunder. Don't Like I just did. Smile Makers Club.

Speaker 1:

Just walk away from those energy vampires when you're smiling yeah, it's gonna be a good day, but hey, thanks for hanging out on the porch. We're fortunate to be fortunate. You guys, come hang with us next week. I'm gonna change my attitude. I'm gonna think about my choices. I'm gonna go put myself in a corner and Adrienne is not coming back on my front porch noted period cut corner and Adrienne is not coming back on my front porch Noted Period Cut. Love you, Adrienne.